Cutie pie

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thisis_sonja naja wenn nicht Lakshya dann halt das hier 😁.

raglakians_forever and AdibaAfreen ❤️

Recap: Laksh... ops Lucky!

Ragini was staring at him while he was driving. His concentration got disturbed, because he could feel her gaze on him. "Please Ragini what is? Do I have something on my face?". Ragini shook in dreaming way. "No Lucky. Nothing is there what I haven't seen!". She blinks with her eyes and he smiles. "Oh you caught me! Had you known me before?".

Ragini shook her head. "No, there wasn't much pictures of you! All the pics were covered with a girl! I never liked her and I don't want to know about her! But I loved your pranks you were my idol!".

Laksh got confused. "Wait what? You have taken me as your idol, but how I mean you are so... and I was so...?". He smiles shaking his head.

"Laksh ji I love you so much! You have no idea how much I had loved Lucky! Haan idol because he was so cool, fearless and smart!".

Laksh pouts. "Wait I'm your first love and second love! First as Lucky and secondly as Laksh. That is bed!". He looked out of the window.

Ragini giggles she loves to tease him. "Laksh ji if you will break my pray ever again I will expose you in front of everyone. I'm sure Maa and Papa doesn't know much about your pranks you did in the past!". She said with a smirk.

Laksh was shocked. He looked at her and saw the smirk. Laksh nods. "Fine, so you are blackmailing me! Your husband! This means war!". He wasn't talking to her and she pouts.

"Laksh ji this is not fair. I was just joking, how can I let you suffer!". She comes closer and kisses his cheek.

Laksh smiles. "Okay we will see if it was just a joke or not!". He glares at her and she remains silent.

They reached home and Ragini again had struggle to walk. Laksh smiles and lifts her. "Aah Laksh ji no. Leave me!". She was struggling as she felt shy. "Please Maa and Papa will see that!". She hides her face in his chest and Laksh didn't cared about her talks and entered the house.

AP saw them coming in. "Laksh what happened to Ragini?". Laksh shook his head. "Nothing like this Maa. Ragini is having some walking problems. If you don't mind she would like to wear... Shalwar Khameez". Laksh didn't liked it as he loves her waist. "Ragini you know you can wear everything you want. Place her down!".

Laksh slowly made her stand. "Maa Laksh ji just lifts me without my permission. Bad!".

Laksh frowns. "Wah Ragini wah. Party change!".

AP playfully hits him. "Go Ragini get fresh and then I will prepare to the food!". Ragini nods. "Maa you don't worry I will na help you soon!". She rushes up and AP saw him. "Laksh what are you doing here so soon?!".

Laksh scratches his nape. "Uhm Maa, Ragini she was... Uhm... I'm coming! Maa she called me!". He rushes up and entered the room.

"Ragini where are you?". He was calling her but she was in the washroom. "Laksh ji can I come out in this?".

Laksh shook his head. "In what Ragini I cant judge without seeing it!".

She opens the washroom door and come out in.

"Oh wow my cutie pie!"

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"Oh wow my cutie pie!".

"Haaw you okay with that?". She hold his hand and looked around. "What are you looking for?".

"Your clothes my husband!". She went to the wardrobe and took out something for him. "Please wear this!".
Laksh smirks. "Here in front of you?!". He pulls her close and nuzzles her neck. Her hands were resting on his chest. "Haan here!".

"Dhaadh Teri! {Shamless girl}". He took the clothes and vanished to change. But he didn't come down.

Ragini was waiting with AP. "Maa you are not angry or upset with my clothes?". AP shook her head. "No Ragini, before we choose you we got all the information from your parents they never hide anything from us! We know about you!". She caresses her cheek and Ragini smiles. "Where is he? I don't like to eat without him!".

AP hits her with her elbow. "Go call him!". Ragini smirks. "Haan!". She rushes up to their room and saw him sitting their on the laptop working.

 She rushes up to their room and saw him sitting their on the laptop working

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"Laksh ji!". He scares hearing her shout. "What?!". She scolds him. "Have you gone mad you haven't dried your hairs and started to work!". She come with a towel and sat behind him and drying his hair.

"Oh Ragini I want that daily!".

She kisses his shoulder. "Okay! Now come in hungry!". He turns. "So I am?".

"Haaw Naugthy! Is Lucky coming back?".

"Hmm don't know? I'm fighting with myself. You know first and second love!".

Ragini smirks

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Ragini smirks. "Haan but at least it is one man and not two!". She pulls him and they are together.

Later the night she was cuddling with him there wasn't a pillow wall between them. "Laksh ji look I made this pic! Keep it as your screen pic!".

 "Laksh ji look I made this pic! Keep it as your screen pic!"

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Laksh kisses her cheek. "Okay! But now my time to cuddle!".

Ragini looked at him. "No!".

Laksh nods. "Yes!"...

She giggles and he rolls over her...

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Never ending Love - RagLak {Under editing / Completed}Where stories live. Discover now