A real meeting

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Manu2026 ❤️

Recap: RagLak short met.

Ragini was numb seeing her Laksh ji in front of her. She was nervous n tried to hide her blush but his gaze was so intense that this increased her heat n the blush on her cheeks.

Janki saw that too. "Ragini u r hungry! Come I will make u something!". Ragini didn't answered as she was lost in Laksh eyes. But his eyes were talking to her. He was moving his eyes at the direction of Janki. But Ragini didn't got it. "Ragini!". This time Janki reached her ears. Ragini blushes even more. "Man...!". She pouts n follows her into the kitchen.

She immediately come out. "Woh Laksh ji...!". She was looking at him with a lowered gaze. "Haan Ragini ji?". He loves it to call her like this as he can sense her nervousness. It's kind of teasing her. "Do u want Chai or Coffee?". She asked him with a calm n soft voice. He was just losing himself in her beautiful voice. "Ask me again!". He said more to himself than to her. "Laksh ji chai or coffee?". Just after her repeat he noticed that he ha said it loud. "Chai...". He said to her a bit embarrassed.

Ragini nods n vanished to the kitchen. Janki looked at her how she was preparing the chair for Laksh. "Ragini... What r u doing?". Ragini looked at her. "Maa Laksh ji wants chai. I just going to make him a cup...". She doesn't wanted that anyone else would serve him. After all he is her fiancé. Janki smiles at her. "Do u like him?". Ragini's blush hasn't left n now it won't leave ever. "Maa...! Please stop questioning me!". She moves her head to the side lightly. "Acha give me I will serve him!". Ragini at her mother. "No!".

She filled the cup for Laksh. Being his fiancé she considers as her job to prepare the door for him n to serve him what she made. She went to Laksh with the hot cup. Laksh was looking at her. The top was a bit short but perfect as he could see a little bit of her bare body. He just fall in love with her waist. I wish I could touch her. No Laksh, she isn't ur wife yet. Control!.

Ragini places the cup on the couch table. "Laksh ji the chai is hot. Be careful!". Laksh nods with a smiles. How caring she is to me. Just like my perfect partner.

He took the cup n drunk out of it. "Aaahh!". Ragini rushes back to him. "Laksh ji!". Her call was more like a shout of fear. "Show me!". Her eyes got filled with tears. "I told to be more careful!". Her voice was broken Laksh could hit himself to hurt her with his careless behaviour. "Ragini... ji I'm fine!". He places his hand on her shoulder. "I'm fine really!".

Ragini felt his hand on her shoulder n looked on it. Just then he notice that he is still touching her shoulder. "Sorry!". Ragini shook her head. "It's okay Laksh ji!". She wipes her tears away n vanished to the kitchen.

Janki went to Ragini. "Laado don't be upset! He is a bit fast...!". She caresses her cheek. "Acha I have to go to the market I will leave u alone with him. R u okay with that?". Ragini smiles. "Thank u Maa!". She hugs her tight n Janki left from there.

Laksh saw her n stood up. "Janki Maa I will drop u!". He saw Ragini. "Bye!". He waves with this hand n went to Janki. But Janki shook her head. "No Laksh Beta. I can handle. U n Ragini can finally speak with each other without any disturbances. I trust u both!". Janki really does the moment Laksh stood up made her proud. He is the best choice for Ragini. "Please Maa I will drop U!". Janki shook her head. She looked at the watch on her wrist. "I will be back in 20 min. Bye!". She left them alone.

Ragini sat on the dining table n starts to have her breakfast. "Laksh Ji... u want to eat something? U know what I will feed u so u won't burn ur mouth again...! Haan this will be gud!". Laksh smiles how could he deny such an offer. He took his cup n sat next to Ragini.

Ragini prepared a morsel for him. "Aaah karoo {open ur mouth}!". Laksh smiles. "Aaahh". Ragini feeds him but Laksh isn't selfish he did the same for her the moment she turns to him without another morsel. He was ready for her. Ragini opens her mouth n he feeds her. They finished the food n Ragini asked him how his days went on.

"Ragini ji... very bad n boring without u! Do u the talk with u was the best of the day. Each day I lived just to talk to U!".

Ragini blinks with her eyes. This was exactly the same feeling she was having. "Laksh ji... I have request!". Laksh looked at her. "Say!". His gaze was fixed on her. "Don't call me ji... I want to call u Laksh ji... but don't call me Ragini ji... but if u want u can!".

Laksh smiles. "I won't if my wife doesn't like it! I will never refuse her wish or order or even the demand. All will be fulfilled!". Ragini smiles genuinely he calls her his wife. "Laksh ji come. I will show U the house!". Laksh nods.

They went from one room to the other one. The last was her bedroom. "That is my room.... till I will become ur wife then I have to leave this room!". She said it with a small pout.

Laksh hold her unintentionally on her waist. "Ragini who said that! U r the daughter of the house we can n we will come here often to meet Janki Maa n Shekhar Papa! So basically this will be my new room!". He said to her.

But Ragini was breathing heavily....  "Laksh ji...?". Her voice was low but hearable. "Haan Ragini?". Ragini thought for a moment. "Ur hand...?". Laksh looked at her n saw his hand on her waist. "I'm sorry! Oh Gosh! I'm very Sorry!". He removes his hand immediately. "I'm sorry!". Ragini nods with her head. "It's okay... we all do mistakes... even gud ones!". She leaves the rooms with a blush n he smiles scratching his nape..


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Never ending Love - RagLak {Under editing / Completed}Where stories live. Discover now