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Was hard to end it, but it had to be done. It's not a real epilogue just as the story says never ending love.

The door was close and it was noiseless, cuddling under the duvet was the only joy, till the door opens and a black shadow appeared.

A pair of eyes were looking to the shadow the rest of the face was hidden or better say covered. Another pair of eyes appeared, they looked at shadow, who was coming near without switching on the light.

"Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!! Bogeyman!!!!!!!!" They shouted and someone felt backwards on his bottom.

Immediately someone switched the light on and Laksh was rubbing his back in pain, glaring at his wife and son, who sighed in relief after seeing him and the rest of the family.

"Laksh get up." Shekhar said, "or else you will sleep on the ground for the rest of your life."

Laksh glares at him, "my father-in-law, I didn't had my bed for myself since I got married to your daughter." He stood up by his own and gave the duo a stern look, "you watched a horror movie?"

Both shook their beards, Laksh turns to the parents and grandparents, who were all living in their house, as Laksh had decided it to keep them all together being used of their presence and if their child will get the love of all he will be the luckiest of all.

"Did they watched?" They all lied and shook their heads negatively.

Laksh rolls his eyes, "oh shit."

They all looked at him, "I have to go back I left my file. Tomorrow morning is a very important meeting and I need the file." He looked at the wall of elders, who reluctantly shook their heads, Ragini and Raksh jumped down from the bed and hold his hand and leg, "don't leave us."

"You watched a horror movie."

Both looked at him and nodded with their cutest pout, "we did."

"Laksh don't scold them, they are kids." Daadi Maa said and they all left the room.

Laksh picks Raksh, "bad boy, you scared your mama."

"No daddy, you scared my mama." Raksh hugs him and kisses his cheek, "I love you." She was jealous, "Laksh I love you." She hugs him from the other side and kisses his free cheek.

Laksh was holding both, they were on the bed and Laksh asked them, "can I change before we will sleep?

RagRak nodded, "sure, there you will find your clothes," Ragini points on the cupboard.

Laksh took the clothes and changed it immediately, he brushed his teeth and returned to them, both were waiting for him.

"Where should I sleep?"

"Next to me." Both said synchronously, Laksh smiles, "I will sleep between you both, give me place." Laksh took Raksh and placed him on his chest, Ragini pouts, "you said between us!"

Laksh spread his arm out, "come." He said and Ragini rested her head on his chest like Raksh, both were happy and Laksh was having them close.

It was the next morning, Raksh woke up at first he kisses his fathers nose and went to his mother, he kisses her forehead and left for his morning work.

RagLak both opened their eyelids, "Ragini?!" He whispers, she turns to him, "Laksh ji exactly 30 minutes we have, then he will call or just roll off the toilet paper."

Laksh was controlling his anger over his sons waste, but he isn't this way they know it.

"30 minutes are enough." He pulls her close and .... 🙈

RagLak went to the washroom, they knocked and he was sitting on the loo, "come in."

Ragini looked at the paper, "you read it?"

Raksh nodded, "now help me." Both rolled back and Ragini cleans him.

"Laksh jo we will take a quick shower okay?"

Laksh nodded and Raksh pouts, they saw it and frowned at him, "what happen?"

"I want a bath with lots of foam." He said and they smiled at him, his wish will be fulfilled at any cost. Ragini gave him to Laksh and got the clothes for them, while RakLak were filling the tub with water and the foam was building.

Ragini comes and placed the clothes on the surface, they were already in the tub as Raksh couldn't wait to play.

Laksh smiles at her, "you want to sit here on my lap or there only at the cold side of the tub?"

Ragini went to him, "your lap." She kisses his lips and comes inside the tub.

"Maa, my foam." Raksh scold her as she was destroying it, Ragini pouts, but Laksh calms her with a kiss.

Both were trying to talk to him, "Raksh?"

Raksh looked at them, "yes." His head and hands were full of foam.

"We want to know something from you."

Raksh blinks with his eyes several times, "what?"

"Do you want a sibling?"

Raksh smiles, "Haan princess." He said and continues with his play, both were happy cause they recently found out about her second pregnancy.

They were downstairs with the whole family and told them, that Raksh is ready to have a sibling.

"Raksh you are 3 years old, are you sure you want to share your parents love?" DP asked and AP hits him, "shut up. What nonsense are you talking, if we could we would have had a dozen of kids, but we end with the one we got."

"Same here." Janki said and they all laughed, they knew she is pregnant as they told them everything previously not like before with the baby food, but with a mature talk between adults.

Laksh kisses Ragini's head, "I love you." He whispers, she shies under his gaze, "I love you too." She whispers back and Raksh was eating his food by his Great-grandfather's hand.

The endless love happy ending

Never ending Love - RagLak {Under editing / Completed}Where stories live. Discover now