Chapter Eight | The Gala

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---Katherine's P.o.V.---

     I opened the bedroom door to see a grinning Barbra and Stephanie. I walked up to both of them and pinched their arms, despite the fact that they were about three inches taller.

   "Ow!" they said simultaneously, rubbing the spot I had pinched.

     "That, was for making me accidentally show my hair to Tim and Jason! And this," I pinched them again, "is for washing out my hair dye and not fixing it!" I yelled angrily. They had a look of regret on their face, but it didn't reside for long.

   "So are you still going? Because we have a dress and everything..." Stephanie trailed off, looking in the direction of a door which probably led to a closet.

     "Yes, I have to go in accordance to friendship law #93, Never let your friend go to a rich person gala alone. Especially if they are said rich person." I said annoyed. They squealed in excitement.

      "What are we waiting for then?! Let's do this!" Barbra clapped her hands together. They sat me on a chair in front of the vanity mirror. Looking in my reflection made me only think of one name. Katherine Hope. Not Alice Jacobs the brunette, but Katherine. Barbra started on my makeup, putting a slight bit of concealer under my eyes, but skipped foundation entirely. She added thin winged eyeliner and mascara, and to finish the natural look, she applied a pale pink-nude matte lipstick. I had to admit, it looked nice. 

Stephanie walked back into the room with the most beautiful dress I'll probably ever wear in my life.

Stephanie walked back into the room with the most beautiful dress I'll probably ever wear in my life

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She laid the dress on the bed, coming back a few moments later with a pair of heels in her hand.

She laid the dress on the bed, coming back a few moments later with a pair of heels in her hand

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I quickly put on but items, surprised at how well they fit.

   "How did you guys know my size?" I asked, still shocked at the beauty of the gown I was wearing. This must've cost a fortune.

"We didn't! This was just a shot in the dark, but we decided to keep with the theme of your hair and eyes! And BTW, you look gorgeous! " Barbra cheered happily.

     "Yeah! We're gonna go get changed real quick, you can hang out in the room though. We should go out in thirty minutes," Stephanie added. I nodded and they both left to the bathroom to get ready. I stood next to the bed, propping myself against the wall. I took out my phone and set it to buzz when the company head's laptop was in range. Hopefully I can say it's a text, slip away, work my magic, and be done before anything gets too suspicious. Stephanie and Barbra came back with their makeup done, wearing a red and green dress respectively. I chuckled at the irony of our colors. Oh yeah, Christmas.

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