Love love + dhak dhak = RagLak

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Recap: A cute wedding of RagLak

It was the next morning

Ragini was peacefully sleeping on the chest of her husband Laksh. She felt the sun rays on her face and felt disturbed. She turns aside and felt empty as she was holding Laksh anymore. She couldn't sleep without him neither she could sleep with him as the sun rays were disturbing her. She woke up in frustration and pouts.

Oh stupid morning!

She looked at her sleeping husband and blushes seeing him lying there like a baby.

So cute husband. Haaw my Laksh ji.

She looked here and there to find her shawl. She bend down with her upper body and lifts her shawl. She covered herself with the shawl and left on her tiptoes to the washroom.

Laksh opens an eyelid and saw her vanishing into the washroom. He pouts and stretched his arms in the air, he yawns and moves his upper body left and right. Just to relax himself.

He looked at the duvet and was covering himself when he heard the washroom door opening. He scares and immediately hides and pretend to be sleeping.

Ragini was coming with her wet hairs.

Finally my wife will wake me with her wet hairs. A long time dream of mine will come true!.

Ragini smiles and sat on the bed head. She kept her wet hairs aside not to wake him unnecessary. She looked at him and was beyond happiness.

Ragini bend down to his chest. "Let me hear what you are saying!". She was resting her head on his chest and was carefully hearing his heartbeat 💗. "Dhak 💗 dhak 💗 Rag 💞 Rag 💞!". She smiles and hold her hand on her chest.

She waits to hear the dhak {beating}. Ragini lies next to him and places his head on her chest. "Can you hear? It's also same! Dhak 💗 Dhak 💗 Lak 💞 Lak💞!". She places his head back on the pillow.

"Laksh ji...". She whispers. "I hope you heard the heartbeats because they are same! Beating for each other RagLak!".

Laksh was smiling but still waiting for her to wake him but she didn't do anything afterwards. He pouts and opens his eyes to see his beautiful wife. What he saw surprised him even more.

Ragini folded her hands together and was praying in front of him. Her eyes were closed and she was smiling. He doesn't know what she was praying for but he felt peace.

Keep my husband healthy and save!
I need to pass my exams!
I want to become an engineer!
I have to make my husband proud!
I have to make myself proud!
I have to keep everyone happy!
Please keep my family happy!

Laksh blows air on her face. She opens her eyes. "Laksh ji... keep your eyes close otherwise I can't end my pray!".

Laksh smiles and lied back on his bed. She kept on praying.

Give my husband much success!
Keep him away from evil!
Give him happiness and joy!

Laksh places his hand on her cheek... "Ragini you are so cute!".

Ragini opens her eyes and fumes in anger. "Laksh ji... you broke my pray again!". She turns her face. "Ragini why are praying in front of me. Go to the temple!".

Ragini stood up and took her back. "Oh Ragini talk to me!". She kept quiet she took her bag and was about to leave. But she turns to him. "Laksh ji... won't you bless me like the past times when I was going to write for an exam?".

Laksh stood up wrapping himself in the duvet. "My wife want to be blessed to that to from me!". He places his hand on his chest. "Dhak Dhak! No! Rag Rag!". He kisses her forehead. "Happy! You are always blessed!".

Ragini smiles. "I'm getting late. We will talk later about this!". She gave him a warning and he was confused what kind of mistake he made.

Ragini was walking downstairs to the hall. Laksh was upset... I wanted her to wake me with her wet hairs. But she wakes me even better by listening her heartbeat which beats for me only. And I ruined it all.

Ragini rushes out of the house. AP tried to stop her but she was gone.

Laksh was happy she had placed his clothes accurately so he can wear them after his shower. He comes down and saw AP tensed face.

"Maa what happened?". He asked her with a stern look.

AP pouts. "First of all your cute wife can't walk in a Saree, why is she wearing a Saree that too for the college?".

Laksh gulps and remembers an incident when he met her to give her a good night kiss.

"Laksh ji... tell me one thing you want me to do whatever happens?!". Ragini hold his hands still under the veil.

Laksh smiles. "Ragini I have only one wish. You can wear everything I don't have a problem. But I want you to remain on thing!".

Ragini smiles and nods to him. "What?".

Laksh kisses her hands. "I love your waist!".

Laksh shook his head. "Maa maybe she likes to wear it?".

AP lifts and eyebrow. "Secondly she rushed out of the house without having breakfast! And on top of that she forgot her lunch box!".

Laksh stood up. "What?! Maa how could you let her go without having breakfast! And you forgot to give her, her lunch box!". He took the box and left.

"Laksh please at least you should eat something, before leaving!". AP comes to him and give him a toast.

Laksh sat in his car and drove to Ragini's college. Laksh was looking for the exam class of her. He found it and saw that the exams hasn't started yet. "Ragini?!". He shouts her name and she turns to him with a smile. "Laksh ji?".

Laksh looked at her in anger he come to her. She bites on her lower lip but he was called to reality before he could shout at Ragini.

"Lucky?! Lakshya Maheshwari! What a pleasant surprise to see you here!".

Laksh was frozen for a moment. He gulps and turns to her. "Mrs. Braganza! You still here!".

"Ragini Lakshya Maheshwari! Wonderful, you chose a wife out of the world. I would have never imagine it! What do you have in your hands?".

Laksh turns to her holding the lunch box. He gave it to Mrs. Braganza, who opened it and found a note.

"Ma'am give it her later when the exam is done! I have to go!". He left from there with red cheeks.

Gaya... tu to gaya Laksh {gone you are so gone Laksh}.

Ragini looked at him with blinking eyes but he didn't turned to give her a last look...


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Never ending Love - RagLak {Under editing / Completed}Where stories live. Discover now