Chapter Twenty-Four | The Plan

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---Third P.o.V---

     Once Vivienne left the room, everyone let their true emotions show. Oliver, Dinah, Artemis, and Jason stood wide-eyed, Bruce smirked, Damian was smiling genuinely at nothing, and Tim looked like he was in La La land.

     "What the hell are you going to do Bruce?" Oliver questioned, mouth still slightly agape. Bruce shook his head,

   "Nothing Oliver. Vivienne is just a child. I have no say in what she's to do or not to do. She's Talia's, not mine," Bruce said calmly, though his knee was screaming out in pain.

   "Just a child, Bruce?! She could probably take out half of the League before you could even say the word child! You can't just give her back to that family of assassins! Who knows what she'll do," Dinah reasoned, holding her side which was still immensely sore.

   "I'm part of that family, Queen. Besides, I know Vivienne won't do anything that is blatantly.....wrong. I'm sure of it," Damian commented. He didn't want to admit it, but his mother's reasoning for keeping her a secret from him wasn't false. He was starting to love his sister. In the platonic way, of course.

    "Do you think she'll join us?" Tim asked hopefully. He didn't exactly know who she could join with. The Teen Titans? No, she might not fit in too well. The JLA? Oh wait, she's not eighteen yet. Maybe she'll just stay with us. 

   "It's up to her and her mother. If we can convince her, maybe she just might," Bruce said.

   "So it's settled, we need her," Oliver said. It was obvious that no one wanted to be on Vivienne's opposing side.

   "One way or another," Bruce responded with a sigh.

  ---Time Skip--- 

   As Vivienne stepped out of the shower, she noticed she had never brought any clothes with her. I'm such an idiot! I left my items at the apartment. Oh well, I'll just ask Alfred to bring me there after lunch. Opening her closet, she found several articles which looked to be menswear. I suppose it will have to do. Putting on a loose pale blue button-down, she decided she didn't need shorts considering it went all the way to her knees. Vivienne took a belt and wrapped it around her waist, rolling up the sleeves, deciding she could pull this off as one of those odd modern style dresses. 

    She made her way down the stairs, looking for the famed butler. Vivienne soon realized that the manor was just obnoxiously large. Who needs this much space? Was he living here alone before he found Richard? Such an empty lifestyle. She eventually found everyone, including the Queens, in the living room conversing, with no Alfred in sight.

  "Have any of you seen Alfred lately?" she asked the group, grabbing their attention. 

  "Viv, is that my shirt?" Jason asked, raising his eyebrow.

   "I have no idea, but I'm borrowing it for the time being. I need Alfred to bring me to my apartment so I can gather my belongings. Seeing as Katherine Hope doesn't exist anymore, I see no use in keeping that place," Vivienne explained.

    "Oh my bad, I forgot you didn't bring anything when you came to live with us. I'll ask Alfred to bring you there right away," Bruce said with an apologetic expression.

    "No need Master Bruce, I'm already here. Miss Vivienne, the limousine is waiting outside," Alfred said, finally appearing. Vivienne followed him out of the manor, sitting in the back seat. 

   Once they arrived, Vivienne bolted to her door, revealing the apartment she had been living in for the past year. Textbooks laid askew across tables, a carafe of unfinished coffee on the kitchen counter. She scowled at the sight, disgusted at her old lifestyle. Her linear algebra course seemed like addition now, she was surprised at how much of her life she wasted on these useless classes.

   She took out a large suitcase which she had purchased in case Katherine ever had to move and packed every single item in that place, quickly noticing it wasn't much. Clothes and shoes were the only items that ended up being brought, as well as her computer. Not a single photo. Vivienne was almost heartbroken at how empty the last five years of her life were. She grabbed her luggage, walking to the front.

   "I'm moving. I have already paid the rent for this month. Just throw out anything I left inside," Vivienne said curtly, walking to the limo. 

   "Miss Vivienne, is that all?" Alfred asked, taking the suitcase from her hands. Vivienne nodded, getting in without a word. When they pulled into the driveway, Alfred told her that he would bring her luggage up to her room, and to go to the living room. Vivienne, perplexed, sat on the couch, awaiting what was planned for her. One by one, people filed in, sitting next to and across from her.

   "What is it?" she asked, leaning back. Everyone turned to one another, not wanting to be the one who spoke first.

   "You, we want to...." Dinah started, faltering.

   "We want you to join us," Bruce finished straightly. Vivienne crossed her legs, raising an eyebrow.

   "Now why on Earth would I want to do that?," she asked monotonously. No one could formulate an answer other than: 'You're a threat and don't want you to kill us'.

   "Vivienne, they're afraid of you. You're incredibly powerful and smart. Dangerous almost. I don't condone them making you into another glorified hero, but it will help them sleep at night." Damian explained, ignoring the glares of his brothers.

   "We want you to help our cause. Help keep the innocents safe from harm. What do you say?" Oliver asked. Vivienne put her index finger on her chin, showing them that she was contemplating it. Her inner conscience refused violently. This is ridiculous. You are loyal to the League, not these costumed freaks.

   "Um, no." Vivienne responded, standing up and walking away.

   "You're either with us or against us Vivienne," Bruce stated to her back. Everyone motioned for Bruce to shut the hell up. They didn't want anything to do with her if she wasn't on their side. Vivienne paused her stroll, turning her head slightly so they could see the profile of her face. She smirked,

   "Perfect," she whispered, sending shivers down their spines.


What to do, what to do.....

~Lz :3

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