Chapter Thirty-Four | Birds of a Feather

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---Katherine's P.o.V---

I watched in shock and a bit of sadistic glee as my mothers body crumpled slowly, a strangled gasp coming out from her mouth as well as a shiny, crimson fluid. To match my internal emotions, the woman chuckled painfully, turning back to face me. I noticed how easily it was to see how the arrow pierced right between her shoulder blades, protruding back through her chest.

"You were always a clever one, weren't you Vivienne? Oh, how naive I was to think my beautiful creation could stay mine forever. And here I was, thinking you'd be different from Damian." she mused, dramatically enunciating her speech.

"I am different. And I was never yours to begin with. I am, and always have been, my own person." I stated confidently, scanning over her proud yet weakened body.

"Really now? Look at you Vivienne, will you ever truly be your own person?" she asked smugly, smirking at me.

"Would you just shut the fuck up and die already?" I snapped at her, almost readying another arrow before I decided that I wanted her to die a slow and painful death.

"What brutal words coming from my own child. But just know this Vivienne: even in death, I'll be watching you, observing you, controlling you. You will never be free." she stated determinedly.

I shook my head and walked away from the scene unharmed, though it wasn't like she could've harmed me. The pain never lasted long, and I've felt worse.

---Third P.o.V---

"So we just want to keep Katherine then?" Dick finalized in a question. Seemingly just in time for the big news, Katherine burst through the meeting doors. Weak at the knees, she collapsed right in the entranceway.

The group saw her battered, slightly bloodied torso, and immediately launched into action. However, Katherine stopped them with a wave of her hand.

"No. Time. Who. Did. You. Choose?" she panted, clutching her rib cage with one arm.

"You, Katherine," Dick informed in a rush.

"Well hurry the hell up then and fix this before I turn German, you idiot!" Katherine screamed before her vision went pitch black.

And her last view as Snow Rabbit was the family she grew to love, reaching out towards her. She closed her eyes with a smile on her face as she knew they loved her just the same.


All the Waynes, well Waynes in theory, stood stone faced as the casket was lowered into the ground.

Despite how much he didn't want to, Damian shed a tear for his family who would never be seen again. He angrily wiped away the offending drop off of his cheek, shaking it towards the ground.

"I won't cry for you mother. You deserve everything you've been given."

"That she does," Katherine chirped, kicking a rock into the ditch. (A/n: haha, did I get you there?)

"You know Katherine, you don't have to be that disrespectful. She's still a dead woman." Jason commented, looking at the girl with crinkled eyes.

"Oh, I have all the rights in the world to be this way. She's dead now anyway, she wouldn't feel it. At least not how I did." Katherine snapped, kicking another stone with the tip of her boot.

"So guys, while death is all fine and dandy, I'm gonna have my birthday soon so..... how should we celebrate?" Katherine commented, changing the mood completely.

"How about pizza? I'm kind of tired from all of this." Bruce groaned, pulling at his collar.

"YES," they all shouted in unison.

After having all of it delivered to the manor, the Wayne family sat in front of the coffee table on the floor eating and laughing, the mountain of empty boxes slowly getting taller and taller.

"You have something on your face," Tim commented to Vivienne, wiping the corner of her mouth with his thumb.

"I never knew you were so cheesy, Tim." Katherine said while rolling her eyes, but althewhile blushing slightly.

"Just like this pizza?" He retorted, earning a slap on the arm from Katherine.

"You are so...... I can't even explain it, okay?" She said and put her face in her non-greasy hand.

"You don't need to, do you?" Tim asked, as he stood up to reposition himself behind her, hugging her back. He wrapped his arms around her torso, cutely tucking his face into the crook of her neck.

And that's when Katherine Hope knew that she would be more than happy to stay in Gotham with the people she was surrounded by.



YES I AM FINISHED THE ENDING IS CRINGEY BUT WHO CARES I'M DONE! Thank you to everyone who liked what I wrote and encouraged me to finish this!

I really hope you guys enjoyed this story, and that undeniably annoying hiatus in between. XD

Thanks again! <3

~ Lz :3

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