Chapter Sixteen | Queens and Arrows

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---Katherine's P.o.V.---

   Damn it Lucy! 

   I was currently in the limo that Alfred picks me up from my apartment in. Only this time, I had company. Dick, Jason, Tim, Damian, Barbra, and Stephanie all sat in the back with me, whilst Bruce sat in the passengers seat, Alfred driving the whole lot. According to Damian, we were taking one of Bruce's planes to Star City.

     I thought Oliver Queen was visiting and just decided to meet with him, but I was so badly mistaken. I was going to have to spend an entire ride midair with a family of superheroes. And I'm the villain, aren't I? I was a sitting duck in this entire scenario. Not to mention the last time I was in a plane I was being shipped to Charlotte through the mail.

   "Are you excited Alice? This is going to be so fun!" Barbra cheered, grabbing my hand. I chuckled nervously and nodded my head.

  "Yeah, I just didn't realize that we were going to go on a plane," I muttered.

  "Oh my god. Are you afraid of flying? Or do you get air-sickness?" Stephanie asked, concerned.

  "No, no it's not that. I'm just surprised," I said. I wasn't wrong, I was surprised that I'll be a fugitive surrounded by a shit-ton of the world's greatest superheroes. We quickly reached a warehouse hidden behind a forest, though it didn't entirely fit that description. It was beautiful, not the broken down and rusty cliche. There were panes of spotless glass and smooth metal, a giant 'W' on the gate. We boarded a small jet, though the inside was lavishly decorated. Bruce and Alfred stayed in the cockpit, and the rest of us stayed in the back. I couldn't help but notice Jason staring intently at me but I looked away from him. The plane took of smoothly, and Alfred came out of the front, carrying flutes of apple cider, thankfully.

   "Why didn't you reply to my text message Alice?" Damian said, the space not allowing any word to go unheard.

   "Same question here," Tim added, tilting his head like a confused puppy. 

   "Sorry, my phone died. Anyway what did you guys want to ask me?" I replied truthfully.

   "I believe I asked you if you kissed Todd while you were at the manor," Damian answered, making me choke on the fizzy liquid, stinging my throat. I coughed violently, while he rubbed my back.

   "Sorry. What!?" I exclaimed loudly. Alfred chuckled softly from a corner. Damian only narrowed his eyes worriedly.

   "Jason said that you kissed him when he brought you outside to leave. Is it true?" Tim repeated, his face contorted from anxiety. I calmly raised an eyebrow.

   "Did he tell you how I kissed him?" I retorted, and Dick's expression turned to disgust.

   "Alice! We really don't want to know if you made out with him or not!" he yelled at me. 

   "No Dick! I just kissed him on the cheek! It's not that big of a deal," I explained. Damian and Tim's bodies instantly relaxed.

   "Why the hell didn't you include this fact Todd?" Damian asked, clearly annoyed.

   "Did it matter?" he said sadly. Ugh what have I done to the poor guy. I practically jumbled the man's feelings into a hormone-filled smoothie.

   "Of course it matters Jason!" Tim responded, throwing his hands up in the air, not taking his current mood into account.

   "Apparently not to her," he mumbled quietly, and I'm sure everyone's hearts broke at his words. We rode quietly for what felt like a life-time, though I didn't bother to remember how long the uneasy silence lasted. The plane landed in a smooth concrete runway, a lavishly decorated mansion in view. When everybody emptied the aircraft, we were greeted by what I only assumed to be the Queens and their friends. A tall man with a charming smile stood next to a woman, whom could only be his wife judging by the ring on her finger, with beautiful blue eyes. A young woman who looked slightly older than Dick leaned to the side of them her olive skin in stark contrast to the other two. Each one of them had unique shades of blonde hair.

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