Chapter Fourteen | Birdie

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---Katherine's P.o.V---

    Damian brought me to the room we were in earlier, closing the door. I sat on the couch which I cried my heart out on, upside down, my feet in the air. 

   "Why did you need to talk to me after dinner Lucy?" I questioned, getting straight to the point. He sighed reluctantly.

   "It's just......ugh, how do I explain this," he groaned, sliding a hand down his face while pacing around me. I took the hand which was covering his expression and pulled him on the seat next to me.

   "All you need to do is say the first thing that comes to mind. Don't sugar coat it, just the truth," I told him simply. He shook his head.

   "I think I know why you don't know you have so many talents," he said, closing his eyes. 


   "Perhaps it has something to do with your memory loss. I don't know how, or why, but maybe, was good at archery. Who knows your real limits, I don't think I can even comprehend what you could do," he explained.

   "It's fine Lucy, now is that all you needed to tell me?" I asked kindly, rolling to a normal sitting position.

   "No, I was wondering if you already knew who Oliver Queen is?" he pondered. I nodded.

   "Of course Lucy, I know everyone. Clark Kent, Bruce Wayne, Barry Allen, Diana Prince, etc. I've known since I first learned of the Justice League. Wasn't too hard to find out anyway, though you guys cover your tracks better," I said, giving him a thumbs up.

    "Smart, Snow Rabbit. I had a hunch that you already figured it out. My point is, if he asks you to become his "protege", which he will considering your skill, decline. I don't think it's a good idea to get involved with the superhero business, much less if your backstory is...questionable." he advised. I shook my head and chuckled.

   "Why on Earth would I accept? If I wanted to be a hero, I would join you guys instead. Besides, just because I can hit a target doesn't mean I'll be good on the field. I haven't tried running since I was late for the first lecture of the year. I'm not exactly in 'peak condition'," I retorted, making him smile.

   "Snow Rabbit?" he chirped, grabbing my attention. I hummed in acknowledgement.

   "Do-do you think you could draw me something, as you did with Gordon and Brown? Theirs were beautiful by the way. I wanted to see how you would fair without any time constraints," he requested.

   "Sure Lucy, but did you want anything in particular? Oh I need supplies." I asked him. He shrugged.

   "Whatever you believe suits me, I just want to observe your abilities," he replied. Once we gathered all of the pens and markers, this time including paints, I started drawing on his bicep.

   "Can we please tell them Snow Rabbit? The longer we wait, the more suspicious they'll get. I want this case to be put to rest, they need to know that the Lock Picker doesn't have ill intentions. They need to. It's better that we tell them than figure it out on their own," he pleaded. I sighed tiredly, rubbing the ink from my hands to a napkin.

    "Lucy, I know it's horrible that you're keeping a secret from your family, but I can't risk it. I don't know what they'll do if they find out. I'm not going to put my life in direct danger on purpose," I reasoned, stoking my pen down his arm.

   "They won't do anything to you. I'll make sure of it. If you tell them the truth, I can help you. We can help you," he offered. I contemplated his suggestion. Could I really be free from the secrets?

   "Fine, I'll tell them. I'm going to make it fun though," I agreed with a smirk. Damian laughed, I had to pull back my brush so I wouldn't make a mistake.

    "Of course, Hope. You always do," he said, still chuckling. Once I finished, I dusted my hands off and stood back to observe my work.

   "Not bad," I commented to myself, smiling.

   "Not bad," I commented to myself, smiling

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    "Not bad at all. Outstanding, in fact. But really Snow Rabbit? A robin?" Damian questioned.

   "For the one and only," I responded, hugging him. He stroked my back, the vibrations of his chuckle resonating through me.

    "Katherine, you know damn well I'm not the only idiot who's adorned that traffic light-colored costume. Anyway, you should go home now. It's been a while, I don't want them getting suspicious." he said wisely. I nodded then headed for the door. When I opened it, there stood Jason, Tim, Barbra, and Stephanie. Dick was also there with his hand raised, about to knock.

   "May I help you?" I asked, raising and eyebrow.

   "Yeah, we just wanted to know what the hold up was. Alfred's been ready to go for an hour and a half. We thought you two were- never mind," Stephanie explained, but was stopped by TIm's glare.

   "Contrary to your beliefs, Alice was simply showing me the extent of her painting abilities," Damian said, showing up behind me. He lifted his sleeve, showing the group my drawing abilities. Their eyes widened as the blood drained from their faces. I could tell that it was from a mixture of my improved art, as well as the shape it came in.

   "I- is that a-" Tim stuttered.

   "Yes Drake, it's a robin. Maybe you would be able to form a proper sentence if you were better educated in ornithology," Damian interrupted in a bored tone.

   "Damian. Basement. Now. The rest of you come too, except Jason. Walk her out." Dick commanded. I never saw this side of him before, stern and serious. Everyone followed obediently without a word, like lost sheep. I turned to Jason who just shrugged nonchalantly and strolled to the front door of the manor. Once we were in front of the limo, I had an idea. Time to set my plan into motion.

   I stood on my tip toes and kissed Jason on the cheek. Damn it. Why the hell is he so tall? I saw him blush crimson as I wrapped my hand to the back of his neck, pulling his head down. I whispered quietly in his ear.

   "Thanks for having me over Jay, tell Bruce I said bye. See you later Little Red Riding Hood," I breathed, pulling away and stepping into the limo. I closed the door with a smirk at his rigid figure through the car window. He stared at my car door, still as a statue.

   "Miss Alice, it wasn't very nice of you to leave Master Jason like that. I'm afraid he'll be quite gobsmacked upon my return," Alfred commented from up front. Shit! He wasn't supposed to see that.

   "Sorry Alfred, I don't play nice," I responded innocently. Once we reached my apartment, I couldn't help but imagine how much fun this was going to be.


Hahaha! She finally decided to tell them! I've been waiting for this for too long. 

~Lz :3

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