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Recap: RagLak announced their pregnancy to their family.

Laksh was upset, he was holding the dirty dishes in his hands. Those oldies make me work and rest the whole day, if my Ragini would be here she would have scold them for making me work like this.

Laksh throw the cleaning cloth on the surface and went to his father's, DP and Shekhar, both were relaxing on the couch and reading their newspaper. One hold the sports page the other one the business page, Laksh was fuming.

"You both?!" He was controlling his anger, "have you lost your mind, don't you have better things to do?"

They looked at each other and then to Laksh, "right, get us a chai." They were back on their newspaper and Laksh bursted out, "no wonder mom is unhappy with you, and Sasur ki same with you. You both are good for nothing and I'm stucked with you."

He has made fists with his hands, "ugh!"

"What does this mean?" Shekhar asked to DP, "are we going to get tea or not?"

DP shrugs, "Anu always gives me the Chai, even when she is upset with me."

"Same with Janki, she always look after me."

Laksh, who had turned to the stairway, heard it, "YOU CAN MAKE YOUR OWN TEA!" He shouts at them. He stamps up to his room and slammed the door.

Laksh was sitting on the bed holding the picture of Ragini in his hands. Baacha I'm missing you, every single time I want to be with you and the unborn baby. But you made me stuck with them.

*woan* 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

"I want my Laksh jiiiiiiiii 😭😭😭😭." Ragini was crying continuously not stopping on anyone's request, "I want him now!" Her hormones were out of control, her demand to meet him was huge.

"Ragini clam down, he just had come to meet you."

Ragini looked at her mother, her eyes were like bullets, "what you mean?!" Her voice was dangerous.

AP sat next to Ragini, "Ragini," she hold her chin and made her look to her, "we meant to say, we can go and meet them. Surprise."

Ragini widen her eyes and opened her mouth, "Haan surprise." Now she was happy and they got ready.

Laksh stood up, "just because she sent me home it doesn't matter that I can't meet her again. I'm going to meet her, giving her a cute surprise." He took his car key and went downstairs, he saw his fathers and glares at them.

"Where are you going?"

"Going to meet my wide."

"We are also coming!" They stood up and Laksh smirks, "great you will drive, you will sit next to him and I will be alone at the backseats, dare you to disturb my meeting with my wife and unborn child, you have your own wife." He clearly warned them and they locked the door.

Ragini was sitting on the backseats too, while her mother was driving and AP was sitting on the passenger seat.

They started with their journey unknown of the fact that their partners were having the same idea.

Laksh was looking out of the window, he was upset not being close to her. Same was going on with Ragini, she was upset too and wanted him close.

The car passed by....


DP put on the break, while Janki was trying not to break hard cause of Ragini, "drive back!"

They were happy no other car was on the street, they drove back and were at the same height with the car bottoms, Laksh rolls the window down like Ragini.

"Hi!" Both smiled looking at each other, "you wait I'm coming." He stepped out of the car and glares at his mothers, "out, the old men's will drive you home and afterwards will drive back to MM. It's better for all of you not to disturb me and my wife."

The warning was clear and understandable, they changed the cars and Laksh drove her to a nearby park, "Laksh ji look swing." She shows on it and Laksh walks the way to the swing, "don't move from here. I'm just coming." He said and Ragini nods to him.

Ragini was enjoying the time, but missing him, she stopped to swing further and rested her head on the chin, "where is he?"

"I'm here." He comes from the back and surprised her with an ice cream.

Ragini was happy, she was looking around and found something, "what is that?"

"An open air event."

"Haaaaaaw 😯 Open air?" She walked to the area and looked at the crowd.

"Aww my cutie, come." He had seen it before and had arranged something for them.

"Laksh where are we going?" She asked and then carries her in his arms, as he could see that she was exhausted.

Ragini was happy, she was looking at Laksh all the time, who put her down on the blanket with care, "now we will see a play with live music."

Ragini widen her eyes, "wow, she was looking around and found the blanket was filled with good too, she waited till he sat on the blanket and sat on his lap, he was just waiting for her.

"Are you freezing?"

Ragini shook her head, but then she nods widely, "brrr..." she clatters with her teeth and Laksh put her in a hug, the body heat was enough.

The play started and she pouts, "Laksh?!"

Laksh looked at her, "Haan Ragini."

"I need to pee the baby is laying on my bladder."

"Is he?" Laksh asked and Ragini nodded.

"Baacha bad. But I think he is excited for the play, well first I will take you to the washroom or something like that."

"Haan." Ragini said and both looked around, there was a restaurant and Laksh carries her the way. Everyone was looking at them, but they didn't cared about it.

Ragini asked the manager, "can I use your washroom?"

"Sorry only for guest."

Ragini hold his collar, "I'm pregnant and I need to use the washroom, I'm not gonna buy something but if you won't let me use it, then I can't control it to hold it back, what you think will happen then?"

The manager shows to the restrooms and Ragini vanished, "Thank you, I will buy something." Laksh said, but the manager shook his head, "no need Sir."

They were back at the park and the play had started, Ragini was cuddling with Laksh and had no idea, when she had fallen asleep.

Ragini woke up in her room, Laksh was laying next to her, she was happy, "Lucky." She rubs her face on his shoulder and he smiles, "aww my baacha."

Ragini looked at him, "Lucky my feet."

Laksh sat on the bed and looked at her, "what happen? Do you need a massage?" He moves with his fingers in front of her eyes and she smiles, "yes please." She lays on her back, the hand resting on her big belly and her feet on Laksh lap.

Laksh gave her a massage and she was laughing as he was tickling her, "Ok Laksh ji, now you have to go."

Laksh pouts, "I don't want to go. Let me sleep here today. Tomorrow I will give you a good morning kiss and return in the night to give you a good night kiss."

Ragini was thinking about the offer, but she shook her head, "we both will miss you a lot, but papa's are waiting go, they need you."

Useless fellows, they need a treatment how to handle with other's and services.

Laksh kisses her and left from there.

Both were missing each other but soon it was time for him to come.

Never ending Love - RagLak {Under editing / Completed}Where stories live. Discover now