Chapter Four | The Dinner

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---Katherine-s P.o.V---

     As Tim and I walked down the stairs for dinner, I was secretly having my own mental battle in my brain. Don't be nervous Kat, you're just gonna eat dinner with the guy whose company you're gonna destroy. No big deal. Ugh, what the hell am I saying, of course it's a big deal! What if he finds out who I am? Sure I changed my hair and all but this is just crazy. A large mahogany table was in the middle of the room, the four other members of the family already present. I gulped as we approached them. I sat in-between Tim and Dick. Jason sat next to Damian across from us, and Bruce Wayne was seated at the head of the table. Tim introduced me to everyone first, mainly for Bruce's sake.

"Guys this is Alice Jacobs, my partner for a project in computer engineering." he said calmly. Bruce raised his eyebrow questioningly.

"Aren't you somewhat young to be in college, Alice?" Bruce asked, his deep voice sending small chills down my spine. I raised my hands in feigned exasperation.

     "For the love of all things beautiful I'm eighteen!" I said loudly, shocking the people at the table with my outburst. Bruce made a low hum. This is nerve-wracking. Does he know? Please, please don't tell me he knows who I am.

"So Alice, do your parents live in Gotham near your college? Or did you come from somewhere else?" Dick asked politely. Here we go. Time to test If my alibis are believable.

"Uh, they died when I was 17. So now I just live in an apartment near the university." All the men looked to me with sympathy in their eyes, though Damian's face remained stoic. 

     "Not the worst backstory I've heard," he mumbled under his breath, although everyone heard it. Tim and Bruce glared at him with warning eyes while I was contemplated his words. I bet that all four of their backgrounds are way more tragic. They're orphans after all. Just like me.

"Sorry about that, I didn't mean to bring it up." Dick apologized with sympathetic eyes.

     "No problem" I said with a warm smile. Alfred came back with bowl of warm soup. Once I tasted it, I immediately felt like I had eaten a spoonful of heaven. Remind me to ask if he can give me the recipe. Jason asked the next question, 

"So Alice, are you single?" he said with a smirk. I choked on the soup I was swallowing, coughing loudly. Tim pat my back and Damian slugged him in the shoulder. 

     "What? She's cute!" he defended. I know I said I'm eighteen and he's technically only a year older, but dammit. Yes, I admit he's hot, but that was still surprising. After I was done with my little scene I cleared my throat.

"I am, but I don't think I wanna be with a guy right now." I excused. He looked at me questioningly.

"So you're gay." he concluded. My eyes practically jumped out of my sockets.

"No! No, that's not what I meant! Not that I have anything against them but I'm straight. I'm just saying I don't want to be in a relationship." I hurriedly explained to the best of my ability.

"Good. Then I still have a chance." Jason said slyly. I snickered slightly.

"Nice try, weirdo." I said. The entire table chuckled lightly while Jason pouted.

"Don't worry Allie, I'll get to you eventually." he said.

"Allie?" I questioned.

"Yeah, my new nickname for you. Isn't it great?" Jason said. I rolled my eyes. Maybe it would be if that was my real name. Damian spoke up for the first time.

     "You know, you almost remind me of a friend I had when I was younger. She was an orphan. As we're you." he said formally. My breath hitched slightly from the possibility that hit me, though not enough for any of them to notice. They did have the same features.

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