Chapter Nineteen | Brother

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---Damian's P.o.V---

Once we were freed from Min's ambush of foam, everyone, including the Queens and Crock, used the zeta tubes to gather in the batcave. We all crowded around the computer, awaiting Bruce's next words, already in our suits.

"Damian, please give me your best, and shortest, description of Katherine Hope. We need to know what we're up against. She was able to easily take us all down in a matter of minutes, and from the looks of it, she was holding back. Way back," he said, directing the attention towards me.

"Very well. And I don't think that was Katherine's doing, as much as it was Min's. She says her name is Katherine Hope, that she is fifteen years old, a few months older than I am. When I was ten, I found her buried in a snowstorm while I was in Russia for training. She was buried underneath the snow, living. You saw her change in personalities, yes? I believe her changes are initiated when she hears a foreign language. This time, because of Crock's inability to simply speak English. The first I witnessed was Arabic, then Russian, who was Katherine, then Vietnamese, who is Phan Minh. She could be anyone by now, it's a wonder that she managed to maintain her persona as Katherine for so long. In order to protect her life here she made a new identity, Alice Jacobs, eighteen. To fund her schooling and housing she completes jobs as the Lock Picker, though she despises it," I explained.

"Wait the Lock Picker? Isn't that the guy who hacked into the Pentagon?" Crock asked.

"The girl who hacked into the Pentagon, but yes. That's her," I replied.

"Whoa. She's a badass. I don't think I would've forgiven myself if I kissed her," Todd commented, earning annoyed groans from the group.

"No one cares about your love life right now, Jay! This girl just knocked out three of the best members in the league and that's all you're thinking about?!" Grayson said, slugging him in the arm.

"I'm glad to hear that I make a lasting impression," a hooded figure spoke, a cloak covering their body.

"Who are you?" Drake announced, and I couldn't help but roll my eyes at his oblivious nature.

"Aw, you don't recognize me? I have an idea, let's play a game," they replied, though I couldn't make out the gender, a voice modifier being in use.

"Now, now, we didn't come here to play did we?" another figure interrupted, being none other than my mother.

"What are you doing here Talia? And who's your new friend?" Todd asked bluntly, knowing mother's spontaneous tendencies all too well.

"Oh, I'm just here to visit my son. I'd like to introduce you all to someone. Please, meet Linguistic," she announced grandly. The name was unfamiliar to our ears, though one thing caught our eyes when the figure pulled down her hood.

Snow white hair.

"Alice? Katherine? Min?" everyone guessed, a domino mask on her face. She laughed at their attempts.

"Wrong, wrong, wrong, mm....wrong," she responded, pointing her fingers playfully at the crowd.

"Then who are you?" I questioned, my eyebrow arched in curiosity.

"My own dear brother doesn't remember me? I'm so heartbroken," she said sarcastically, putting a hand on her chest.

"BROTHER?!" everyone except myself yelled simultaneously.

"What's your name?" I asked suspiciously, narrowing my eyes. She raised her hand as if she was making an oath.

"My name, my true name, is Vivienne Al Ghul. My mother is Talia Al Ghul, and my father is dead. I am fifteen years of age, exactly the same as my alternative ego Katherine Hope. My half brother, Damian Wayne, found me at the age of ten. Sadly, he didn't know of my existence, and my mother refused to allow him to know of his supposedly deceased sister. I posses every skill and memory of Phan Minh and Katherine, as well as the several other personas I that are linked to a language. They do not share this trait. That's all you need to know." Vivienne summed up, leaving everyone speechless. Everyone except me, of course

"That is not, in fact, all we need to know. Are you to work with the League, or us?" I interrogated, my arms crossed. In contrast to my unfazed exterior, I couldn't begin to comprehend what I had just heard. The girl I saved from the snowstorm....was my sister?

"I don't know, brother. The League wishes to become allies with Batman, though it is mother's choice," she replied.

"What do you think beloved? Would you like to take care of her? I'm sure she would want to become more acquainted with her sibling. I'm sure she can answer any questions you have. So?" Mother proposed.

"She's very talented. I believe that she would be a good addition to the family," he agreed.

"What? We're just letting her in like that?" Grayson questioned.

"Would you rather have her against us?" Drake, having common sense for once, reasoned.

"Fair enough."

"Welcome to the Wayne manor Miss Vivienne. I do hope you enjoy your stay here. Mister Queen, Miss Queen, Miss Crock, I do believe your assistance is no longer necessary. Thank you for your help. You may stay for dinner, it will be completed in five," Alfred announced.

"Thanks Alfie. I think we'll join you guys. I think we want to hear this," Oliver Queen nodded.

"Goodbye mother. I hope to see you soon," Vivienne said pulling mother into an embrace which she lovingly returned. What? Mother has never showed me affection before. She says it's a sign of weakness.

"In due time, my daughter," she replied soothingly. She then said the words which would break my heart into a thousand pieces.

"I love you."



~Lz :3

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