The Prank

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Recap: Laksh the perfect son-in-law

Laksh put the shoppers on the table, "Maa you relax I will place the vegetables into the right place." Laksh carries the shoppers into the kitchen.

Janki smiles, "Okay beta!"

RagSheDa got nervous, Janki sat on the couch, looking at them with death glares.

Ragini gulps, "why do I feel like she knows that we have planned something?"

Shekhar moves aside, "I don't know what you are saying, we haven't planned anything. If someone has planned something than it is only you." He smiles awkwardly and went to Janki.

Ragini widen her eyes in disbelief, "Daadi Maa did you heard what your son just said?" She turns and was shocked, as her granny was gone.

"Daadi Maa?" She took harsh breaths seeing her granny in the kitchen near Laksh. Is she going to complain about me? Are they going to expose and blame me for this?

Laksh was taking the vegetables and starts to clean them under the water tap in the basin, he took a cutting board and a sharpe knife to cut them in small pieces.

"Daadi Maa?" Ragini came in and lifts her eyebrows, "what are you doing here?" She asked gesturing with her hand.

Daadi Maa smiles, "I'm watching him cooking our lunch. Did you know, that he is a cook?"

Ragini shook her head, she was having a cute smile on her face, "No, but now I'm more excited to eat the food made by him." The way she said it with sweetness and love made him smile, "don't worry my Ragini, you will get the most... Ouch!!!" He shouts loud and they all got shocked.

"Laksh ji!!!!" Ragini shouts in fear, she had placed her hand over her mouth.

Ragini rushed to him, "Laksh ji!" She said under tears, "show me!"

Ragini rushed to him, "Laksh ji!" She said under tears, "show me!"

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Laksh shook his head, "Aah my finger." He made a painful face not looking at her, but holding his hand close to his body, he was covering it with his other hand.

Ragini was crying, "Laksh ji, show me!" She was crying bitterly and more louder than before, there Laksh felt bad, "oh don't hit me." He shows his finger, which had no injury.

Ragini glares at him, "you fooled me!" She shouts at him and frighten the hell out of him.

Daadi Maa moves backwards. Oh no, Laksh made a prank on Ragini, oh Gosh only God can help this guy now on top of his prank he made her cry. Shekhar is gonna kill him.

Shekhar and Janki have come there too, they were witnessing it all, both shook their heads.

Ragini was glaring at him with anger filled eyes, she was breathing uneasy and hard as if she is trying not to explode on him.

Laksh comes with a mischievous smile, "Ragini I know you were going to prank on me. The moment I stepped in I felt it that there is something fishy. The way you behaved and calling for Daadi Maa gave me the last hint. You come only to see if she is telling me or not." He was looking at her with his hands on his hips.

Janki and Shekhar just shook their heads as they know their tornado will now create a thunderstorm.

Ragini made a fist and a hard punch reached Laksh face. Laksh got a right hit on his nose, his head moves back, but only because of the hit not for defence. He felt something warm sticky under his nose, he touched it and looked at his hand, "what the...?" Laksh was bleeding from his nose.

Ragini stamps away from there, she didn't thought about the prank they had planned for Laksh and slipped badly backwards on her bottom.

"Ouch!" She shouts and they looked at her, then on the ceiling, where she had bind a bucket with garbage.

"Yuck!" She stamps with the feet's on the floor, "Laksh I HATE YOU!" There wasn't a ji this time only Laksh, but he wasn't giving her any heed. He went into the washroom and cleaned his nose.

I can't believe it that she actually punched me on my nose and what is this for a shitty prank she tried to play on me. Messing with Lucky will cost you more than you have, but messing with Ragini Lakshya Maheshwari costs me a peaceful life. I guess I shouldn't give in otherwise she will rule over me, No!

Laksh comes out, again not giving her a glare or a hand to help, she stood up and rushed upstairs to their bed, Laksh sat on the couch.

"Ouch!" He shouts loud and jumped up from the couch rubbing his bottom, "what was this?"

Shekhar smiles, "a small current. Ragini knew you would sit there and placed a small devise between the material."

Daadi nods, "yes, this oil on the floor was my idea and the bucket was the idea of your father-in-law."

Laksh and Janki looked at them in disbelief, "means my wife's prank actually worked and your backfired on her?"

Daadi and Shekhar nodded and immediately shook their heads, "damn it!"

Laksh hold his head up, kindly resting it on his neck to stop the bleeding, "isn't it strange, I was just pretending to be hurt and she made me bleed. Now this is unfair, I didn't hit her."

Janki comes and twists his ear, "you know how much she loves and cares for you, still you played the prank on her just because you felt she is planning something. She loves you so much that she only placed a device on the couch you have no imagination what she did to other's." She didn't loose the grip on his ear.

Laksh moans in pain, "I understand, but my wife can punch has anyone of you ever thought to tell me about it?" He looked at them and they lowered their heads.

"You should know, Ragini is very active in sports like boxing and basketball, you know she follows her idol, the role model she has chosen for herself." Janki said, "I'm so proud of her."

Laksh smiles while lifting his hand, "me, Laksh a.k.a Lucky role model of Ragini Lakshya Maheshwari, I'm happy that I inspired her. Could you know please release me?" He said will blinking eyes.

Janki and Shekhar stood there like statues, "I guess she told you about her crush, that was me and we were unaware of it."

Ragini was under the shower and crying bitterly. Idiot how dare he playing such a stupid prank with me, I won't leave him. I won't talk to him or pray for him. He can do all by himself I don't need him, he needs me.

Ragini comes out of the washroom, she closed the door and locked it from inside. She changed and hide in the room.

Laksh looked at them, "okay, if you think I'm going and will apologise then you are mistaken. I won't!" He sat on the other couch, not moving from there.

Ragini had locked herself in her bedroom.

Shekhar, Janki and Daadi Maa were looking confused what will happen now?

Who will apologise or will someone give up or will it be the family making a patch up?!

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