Chapter Two | A Mission

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Life was going well at this point, I had a job, roof over my head, and food to eat. Everything was running smoothly until I received another anonymous request.

To steal information from Wayne Enterprises.

---Katherine P.o.V---

They don't actually think I'm gonna do this right? Everyone knows that Wayne Enterprises has the most high-tech security system to ever exist. If I get caught, which I will, I'll surely get discovered for the crimes I've committed in the past. I kept thinking of how idiotic this person must be to think that they could get away with this until I glanced at the job description.

'-If you are able to complete this task, we would happily reward you with a pay of $4,500,000.00'

My eyes bugged at the sight of the amount of zeroes in the number. Should I get greedy? I'm doing perfectly fine as is. If I do this, I'm set for life. That last thought helped me make up my decision. I pulled my laptop onto a desk and got to work with one line repeating in my brain.

One more and then I'm done.

One more and then I'm done.

---Bruce's P.o.V---

I scanned the bat computer looking for any sign or clue. Villains have been getting into some of the most digitally advanced facilities. This would usually be the norm but it has been more and more frequent the past few months. It was obvious that none of the villains involved in those crimes were smart enough to get past the security. Luthor possibly, but even Lex Corps.'s company was hacked. Something wasn't adding up, so I did some research.

All the criminals had withdrawals, large ones, from their personal bank accounts at the time of the crime. That meant they were all buying the information from someone. I assumed they all hired the same person, since they were clearly skilled. I couldn't track down anything from the invasion of the systems, meaning they backed out of the program without a trace. I don't know who they were or where they came from, but whoever they were, they were smart. And they were dangerous.

---Katherine's P.o.V.---

After just decoding a quintuple encrypted firewall, I was passed out. Huh. Wayne sure knows how to keep people out. I sprawled out on the couch and closed my laptop, shutting my eyes. Apparently since I was so "brilliant" I had made a name for myself. They call me The Lock Picker. Yeah, not the best but it's pretty damn cool. I heard a distant knock on my apartment door. Groaning, I reluctantly stood up from my position and unlocked the door. There stood my best friend, Charlotte Hannon.

"Hey Kat!" she grinned happily. I mumbled back a 'hey' before stepping aside to let her in. She was the only person who knew of my double identity, as well as my "internet obsession" as we liked to call it. She was close with me in the orphanage, almost like a sister. When she got a scholarship to Gotham University, I decided to go there as well, so we could remain close.

"So got any interesting jobs lately?" she asked, sitting upside down on a recliner, feet dangling in the air. She was accepting with my activities, as long as I didn't do anything directly evil.

"Actually I don't think I'll be doing anymore jobs" I grumbled tiredly. She raised a curious eyebrow in my direction.

"And why's that?" she inquired, standing up from the chair walking towards me.

"Why don't you see for yourself?" I stated rhetorically, grabbing my laptop from the couch. Opening it, I quickly pulled up the email and showed it to her. After a few silent moments her eyes widened. She looked past the top of the computer at me, only to be met with a proud smirk on my face.

"Four and a half million?!" She all but screamed at me. I nodded while grinning at her, my dyed brown hair swaying up and down. Charlotte's expression immediately changed from shocked to serious, and seeing it made my smile fade as well.

"You know you could go to jail, right?" she said.

"And since when has that stopped me before? I know how to-" I was cut off.

"But this is Bruce Wayne's system. The most secure in the world! The best hackers have tried and failed to break in! And if you're caught, that man has enough money to put you on death row!" She was glaring at the computer in front of her. I sighed softly. The truth hurt. There was such a small chance that I would be able to get in, and even if I did, there was an even smaller chance that I wouldn't get caught.

"I know, I know. But think about it! If I'm able to do this, I won't have to be a mercenary for another day in my life!" I said enthusiastically. She stood up and dusted imaginary dust off of her shirt.

"Fine, but don't get caught. Or so help me girl I will-"

"Yeah, yeah. I hear ya." I interrupted, pushing her out of the door. She put her hands on the sides of the door frame to stop me.

"I'll see you in class on Monday, 'kay? Be careful," and with that she walked out of my apartment and closed the door. I leaned my back against it and slid to the floor, head in my hands. Shit. And I still have to do my engineering homework.


Is it just me or is this kinda dull. Meh.

~Lz :3

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