Good news

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Recap: RagLak love and success in business.

Ragini was looking at Laksh, he was sleeping peacefully on the bed next to her, she was losing herself in him.

Why is he so cute and understanding, my smallest mistakes are forgiven within seconds.

Laksh felt the sun rays on his face, he moves to the other side and tried to sleep further.

Ragini stood up, she closed the curtains and smiles looking at his restful sleep. She went into the washroom and stayed there for a quite long time in the meantime Laksh woke up, he looked around and couldn't find her.

Rubbing his eyes of the sleep sand, "Ragini?" He calls her, but there wasn't a reaction. After a couple of calls, he stood up and knocked on the door of the washroom, "Ragini are you alright?" He asked and she fears, with shaking hands and groggy legs she opens the door.

"Laksh ji?" She looked at him and he looked at her tensed face.

"Ragini what happened? Why are you looking so tensed?" He cups her face, her lips were shaking, "Laksh I," she stopped as she wasn't sure how to explain him.

"Laksh ji, sit!" She commanded him, he was shocked and scared, "okay, what I did?" He asked her moving backwards to the bed, he stumbles and falls on the bed.

Ragini sat on his lap, "Laksh ji you have done something and now we have to pay for it."

Laksh fears, "what?" He was scared and she tickles him all of a sudden.

Laksh was laughing so hard, "Ragini no, please stop this."


"Why are you tickling me? Are you taking revenge from me of something I have done."

Ragini shook her head, "no, I'm not taking revenge because what we have done is made by us not you alone, I just wanted to take your fear."

Laksh was breathing, a relieved smile was on his face, "what we have done or made?"

Ragini thoughts, "Laksh ji, we done it to made it, but it's just a creation yet not a living human." She hold her belly and he kisses her navel.

He rolls her on the bed and kisses her cheek, "I love you." He said and she was laying underneath him.

Both were happy and called her parents over their place as they wanted to announce the news in front of everyone.

Janki and Shekhar came over, "why you called us here?" They asked and Ragini had cooked for them.

"Shekhar Papa please have a moment of patience. Ragini is the food ready?"

"Haan Laksh ji, but I still need 2 minutes." Ragini shouts from the kitchen.

"Okay, we can take our seats." He stood up and they followed him, they were very suspicious on their behaviour which was weirder than usually.

The parents were murmuring while Laksh was helping Ragini in the kitchen, "What are they planning?" They all shrugged and waited for them.

Laksh was holding the dishes, "here is the food." They looked at the bowl, which was having mashed potatoes. Bean soup and khichri with Khari.

They fumed in anger, "do we look that old that we can't chew our food anymore?"

Both looked at each other and back to their parents, they assumed it as a prank and RagLak bursted out into a loud laughter.


"What so funny?" They shouted and Ragini intertwined her hand with Laksh.


"Actually we were expecting you to be more smart, but you four failed. So my Baacha you won't be like your grandparents." Laksh talked to the belly, "you will be like your parents, you know cute and naughty like your mama. Smart and desirable like your papa." He kisses the belly in front of their parents, who were looking at them with open mouths.

"You are expecting?" AP said and Ragini nods widely with her head, "yes, we are."

They stood up and hugged them immediately, "my children have grown up to become parents."

"I thought we growth the moment we got married?" Laksh whispers to Ragini, who hide her smile.

They ate the food and it was decided that Ragini will stay at her parents place till her delivery.

"Laksh don't be upset, you can meet me anytime and don't forget I'm also reachable on the phone." She kisses his cheek, but he didn't liked the fact, "why you have to go to your parents place, do you think I won't be able to care for you and the child?"

Ragini shook her head, "I would never think like this, but I need a mother's support and help. Maa will be my guide and I don't want to be a burden on your shoulders, you just bagged the deal." She hold his hand sitting next to him on the bed.

"I will miss you that too double, cause you are double now."

"Aww my Lucky." She kisses his cheek continuously, knowing he won't let her go, but he was weak too, he can't deny her wish.

"You know my mom can be a guide too."

Ragini was thinking, "you know what, I have an idea."

Laksh frowns, "what idea?"

Ragini smiles, "don't worry you won't be alone."

Laksh looked at her, unknown of her plan he carried the bag down, he wasn't able to say bye.

"Maa I want AP Maa with me too, that's why I have decided that Papa will stay here in exchange I will take my both mothers with me."

Laksh was looking confused. What the hell! Did she just said I have to stay with them? But I want her and the baby.

"All the men's will stay here and the women in Baadi?" DP asked and Ragini nods with her head, "I'm carrying the baby and it's my wish as I'm pregnant you should listen to me or do you want to effect the love to my child?"

They all were shocked, the good news has become a better news for her, she was having the power of controlling them all.

Just a few chapters left

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