Chapter Three | College

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Here's a little help with the ages in case you're confused.

Katherine: 15 years old (about to turn 16)

Alice: 18 (just turned)

Tim: 17 (about to turn 18)

Damian: 15 years old

Jason: 19 years old

Dick: 23 years old

I have no idea if these age gaps are right or not, but I'm just doing whatever fits.

~Lz :3

---Katherine's P.o.V.---

I was half awake during my third lecture of the day. I was about to shut my eyes and fall into a tempting sleep until I heard the most dreaded words a college student could hear come out of the professor's mouth.

"Okay, everyone choose a partner because this is going to be a group project", the old man said cheerily. Annoyed groans were heard across the auditorium. I knew I was screwed since Charlotte wasn't in any of my classes, she was majoring in cognitive science but I didn't think it was that interesting. I rested my forehead against my table, desperately hoping there was an odd number of students so I could to the task alone.

My plan was disrupted by a tap on my shoulder. I waved my hand dismissively without raising my head, grumbling a 'no thanks'. This person obviously wouldn't take no for an answer and tapped my shoulder again. This time I lifted my head with a questioning eyebrow, my blue eyes staring intently. My expression quickly morphed to surprise when I recognized the face peering back from the seat behind me. The bachelor with a trust fund, Timothy Drake.

"Uh hey, I don't have a partner and you look like you don't have one either. So, you wanna be loners together?" I smirked at his offer.

"Really? Mr. Wealthy-and-Popular can't find a partner? That seems highly unlikely. Plus, I like working alone. You don't even know my name." I smiled victoriously. Then again, no one really knows.

"Well, since there's an even number of kids, you don't really have a choice, do you? And so I can shoot down another point in your argument, what is your name?" he retorted.

"Alice, Alice Jacobs." I said with a sarcastic two-fingered salute.

"Tim Drake, though I assume you already knew that. So what do you say? Partners?" He asked, outstretching his hand.

"Sure, I guess" I said, sighing in defeat as I shook his hand. He grinned widely.

"Great! You wanna work on it at your place or mine?" he inquired excitedly. I raised a suspicious eyebrow.

"You know there's also a thing called a library right?" I said simply. I don't really like getting too close to people, I already have one friend and that's enough for me.

"Well there's a library in the manor, so I guess my house it is" I looked at him with an 'are you serious' expression. Rich people and their huge mansions.

"Fine. I'll head over to start on it after-class today. Sound peachy?" I grumbled, annoyed at my misfortune.

"Yeah, sounds good." We exchanged phone numbers once the one hour period finished. I whistled over a taxi after I was dismissed, giving the driver the location Tim sent me through text. I pulled up to a building twice the size of my apartment complex. An old, balding man in a pristine tuxedo greeted me at the front gate.

"Good afternoon. My name is Alfred. Master Tim is expecting your visit. Please enjoy your time at the Wayne manor Miss-" he paused awaiting my response. The gears turned in my head as I noticed the giant metal 'W' on the gate in front of me. No fucking way. Tim lives with Bruce Wayne? The Drakes were rich but their bank accounts were tiny in comparison. Well this just makes things a lot more complicated. I gulped remembering the job I was payed to do a few days prior. Realizing I had yet to finish the butler's sentence I snapped out of it.

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