Chapter Twenty-One | Read Between the Lines

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---Tim's P.o.V.---

   My brain shut down when I heard Vivienne's explanation.

She's....broken. Her own mother.....broke her.

   I looked up to see everyone, including Damian, with tears in their eyes. Stephanie was the first to let one fall. 

   "I'm.....I'm so sorry," she croaked, her voice breaking midway.

   "It's not your fault. It's no one's fault. I should be grateful that my mother thought I was worth the effort. She always wanted the best for me, and for me to be the best," she replied, slightly smiling. 

   "Miss Vivienne, your room has been prepared. Master Tim, please show her the way after dinner," Alfred said, picking up an empty tray.

   "I don't know where it is Alfred," I said, confused why he would ask me.

   "Master Tim, it's right next to yours," he replied with a smirk. I raised an eyebrow suspiciously. Bruce always make Babs and Steph sleep on the opposite side of the manor. Why would he ask Vivienne to stay right next to me?

   "Because he trusts them, unlike me, and he wants someone to keep an eye on my behavior," Vivienne answered my thought, making my breath hitch in my throat.

   "How did you...." I trailed off, at a loss for words.

   "Know what you were thinking? I'm also extremely good at reading body language. I'm not sure why, but I always seem to know exactly what people are thinking. Yes, even you Mister Wayne. And no, I'm not a meta-human." Vivienne replied, as everyone's jaw dropped. She was able to read Batman like a book.

   "Impressive," he commented, only further astonishing us at the fact that Batman just complemented someone. 

   "Thank you. Timothy, could you show me where my room is? Switching between personalities can get quite tiring," she asked, standing up. I followed and led the way to my bedroom. I looked at one of the guest bedroom doors next to mine, a paper card on the handle saying 'Miss Vivienne'

   "Here you go," I said, gesturing to the door. She opened it and peeked inside, nodding her head in approval.

    "I've never used a mattress before, though I suppose there's a first time for everything," she said sighing. 

She's cute. Wait huh? What the hell am I saying? That's demon spawns sister!

   She furrowed her eyebrows in curiosity at me.

   "How...odd. I can't tell what you're thinking. Do you think I'm going to kill someone?" she asked curiously, tilting her head to the side. I chuckled at her short figure, somehow smaller than myself.

   "Of course not, it's nothing important," I said, thankful she couldn't read my mind.

   "Oh well, thank you Timothy. Good night," she said, exiting to her room. I watched her departing back as her door closed softly.

I wasn't lying when I said this girl would drive me to insanity.

---Third P.o.V.--- 

(Yes, I changed the p.o.v. in the middle of a chapter. I ran out of sappy stuff to write, okay?)

   When Tim and Vivienne left the dining room, there was no filter to everyone's mouth.

   "What the fuck Bruce?!" they yelled. He winced at the volume from the cacophony of their voices, though he didn't respond.

   "She can kill us all in seconds! Why on Earth would you let her live with us?" Dick questioned.

   "I believe we can instill our morals into her. I think it's better that she lives under our roof than Talia's. Who knows what she could make her do? Besides, you can't deny she's amazing, Dick," Bruce reasoned, a playful smile.

   "Yeah, Bruce is right. Imagine how much she could help our causes. She's talented, better than all of us," Oliver said, ruffling his hair.

   "I guess so. God, I can't believe I tried to get Katherine and Damian together," Dick said, making everyone's eyes abruptly widen.

   "You what?! Grayson, you tried to put me into a romantic relationship with my sister?!" Damian yelled angrily. Dick put his hands up in surrender.

   "Hey, I didn't know! Plus, I know you liked her too. You were laughing, Damian. She brings out the best in you. You gotta admit, the Katherine and Alice side was a lot more likable than Min's. Ugh, I can't get that image of her flirting with Bruce out of my head," he said, sticking his tongue out.

   "Same here. I can't believe she made all three of us fall for her. I'm pretty disgusted with myself," Jason said.

   "As was I, Todd. I wanted to strangle you for flirting with a fifteen year old girl. It is surprising that the girl I had befriended was my sister all along." Damian said quite disappointed that the friend he developed feelings for wasn't real.

   "So are we going to bring her out on patrol?" Dick asked, secretly eager to see her in action.

   "No, I want to see her train first, as well as make sure she doesn't do anything too....brash," Bruce answered. Everyone was enthusiastic to see her spar with the bat.

   "Can we come? I'm sure we all want to witness the downfall of Batman," Artemis asked. Bruce smirked.

   "Of course."



~Lz :3

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