Chapter Eleven | A Playdate

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Warning: be prepared for a long-ass explanation.

~Lz :3


---Katherine's P.o.V.---

It was the day after the Christmas gala and I'm still beating myself up for bumping into Bruce Wayne of all people. Ugh, I'm such an idiot! How could I be so stupid? Yet again, maybe this is for the best. Lucy said he could help me. I'll just have to trust him.

Alfred picked me up in the limousine once again, and it's strange how accustomed I've grown to it. Yeah, it's not weird how the Wayne's are constantly driving a fifteen year old girl from her apartment to their mansion at all. I closed my eyes at the temporary peace of mind I was generously given. It's the calm before the storm, really.

For the first time, I was greeted at the door of the mansion. There, standing tall and confident were the Waynes (in theory). Bruce, Dick, Jason, Tim, Damian were all lined up with their heads held high. Even Barbra and Stephanie were there waiting for my arrival. Some observation. I warily stepped out of the limo, the door held open by Alfred. I waved nervously at them and they returned it happily. I could almost feel the aristocracy radiating off them.

"Nice to see you guys again," I said quietly, barely above a whisper. My legs suddenly felt like buckling underneath me from the nerves, but I pulled myself together for the time being.

"The pleasure's all ours Alice. Glad you could make it," Bruce welcomed with his deep, smooth voice.

"Sorry to be blunt, but why exactly did you guys invite me over? It's not like I have a project with Tim again," I asked as strong as I could muster. Dick laughed loudly at my words while everyone stared at him in confusion.

"No reason, other than Little D just wanted a play date. He doesn't get many of those." Dick replied, wiping the tears from under his eyes. I raised a questioning eyebrow at Damian while his beet red face glared at Dick in embarrassment.

"That's not true Grayson! We just enjoy her company and asked her to spend time some time at the manor," he replied, his neck and ears still a crimson color.

"Mhm. Looks like you, Tim, and Jason enjoy her company a little too much," Dick responded, only to be met with two punches in the arm and an elbow in his side.

"That's enough boys. Alice, would you like to come in now? It's the middle of winter," Bruce said with a light chuckle.

"Yes please," I smiled innocently. I let the warmth engulf me as I walked into the manor, the lights coming from the several chandeliers and candles scattered throughout the living space.

"Dinner will be served at eight, you may do as you please until then," Alfred said, walking away from the group. We all turned to Bruce expectantly.

"Jason, Tim, Damian, Barbra, Stephanie. You are all in charge of keeping Alice company. Make sure she feels welcome," Bruce said.

"What about you and Dick?" Stephanie asked Bruce with her arms crossed.

"We to do," he responded shortly, leaving with Dick by his side. Well that was, interesting. We all formed a circle and sat on the couch.

"So what did you want to do first Alice?" Barbra quipped, her smile wide. I shrugged.

"I don't care. No one really told me why I was coming over, so I didn't bring anything," I said.

"I have an proposition," Damian announced, making everyone turn to him.

"Everyone will take turns accompanying Alice. Each person will take an hour at max, which we have four of until dinner. Gordon and Brown will use the same hour for what they call, 'girl talk'. I'll volunteer to take the first hour." he suggested. It didn't sound too bad, I wouldn't be smothered the whole time and I could get to know each person individually.

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