Chapter Thirty-One | Choices

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---Tim's P.o.V.---

   I watched in shock as Vivienne cursed like a sailor, something she tended to refrain from doing at all. I saw the pain in her eyes as she grew lt, starting to insult herself. It pained me to see her put herself down.

She's perfect, why would she say otherwise?

   Instead of her eyes glossing over, they crossed this time, moving left and right as if she was seeing things in multiple directions. She whispered an apology to us before her body went limp onto Dick's shoulder. None of us were prepared for this, myself just thinking she was throwing a little temper tantrum.

Why would she apologize?

   She abruptly stood up, frantically swerving to observe her surroundings. She spotted me, running toward my body which was still on the ground. I saw her worried expression through the mask.

   "Tim? It's me, Katherine! Where am I? What's going on? Where's Lucy? And Artemis? What happened to the arrows? What time is it?" she said rapidly. My eyes grew wide.

   "Katherine? Why are you here? What happened to Vivienne? How do you know it's me?" I asked worriedly, standing up and gripping her shoulders.

   "I don't have time to explain. Now, what time is it?!" she yelled.

   "It's almost noon, why?" I asked, starting to become panicked as a result of her state. She visibly relaxed a bit before reverting back to her worried expression.

   "Okay, we have about twelve hours before midnight. I need you to bring Bruce, Jason, Dick, Damian, Barbra, and Steph with me. We have to go to the manor," she said, not caring that the others would hear. To be honest, I could care less considering the apparent urgency of the situation.

   "Batgirl, Nightwing, let's go. Katherine, you have to tell us everything you know once we get there. The rest of you guys just continue what you were doing without us," I demanded, the four of us jogging towards the zeta tubes.

   Once Stephanie arrived at the manor, everyone was ecstatic for Katherine's return, but timid considering she seemed really worked up over something. She had everyone sit at the dining table, herself standing at the head of it.

   "Okay, so I guess you're wondering why I'm back, or why I brought you here. You're also probably confused why I know you're identities, as well as how I have my memories. Well, I need you all to make the most important decision of my life, and for the world," she started formally, taking out sheets of paper from a thick blue binder. Where did she get that from?

   "Here, in my hands, are the biographies of every single one of my alternative personalities. This includes myself, Vivienne, as well as all the others. I've realized that now is the time that we have to choose. Why? Because the amount of knowledge I possess is detrimental to my health. Vivienne was able to hold her form for an impressive amount of time, but her sheer will power was growing weaker by the day. Now, you've already met quite a few: Min, Viv, Isa, and myself, Katherine. I've been used as the mediator and instructor for this choice, seeing as I know you all the best. I have chosen you all, since you are widely known to do what's best for everyone, despite personal issues. Now, I permit you to look through the files and select one. I will take that form, hold only her memories and skills, and nothing more. As such, I will no longer be able to change to any other. If you don't decide on me, then I will be gone forever. You can also trigger any of my egos to meet in person, they know the current situation. Though I believe you should keep from having Isabella come, she doesn't like men all that much," she explained. Our jaws dropped instantly.

   "Are you sure there's nothing we can do, Snow Rabbit? Anything?" Damian asked worriedly. Katherine nodded.

   "There is one, but I don't think that it's such a good idea," she offered, crossing her arms.

   "What is it?" we all asked eagerly in unison.

   "Every twenty-four hours, I will change. I have no control over it, like rolling a dice. Vivienne will only be accessible on New Years Day, and no other. We will all share memories from that day on. The reason I'm so against this is that there are some people that I'd rather not have you meet. Now that that's over with, let's begin," she stated solemnly.

   After about 300 sheets in, we all put down the papers we were holding.

   "This is ridiculous. There are too many of them, we can't choose." Jason said, resting his head back to stare at the ceiling.

   "Jason's right. So far, our main contenders are Katherine, Azra from Turkey, and Emina from Albania. Right?" Dick asked tiredly, hitting his head against the table. Katherine was an obvious choice, seeing as she was familiar to us, and could use a bow perfectly. Azra was nineteen, a sniper, as well as a dancer. Emina was our favorite case, who apparently acted like a seven-year-old. She could sing, but also swims at eight miles per hour. It didn't sound like much, but that was the fastest a human being had in history. We met both Azra and Emina, who were both relatively nice and didn't want to kill anyone.

   "Yes, perhaps we should rethink our method of sorting through these," Bruce said tiredly. We were nearly murdered several times when we met a few people, though it was mostly Bruce on the receiving end. He really should've been more careful before he broke it off with Talia.

   "Katherine, Talia knows that you're not Vivienne anymore, correct?" Bruce asked. Katherine shot up from her seat frantically.

   "Shit! I forgot! She's gonna kill me! Someone say something in Italian, please" she yelled, panicking.

   "Ciao!" Jason shouted jokingly, earning a punch in the arm from Damian. Katherine's eyes glossed over, bringing forth a girl who calmly observed her surroundings. Once she made a full 360-degree turn, she sprinted out of the room faster than Bart. When she left, we all turned to face Bruce.

   "I think I know what to do."


I'm sorry, I was running out of things to write about.

~Lz :3

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