Chapter Five | Memories

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P.S. Damian became friends with Katherine when they were ten, bc that was the year her parents left and Damian came to Gotham. Right?

~Lz :3


---Katherine's P.o.V.---

After our little scene at dinner I exchanged phone numbers with Damian in secret. Alfred offered me a ride back to my apartment which I gladly accepted. Driving through the city I now call home was peaceful as I looked at the skyline. I remembered the memories of me and Damian when we were younger. (A/n: the last conversation they had was a pain in the ass so I'm just gonna write it in English, but they're saying it in Russian.)


"C'mon Lucy! You're so slow!" I yelled, my pure white hair bouncing as we ran in the snow.

"Tsk, snow rabbit, why are you referring to me as a little girl?" He said sharply, though he had a huge grin on his face as he chased me.

"It's short for your real name!" I squealed when he tackled me in the pillowy ice.

"And what would my real name be?" he asked with a smirk, as he rolled next to me to lie on the snow.

"Lucifer!" I screamed while laughing and running away from him.

***end flashback***

I was pulled from my thoughts by Alfred telling me that we've arrived. I grabbed my backpack and thanked his as I made my way out of the limousine.

"My pleasure, Miss Alice. You are welcome at the manor anytime, Master Damian seems very fond of you." Alfred said with a knowing grin. I chuckled as he drove off. I entered my small living room as I speed-dialed Charlotte's number on my phone.

"Hey what's up?" she asked once she picked up.

"I don't think I should take the Wayne job." I said while sitting down on the couch.

"What? Why?" She asked worried.

"I just don't know if I can keep up with the crime life. I think I'm having a negative impact on the world rather than positive." I said with a sigh.

"Oh, so now you're gonna have an existential crisis on me. Anyway, I totally agree with your decision. Honestly, I wish you realized this before you hacked into the Pentagon." she said happily.

"I do agree I should've done it sooner, but if I didn't do the first few, I would still be stuck in the orphanage." I replied. I could almost hear the gears turning in Charlotte's head from the other side of the phone.

"I'm sorry Kat, I have no ideas how you're gonna get a job to pay for your tuition and rent right now."

"I'll figure it out. Maybe I can just do some smaller jobs until I can get a real one. Talk to ya' later Charlotte"

"Bye." she said before I hung up.

I opened my laptop scrolling through several job offers. No, that one's illegal, No, that one breaks the law, no, that one's asking me to kill him, no-OH WHY IN THE HELL WOULD I DO THAT?!

After scrolling through what felt like hundred of emails I found one which wasn't involved in a diabolical plan of world domination. They wanted me to find where a clothing company imports their cotton from? For $8,000? It seemed like a scam, but seeing as I'm now turning down 99% of my jobs because of morals, I don't really have a choice.

The only way I could remotely hack into their system would be through the signal of a laptop which the head of the company keeps with him at all times. The problem? I have to be within a 75 yard radius of it. That was an issue, until I found where his next public appearance would take place.

Bruce Wayne's Annual Christmas Gala.

I was about to try to input Alice into the guest list until I realized something. Won't Damian be there? He'll notice me the moment I step foot into that party. Damn it.

I took out my phone and texted Charlotte.

You: Hey I need a favor

Char-Char: Watcha need?

You: A makeover

Char-Char: ...

Char-Char: Are you sure your name is Kat?

You: Honestly Idk anymore

Char-Char: Ya you're definitely Kat

Char-Char: So care to explain the sudden character change?

You: I need to go to a gala

Char-Char: ...

Char-Char: You sure you're Kat?

You: Yep

You: Btw, can you bring heels and a dress?

Char-Char: Has Alice taken over your body? I knew it...

You: CHAR!

Char-Char: Jk jk

Char-Char: What's the occasion

You: I need a close-range signal from rich guy's laptop

Char-Char: So? Can't you just put your name on the guest list?

You: I could but I know someone there who would recognize me

Char-Char: U know wut? I'm not even gonna question u anymore

Char-Char: So when u need me over

You: This Saturday

You: I need u to bring as much makeup, jewelry, and hair crap as possible

Char-Char: Bruh u know what I'm gonna say

You: If I let u say it will u agree

Char-Char: Mhm

You: Fine

Char-Char: they try to put me on the cover of Vogue


You: Ya done yet

Char-Char: Indeed

Char-Char: Yeah I'll be there Saturday

Char-Char: I'm assuming the usual disguise?

Char-Char: Hair dye and contacts?

You: Yup

You: Thx Char!

Char-Char: No prob Bob

I changed my clothes and brushed my teeth before going to sleep. I lied down on my bed and stared at the ceiling to think of the day ahead. Why did I have to be part of that stupid group project?


I just edited this chapter because god it's trash.

~Lz :3

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