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Recap: RagLak naughty honeymoon.

Ragini was sleeping on the bed, when Laksh comes into the room with wet hairs and body. He smiles and throw the towel on the chair, they have returned home the last night and Ragini was still sleeping, something which happens rarely.

Laksh walks to the bed on his tiptoes, he placed on knee on the bed, with the other knee he comes over her, she was underneath him and he shakes his head widely, the water drops were rinsing over Ragini like a rainfall

Ragini jerked, she widen her eyes to see her husband over her, "Laksh ji?!" She said in her sleep and pulled him close, what surprised him, because she rolls over him, "my teddy bear!" She cuddles with him not giving him a chance to leave her.

Laksh places his hands around her, the wet body of him makes her weak, she opens her eyes and looked at him mischievously. Should I kiss or bite him? She was thinking, to make him happy or annoyed, what she didn't expected happened, he starts to snore.

Ragini comes up and gave him a kiss on his nose tip, "you are lucky that I love you." Laksh rolls over her, "you are lucky that I'm the real lucky." He said mischievously and didn't let her go.

After some time both got ready, they have come downstairs, but the hall was empty, "Laksh ji Maa and Papa where are they?"

Laksh shrugs, "don't worry they might have gone to the Tempel. Come have some breakfast with me, isn't it your first day?"

Ragini smiles shyly, "yes," she nods, "you wait I will prepare the breakfast, you know my day started to well, nothing can turn it bad."

Laksh was happy about her statement, he made her sit, "don't move!" He warns her and sit on her place obeying him.

Laksh prepared a fast breakfast, she ate it with him and then he made her stand in front of him, "wait I have to make something for you."

Ragini was confused, "like?" She asked him and he vanished again, she heard some noises but couldn't figure out what it was.

Laksh returns with an Aarti thal, he took her Aarti and made her eat curd with sugar, "for your success."

Ragini was happy, each moment he was spending with her, he made her fall in love with him more.

Ragini hold his hand, she pulls him close, "thank you." She said to him in a low voice, his heartbeat starts to race, whenever she comes closer to him he had to control over his feelings, which was nearly impossible. Laksh lifts her chin, "always there for you." He kisses her lips for a short moment.

"Now we can go, come I will drop you." Laksh took her hand and they left the house, there was a brand new car waiting for her, "hmm maybe you will drop me and drive to your new work place?"

Ragini was looking at the car with an open mouth, she couldn't believe her eyes and rubs them, "Laksh ji you bought me a car?"

Laksh shook his head, "you are mistaken, I didn't bought you a car, this is a gift from Maa and Papa for you." Laksh gave her the car key, "wanna drive or not?"

Ragini took the key from him, she was so excited, "I thought you would pick me up from my work place and then we would go out for a dinner, but this is much better. I will pick you up and then we will go out for a dinner."

RagLak were sitting in the car. Ragini started the engine and soon she was driving, "how is my boss? I don't want him to treat me differently from the rest just because I'm your wife." She was warning him, if she will find something fishy in the behaviour of her boss, she would blame him for it.

Laksh shook his head, "Ragini I warned him not to make you special. I'm the one who can treat you like a princess or queen no one else. You are his employee and have your work to do, he won't treat you differently from the rest of the staff members." He assured her that there won't be anything like this.

Ragini stopped the car, the big building of Laksh company was looking like an empire, "Laksh ji, I didn't knew that our company is this big."

"Big and successful, well if you wanted I could offered you a job, but leave it." Laksh stepped out of the car and an upset Ragini was looking at him. No kiss for miss?

Laksh went to the drivers seat , he opens the door and gave her a kiss on her forehead, "best of luck for your first day."

Ragini looked at him, her eyes were shining in happiness, "I will have it no doubt." She kisses his nose tip, before he left waving her bye.

Ragini reached to the company, she made her introduction at the office and was sent to her new working place, she was having a great time. At first she was introduced to each staff, her boss showed her the company and an assistant of the manager gave Ragini the work, she was in her field and completely overwhelmed by their understanding and help. Ragini was having a doubt that this might be an extra treat, but she saw the teamwork and knew that their standard.

It was late in the evening Laksh was waiting for Ragini, she had caller him that she is now on the way.

Laksh was the last one in the office, he was on the phone, when Ragini entered his cabin, "really nice. Thanks."

Ragini went to him, she sat on his lap and placed her hands around his neck, "Laksh ji, I'm here." She was so happy, but then Laksh smirks, "why don't you tell it to her?" He said over the phone and Ragini was confused.

With whom he is talking?

Ragini was thinking, when Laksh smiles more, "haan Akash she is here."

Ragini stood up and adjusted herself, "Sir is on the phone?"

Laksh smiles, he gave her the phone, "here talk to him."

Ragini's hand was shaking, she took the phone from Laksh and speaks, "good evening Sir."

Akash Mehta is Ragini's Boss and Laksh friend from College.

"Mrs. Maheshwari we are very happy with your work so far and we hope you will keep this standard and spirit."

Ragini was so happy, "thank you Sir, yes I won't give you a chance to complain about me." She gave Laksh the phone back and again sat on his lap, this time nibbling on his earlobe.

"Bye Akash." Laksh cut the phone and glares at her, "I'm hungry."

"For love or food?"

"I love food I'm hungry on both, come."

They left for a dinner and returned home lately.


Never ending Love - RagLak {Under editing / Completed}Where stories live. Discover now