Chapter Ten | A Friendly Visit

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Yes it's still the night right after the gala. I know, a snail could progress a story faster than this, blah blah blah.

~Lz :3

---Katherine's P.o.V.---

        It was 12:30 at night after the gala. I had just showered and brushed my teeth when I received a text from Damian.

Lucy: We have an emergency.

You: What is it?

Lucy: Are you the Lock Picker?

I bit my lip in surprise. How the hell did he find out? I'm so lucky I put extra security on my messages.

You: Yes.

You: Please don't kill me.

Lucy: We'll talk about this later, but that's the least of your problems.

You: What do you mean?

Lucy: It means, Batman, Robin, and Red Robin are all coming to your house in half an hour.

You: Wtf?! Why don't you stop them?! 

Lucy: I can't without them getting suspicious!

Lucy: Just hide, delete, or destroy anything that hast to do with the Lock Picker or Katherine okay?

You: Dammit Lucy

Lucy: Is that your catchphrase now?

You: Yup. 

Lucy: Whatever.

You: Should I pretend to be asleep or stay awake? 

Lucy: Pretend to sleep.

Lucy: If they get too close to finding anything I'll say a certain word and you need to pretend to wake up.

Lucy: It will scare them away. They don't want a confrontation.

You: How about....Kat?

Lucy: Very well. Good luck.

You: Thanks I'll need it 

     I groaned and hit my head in frustration. Damn it! I put my phone and laptop to factory reset. Bye bye updates! I framed and placed a picture I made of my fake family on my dresser, and quickly tried feigning asleep. I hid my face in my arms in case my expression decided to betray me. After what felt like hours of laying on my bed acting unconscious, I heard a nearly silent click come from my window. He wasn't kidding.

     Three quiet thuds came from my right side, along with a cold breeze.

    "Good, she's asleep," I heard a mechanical voice say, though not as deep as I've heard Batman's was.

    "Always the observant one, weren't you Drake?" I heard another disguised voice say. There's my Little Lucy.

    "Shut up Demon, let's just look around and get out. Plus, no names on the field remember?" I heard the person, who could only be Tim reply. Their speaking was replaced by footsteps and shuffling. I made out the sound of doors opening and drawers creaking. After what must've been about 10 minutes of them searching my apartment I caught a gasp.

    "What? Did you find something Robin?" I heard a low, monotone voice say. So that's the Batman voice. Cool.

    "No, but I think I recall Alice owning a cat," Damian hissed. What? I don't have a- wait. Clever Lucy. Taking the hint, I moved readjusted my legs slightly, making rustling noises with my bed sheets. I could almost feel their stares at my back. I groaned and moved my arm to rub my eyes. 

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