Never ending Love

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Recap: RagLak day out during the pregnancy.

Laksh was alone, the hall was clean a bench and some chairs to sit were present, he was looking at the door playing unwantedly with his hands.

The door opens and the nurse looked at him, "she is ready, you can meet her."

Laksh smiles, "really. Well thank you." He was excited, but it was better not to show it. He made a few steps, he stood there at the door entrance of the patient room.

*knock knock*

Ragini, who was lost in her thoughts, looked at him with a smile, "Laksh ji."

Laksh smiles even more, he entered the room and sat on the bed near her feet's, "should I massage you?" He asked, but Ragini shook her head.

"No, Laksh ji. I'm fine, but baby doesn't want to come." She hold her belly and Laksh smiles brightly, "cause he wants to stay close to his mama, the safest place on earth."

Ragini frowns, "oh really?" She crossed her arms and gave him a stern look.

"Haan Baba, just think. Maa ke paron ke neeche hoti hai Jannat {The heaven is under your mother's feet} and Jannat is he safest place."

"But Laksh ji, he is in my womb not under my feet's."

"Okay you are right. Actually I wanted to say something else."

Ragini frowns, "like what?"

Laksh pinches her cheeks, "aww mera Baacha."

Ragini was looking at him confused, "but baacha is in my womb na, then?" She shows with her hand questioningly to him.

"Well as long as it's in your womb I have to make it like this," he explains, "now shh," he placed his index finger on his lips.

Ragini was cutely sitting there in front of him. Her big eyes were glued on him.

"I have to talk to him, listen Baacha. I know you love your mama the most even I do, but it's time to come out, how long will you stay? I have explained you what you are missing, after all your Maa is like your Heaven. Now the most important, under my hand is the most safest place cause I will protect you with my life. Now Mama is doing it, but you don't worry this won't stop in fact it will in increase and become double because I will be there too, to protect you."

Ragini was looking at him, she admires him even more, "Laksh ji?" Her voice was broke and he looked into her eyes, "Ragini?" He was shocked, but his hands were on her cheeks, he wipes the tears away and smiles, "Ragini smile."

Ragini smiles, she sniffs lightly, "Laksh ji will you stop loving me?"

Laksh widen his eyes, "why would I stop loving you? You know my love is endless only for you, besides my will love never die not until I will..."

Ragini places her palm over his mouth, "Shh, don't talk like that." She warned him and he smiles while kissing her hand.

"Baby now come it's time to see the world, I heard to dance helps."

Ragini shook her head, "no Laksh ji, I don't think so. I know today is the reporting day, but he doesn't want to come. Let him stay inside me for the rest of our life's and you will love me double all the time."

Laksh laughs, "aww I always will love you double or triple, but I want to love you equally. Now get up."

Ragini pouts, she took his hand and they started to dance, she was enjoying, but nothing was changing, till Laksh let her slip.

"Ahhh!" Ragini shouts, but Laksh was holding her protectively, "aww my baby got scared?"

Ragini blinks with her eyes, she was breathing heavily and then she looked down, "my amniotic exploded." She said unbelievably.

Never ending Love - RagLak {Under editing / Completed}Where stories live. Discover now