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Recap: RagLak had their fun, but their parents were better.

Ragini was packing their stuff, she was looking at the bags, which she had filled with clothes. Finally I'm done with my studies and I can have my honeymoon with my hubby, my moon.

Laksh was coming up, he had completed all his work and has dreamed of this honeymoon for so long. Hay my shy, ops not so shy wife. I'm just waiting for our honeymoon for so long. I just hope you can fulfil one or two of my dreams, please don't ruin them. I know you don't wanted to do it as you couldn't know and I haven't told you yet, but come on understand me.

Laksh enters the room, Ragini had completed the packing, she locked the luggage and looked at him, "done husband ji."


"Nice wifey, so sweet of you I don't have to do anything now."

Ragini looked around, she shook her head, "no ji, I have done everything." She pointed to the bed and Laksh carries the luggage down, he was standing there seeing two bags. Only two? Usually women pack more than need it, but not my wife.

Laksh was happy, he was checking the flight time and the papers, Ragini was taking a shower thinking of her amusement. I haven't packed much there isn't much to do then spending the time in our honeymoon suite.

AP and DP were looking at him, "Laksh what happened is everything alright?"

Laksh looked at his parents, "yes, all fine thank you." He said a little bit confused, "why are you asking me like this?"

DP shook his head, "na, nothing, but did you met your in-laws?"

Laksh widen his eyes, "yesterday when you were making fun of Ragini and me, we met them." He huffs and stamps up to their bedroom, where he found his wife wrapped in a towel.

"Uff what Ragini, we have to wait a bit, just a few hours then we are," he made plane with his hand, "on aircraft on our honeymoon." He hugs her from back and kisses her shoulder.

Ragini nodded, "I know, but Laksh ji you should know I'm a bit shy, I don't feel like roaming with you hand in hand that too in a foreign country." She hides her face in his chest and he was lost, "is okay..." he said in his dreaming way holding her tightly.

"Who said I want to show you to the world, I want to keep you under radar from everyone, you are mine." He cups her face and gives her on her forehead kiss.

Ragini was happy, both took a nap as they still had time, the flight was at 10 am and they had 8 hours to sleep.

8 hours later, "Laksh ji wake up," she shakes him, "otherwise we will stuck in traffic, I want my honeymoon with my hubby moon."

Laksh opens his eyes, "coming." He rubs his eyes and they both got ready in short time.

AP and DP were also awake, they were waiting for them with Janki and Shekhar.

"Maa!" Ragini runs to her, "thank you for coming, are you going to drop us?"

Janki took her into a tight hug, "yes, how can we let you go without saying goodbye."

"Janki Maa, don't say goodbye, say see you later. We will come back."

Shekhar gave him a death glare, "we know and if not I will haunt you."

"Haunt me?"

Ragini bursted out into a loud laughter, "me too. I will haunt you too in your dreams and Papa in reality, buaah 👻!"

Laksh twisted her ear, "bad girl, come let's go."

They had two cars and Laksh was sitting with Shekar and DP, while Ragini was sitting with AP and Janki.

"Laksh you should know Ragini is shy and dynamiting, she is also very demanding and bossy kind of person."

Laksh was remembering the time, when he spent his time at his in-laws place. He shrugs, "okay Shekhar Papa."

DP nodded, "and buy her whatever she wants because she will get angry and you will get nothing from her... I mean she will taunt you the whole time that you didn't let her and then the whole trip will go into vain."

Shekhar nodded, "oh yes. We want grandchildren so you know what you have to do."

Laksh felt a heat rising on his face, he didn't said a word and kept silent.

Ragini was looking at her mother, "Maa he is so sweet, I have to do the most of the work."

AP was laughing, "I can imagine this, my son is sometimes a late responser. You should know that he loves it simple and classy, in the past he used to impulsive and energetic, but this has changed when he took the responsibility."

Ragini nodded, "he is so dedicated toward his work."

Janki smiles, "something more you can learn from him."

Ragini nodded, "haan true, I will learn from him and he from me." She smirks and the women knew what she was talking about.

At the airport

DP and Shekhar were taking the luggage Laksh was looking at the tickets while Ragini was hooked with the lady's, they were talking about here and there.

They did the check in and where now sitting on their seats.

Ragini was leaning her head on Laksh shoulder, "Laksh ji I will sleep later if you want you can sleep now."

Laksh kisses her nose, "I'm not tired I'm excited." He smirks and she smiles, "me too."

RagLak were waiting for hours, but it was faster than they thought.

"Laksh ji keech meri Photo!"

Laksh took out his smartphone, "okay wifey cheese!"

"My coolness will get affected!"

"My coolness will get affected!"

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Never ending Love - RagLak {Under editing / Completed}Where stories live. Discover now