Chapter Fifteen | Report

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---Third P.o.V---

   Once Damian and the others reached the batcave, nothing could stop the words flowing out of Dick's mouth.

   "Seriously Damian?! A robin? Could you make it anymore obvious? Why the hell would you ask someone who's potentially an extremely dangerous criminal to draw a robin?! You're practically giving her the answer to all our secrets!" he yelled. 

   "Dick, does she look like a criminal to you? She's just a normal girl who's good at art. Plus, you made it pretty suspicious when you demanded Damian to go to 'the basement'." Stephanie said, crossing her arms.

   "Yeah, there's no way Bruce is right about this. It's probably his bat-paranoia clouding his judgement again. She's just an ordinary college student, and a pretty cool one at that," Barbra defended. Little did she know, Jason was scrambling his brains out as he rushed to the batcave.

   What the hell? What the hell? What the hell?! First she says we can't be together, than she kisses me? Not to mention her calling me "Little Red Riding Hood"! Does she know? Or is this just some sick coincidence? Ugh! This girl is going to drive me to insanity! He rambled to himself as he headed down to the batcave. He saw everyone surrounding Bruce, his height towering over the crowd.

   "So did you find anything? Any clues?" Bruce questioned the kids. A series of 'nope, no, nothing' was heard throughout. Jason was still trying to make sense of it all, deciding not to tell them about his little encounter.

   "She's crazy good at archery though, maybe better than Artemis," Dick said, smirking. Bruce raised his eyebrows in astonishment.

   "So what Jason said was true? I thought he was exaggerating. Give me a moment," he said, pulling up camera footage of Alice in different rooms of the manor on the bat-computer. Thankfully for Damian's sake, they didn't have sound, nor did they show any of his room. He was grateful he disabled the cameras in there when he first arrived at the manor. 

    When he found the video of Alice in the backyard, he pressed play. Everyone was staring at the screen in awe. Alice walked swiftly across the field, parallel to the row of targets across from her. She rapidly shot arrow after arrow, and hit each target perfectly without fail. Never once changing her pace, she strung each bow as if she was simply breathing. At the last target, she released three arrows in succession with incredible accuracy, splitting the previous one in half each time. When Bruce paused the footage, he turned around to see everyone with their lips parted, their stares unblinking.

   "I suppose you're correct Jason, she is too skilled at it for this to be her first time," Bruce commented, snapping everyone from their daze.

   "Yeah, I knew you said she was good, but not that good," Tim added, his expression still unmoving. Despite his best efforts, Jason couldn't hold back his uneasiness at the mention of Alice. This was instantly noticed by the world's greatest detective.

   "Jason, what happened while you were walking Alice out of the manor?" Bruce interrogated, grabbing everybody's attention. Jason gulped at the unwanted eyes on him.

   "N-nothing," he lied, sweat starting to form on his forehead. Damian snickered at his older brother attempt to fool Batman.

    "Jason, don't lie to me. If you won't tell me yourself, perhaps we'll just have to look at the security footage from earlier," Bruce warned. Jason's eyes widened at the thought. He really didn't want an assassin and computer genius after him because of what they saw.

   "She kissed me okay?!" Jason admitted, only telling half of the truth. Bruce smirked while the rest of the group had bewildered expressions. 

   "SHE WHAT?!" they all screamed at once, their voices echoing off the walls of the cave. 

   "She couldn't.....she wouldn't," Damian mumbled to himself. He knew well enough that Katherine would never kiss Jason, she swore by it. It was also just wrong. Tim however, boiled over in jealousy and rage. He couldn't stand the familiar aching pit in his chest.

   "You're lying, Jason! Alice would never want to kiss you!" Tim fumed, walking threateningly up to him. Regardless of the height difference, Jason had to admit that he was scared of his younger brother in this state.

   "For once, I agree with Drake. You're lying through you're teeth, Todd. I know for a fact that Alice wouldn't dare kiss you," Damian said, strolling to stand by Tim's side. Despite his calm exterior, everyone could tell Damian was ready to kill.

   "I swear!" Jason promised his brothers.

   "That's impossible Jason. Alice just told us that she brother-zoned you when you tried to tell her you liked her. Sorry about that by the way," Barbra said, while Damian chuckled under his breath, though he still managed to keep a straight face. Dick however, found this whole scene amusing.

   "This is the most amazing love-um, square I've ever seen! Three brothers like one girl, and all of them hate each other over it, but she doesn't know. The oldest tries to confess, but the girl turns him down. Then he says that she kissed him, and no one believes a single word he says. I need some popcorn," he said, standing next to Bruce.

   "If you're serious about that Master Dick, I can prepare some. However, Master Jason speaks no lies. I saw it with my own two eyes," Alfred said, walking into the cave. 

   "If Alfred says so then it must be true," Stephanie said.

   "What did I tell you guys?" Jason said irritably, though on the inside, he wondered if she actually liked him at all. He really hoped so. Damian couldn't fathom how unrealistic this was. Why the hell would Katherine willingly kiss Todd? She said it herself that she was too young for him. Unless... Damian stormed up to Jason and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, slamming him against the wall.

    "If you forced her to kiss you Todd I swear I will-" he started, his fingers wrapping around Jason's neck when he was suddenly pulled away. Jason doubled over, desperately trying to refill the air that his lungs were so abruptly deprived of.

   "That's enough Damian," Bruce said, letting go of his son's shoulder which he used to pull. 

   "I'm not sure if it is father. Did you force her Todd? If you did, I will not hesitate to throw you into the Marianas Trench," Damian hissed coldly. Jason shook his head, which only worsened his growing headache.

   "No, I would never do that to Alice, Demon Spawn. She kissed me," he breathed out, his voice rough from a newly abused windpipe. Damian stormed out of the room defiantly, Tim following soon after. When they reached their respected rooms, they both sent Alice the same message.

   You: Did you kiss Jason?


Erryones jelly now. 

~Lz :3

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