Chapter Twenty-Eight | Teamwork

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---Vivienne's P.o.V.---

   "Come along, Vivienne," Bruce called, waving me over with his hand. He was wearing his suit, as was Damian, Timothy, and Richard. I was wearing a simple domino mask to cover my face, though wore a simple shirt and jeans. The spirit gum adhesive nearly ripped off my eyebrows the first time I used it.

   "Are you absolutely positive I must go, Mister Wayne?" I asked reluctantly, holding my duffel bag. He nodded.

   "Of course. This is a great opportunity for you to experience teamwork," he convinced, ushering me closer to the zeta-tube, the three boys behind me. I shuddered at his words. Mother always said partners were just a liability. Extra baggage when working towards a goal.

   I shook my head defiantly.

   "I'm afraid that is not a valid reason," I spoke calmly. He raised an eyebrow.

   "Well, that's mine. It's pretty decent, if I do say so myself," he responded with a smirk. I rolled my eyes and stepped into the phone booth, a blinding light enveloping the four of us. Once the spots cleared my vision, I appeared to be in a large room with high-ceilings, walls made of rock. I looked in front of me, greeted by the sight of several teenagers grinning happily at me. I made a small smile to be polite, though I couldn't want more to simply leave as quick as I came.

   "Team, this is Linguistic. She'll be joining you until further notice," Bruce, or Batman introduced, his voice much more deep and raspy than normal.

   "What is that supposed to mean?" a girl, perhaps Tim's age, said, her golden hair flowing down her back. She held a lasso similar to the Wonder Woman's, and her outfit holding an uncanny resemblance.

   "It means it's not decided yet if she'll stay. But she will for the time being. Get to know her," he instructed, promptly leaving.

   There was an awkward silence between us, and Tim shuffled his feet awkwardly.

He's nervous. Cute.

   A girl with green skin, most likely a related to the martian hero, smiled wide. Her red hair and freckles stood out against her complexion as she walked forward, extending her hand. I shook it politely, as she introduced herself.

   "Hi! My name's M'gann M'orzz, but you can call me Megan. It's my Earth name. Welcome to the team," she greeted, grinning brightly. She was definitely an optimist, a little too cheerful for my liking.

   "This is Impulse, Blue Beetle, Wonder Girl, Batgirl, Aqualad, Beast Boy, Bumblebee, Lagoon Boy, Rocket, Static, Tigress, and Superboy. I think you already know Red Robin and Nightwing," she spoke extremely quickly, almost that I didn't catch it. I looked at the array of being curiously. A martian, two Atlanteans, a clone, martial artists, and several, several meta-humans.

What a fun little bunch.

   "Linguistic. Pleasure to meet you. Yes, I have already met Nightwing and Red Robin, as well as Tigress and Batgirl. Nice to see you two again, by the way," I said, waving my hand at them. They waved back, smiling. A slim, brown-haired boy ran up to me at an inhumane speed.

   "This is so crash! You're Linguistic! It's an honor to meet you! I've read about you in the history books, you- oh, spoilers!" he babbled, covering his mouth. I rolled my eyes, though they couldn't see it.

   "You're a time traveler. What brings you to the past?" I asked, tilting my head to the side. He circled around us quickly several times while explaining how he was the Flash's relative and had to "crash the mode".

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