Chapter Twenty-Three | Training

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Don't mind the formal writing, because this is in Vivienne's POV.  Damn, I haven't written like this in a while. BTW, Stephanie and Barbra missed out on this.

~Lz :3


---Vivienne's P.o.V.---

   The alarm of my cell phone rung, halting my attack on a punching bag.

8:00 a.m.

   Almost immediately afterwards, the zeta tube in the batcave announced the arrival of three people. From the beam of light stepped out Oliver and Dinah Queen, as well as Artemis.

   "Hey Vivienne!" Artemis called out, waving frantically. I simply nodded in acknowledgement, not bothering to reply.

   "Someone's excited," Jason commented sarcastically, joining us in the room. Soon the rest of the boys, including Bruce, were all present in the sparring area.

   "Who wants to go first?" Richard asked, since we were standing prepared, though none of us moving. I was to be in the majority of partnerships, seeing as this was my observation.

    "I guess I'll go," Timothy volunteered hesitantly, stepping onto the mat. It was a purely no-weapons fight, and our collective lack of powers gave for a good evaluation of our skills in combat.

   "Don't go easy on him Vivienne," Bruce added. I nodded my head, even though I already knew I would completely disregard his statement. I can't give it my all, he would die in 0.3 seconds. I mustn't do that to him. Vivienne became troubled thinking why she had the urge to show mercy to him.

   "And, go!" Richard called out, initiating a stopwatch. Timothy seemed to be a more....gentle fighter. When Richard told us to start, we didn't. We both observed silently, waiting for the other to move first. Admittedly, he was most likely stalling, though it wouldn't do anything but. To bait him, I calmly walked closer, as if I was merely going to chat with him. He seemed perplexed as to why I was approaching him in a way which didn't signal any hostile intentions.

    He quickly realized that we were meant to fight, and shot a straight punch once I was at the appropriate distance. I swiftly dodged the blow, albeit scarcely, and grabbed the side of his arm. I pivoted 180 degrees, and flipped him onto the ground. Before he could react, I placed my knee cap on his back, holding his arm in a way that could easily dislocate his shoulder if I adjusted my angle even slightly. Once Timothy tapped the mat with his free hand, Richard stopped the timer.

   "Eight point thirty-four seconds. Nice job Vivienne, but was the staring contest in the beginning really necessary?" Richard asked as I scowled, lifting myself off of a sprawled Timothy. Standing and brushing himself off, he gave me a brief thumbs-up and a smile before walking off.

How....curious. He admits defeat, yet why does he congratulate me? Should he not feel ashamed of his lack of victory?

      I abruptly ended my thoughts when Jason approached the mat, cracking his neck cockily. I smirked at his display. 

Oh how I love to break the confident ones.

   "You both ready? Ok, start!" Richard announced once we nodded. Jason ran towards me swiftly, barely making a sound despite his size. Just as he was about to grab the backs of my knees, I crouched down, sweeping him off balance with a kick. He fell to the ground with a 'thud', but rolled backwards before swiftly returning to his original stance. I initiated the attack for once, leaping upwards to wrap my legs around his head. Using my momentum, I leaned backwards, propelling my legs over and under me. 

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