Chapter Seventeen | Where's Alice?

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---Third person P.o.V.---

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Forty nine. Forty nine arrows, perfect and precise. The fiftieth hit the target, but not in its center. I just beat Green Arrow and Artemis in an archery competition. What the hell is going on?

" God. You're amazing," Oliver awed, staring at me with an unblinking stare.

"That was.....đáng kinh ngạc! (incredible!)" Artemis exclaimed in Vietnamese. I smiled at their compliments. Unbeknownst to me, darkness enveloped my vision, and I saw Damian run up to my collapsing figure.


   Once Artemis said those words, Damian knew something was bound to go wrong. Alice's eyelids slowly drifted closed. He noticed this, and caught her just as her knees buckled under.

   "What have you done Crock?!" he yelled at Artemis' stunned expression.

   "I-I don't know. What did I say?" she stuttered, staring at the limp body in Damian's arms.

   "Damian. Explanation. Now." Bruce commanded, the entire group stampeding towards him. He laid Alice on the soft grass, standing to face the concerned expressions of his family.

   "There's no time father. I don't know who she's going to be next," Damian hurriedly said, confusing the group even more.

   "What do you mean who she's gonna be nex-" Dick started, but was interrupted by the sound of grass ruffling. Alice sat up calmly, as if she had never blacked out.

   "Chào mọi người (Hello everyone)," she greeted, showing no emotion whatsoever. 

   "What's your name?" Damian asked, perturbed.

   "Oh, you speak English. Damian Wayne, my name is Phan Minh, though you may call me Min. It's simpler for you," Min greeted. Damian was concerned why English didn't alter her personality at all.

   "Min? What happened to Alice?" Jason questioned, his face still stuck in an incredulous expression.

   "I'm sorry Jason Todd, I do not know of an Alice," Min said simply. She acted like a computer, robotic, her voice monotonous and void of all emotion.

   "Katherine Hope. Where is Katherine?" Damian corrected, earning puzzled eyes onto him.

   "Katherine Hope has been put to a temporary rest. Do not fret Damian, she will return upon her command," Min drawled out, standing and dusting the soil from her clothes.

   "Who's command?" Tim questioned, though was ignored when Min walked through the crowd as if they were invisible. When she reached the outside of the small horde that had formed, her gaze locked onto Bruce Wayne.

   "Bruce Wayne. The Bat-Man. My, what a fine specimen you are. It's a shame that she has already claimed you as her own. I could only dream of the day you may fall in love with me. Though I will revel in the same amount of pleasure when you become hers. I am far too loyal to betray her own wishes," Min commented while circling around Bruce, swaying her hips with each step. She caressed his jawline, moving her fingers from Bruce's chin to his chest. Her display made everyone's eyes grow as wide as saucers.

   "K-Katherine? Aren't you fifteen?" Damian uttered, his brain sent reeling backwards from her words. No one understood his words, believing her faux age of eighteen.

   "Damian Wayne, I'm afraid you do not understand. I am thirty five years of age. Katherine Hope is not in service at the moment. She has been out for far too long," Min replied dryly, walking further away from the group. 'Is that why she said that she could never like me? Because she's thirty five?' Jason asked himself.

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