Chapter Twenty-Six | Let's Just Get This Over With

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---Vivienne's P.o.V---

I sighed as I sat on my bed, sewing a tear in one of my sweaters. It was five in the morning the next day, I decided I would just do mindless tasks until seven. I ate lunch and dinner with Damian's family last night, not speaking much at all. I became engrossed in my thoughts before I knew it. I never asked to stay with these people. I didn't hate it, believe me, but I missed the sensation of fighting, learning. Of course I was going to school later that day, but their information is so.... elementary.

Damian was the perfect younger brother. Protective, stubborn, but cared for me above all else. I was glad I was finally able to see him, though he seems so cold to others. His brothers were an experience like no other. Richard, the brooding den-mother, loved physical contact which I couldn't get my head around. Jason, reckless and idiotic, though incredibly playful and charismatic, kept the atmosphere light-hearted. Timothy..... I couldn't understand. He was quiet, but spoke in the most helpful of times. His voice was...enthralling. His actions were minimal, though spoke a thousand words.

Bruce Wayne. The leader. The Batman. Mixed emotions swirled in my mind when I saw him. I had a growing respect for the man, as my mother sees something in him. He closes himself off, puts up a front. I'm grateful that I can see past it, but what I see beyond frightens me. Pain, hurt, loss. It repulsed me when I first witnessed it.

I couldn't help but feel horrible in this household. Katherine, Alice, everyone loved her. She was an angel. I can't seem to shake off the feeling of being a burden among these people. Perhaps I can have Damian turn me to Katherine for the time being. She can to socialize far more comfortably than myself, somewhat enjoying it. Then again, in an emergency, I can't take control over my actions. I let my mind wander over various things before I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in," I called out. Damian came inside, still in his sleeping attire.

"Yes?" I asked.

"School starts at eight. We'll be leaving at seven thirty in the limousine, it's seven as of right now. I suggest you start getting ready," he said groggily, stepping back out.

I opened my temporary closet, my nose crinkling in disgust. I pulled out the uniform for the academy I was attending, hating every thread of it. The short skirt and button down shirt that was just a little too tight made me want to burn it. Does no one have any concern for decency anymore, these days?

I begrudgingly slipped on the "clothing" as well as black shoes which felt like concrete. There was no flexibility to them, and they crushed the sides of my feet. I sighed, knowing any size larger would fall off and made my way downstairs. I found Timothy, Damian, and Bruce Wayne all sitting at the dining table, their breakfasts halfway done. I placed my empty book bag next to my chair as I took a seat, not attempting a conversation. This, however, didn't translate to Bruce Wayne.

"Vivienne, are you ready to start your first day of high school?" he asked. I rolled my eyes, giving him a stare that said nothing other than seriously.

"Let's just get this over with," I muttered tiredly. Timothy chuckled, though it sounded like bells chiming beautifully. It was.... harmonious.

"She definitely acts like a teenager, Bruce." he said, earning a glare from Damian. I smiled lovingly at the two. They were undoubtedly the most adorable sight I've ever seen.

"Drake, Vivienne is no ordinary teenager," he commented. Alfred came to take the dirty dishes away, surprised that I didn't have any.

"Miss Vivienne, have you eaten breakfast?" he questioned. I shook my head.

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