Chapter Seven | Snow Rabbit

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---Katherine's P.o.V.---

Shit, Shit, Shit, Shit!

I cursed in my head when I woke up from my nap, realizing I only had around 5 minutes until Alfred came to pick me up. I quickly put my "technologically advanced" cell phone in my purse and booked it for the door. I threw on as many layers as I could given my short time limit.

 I threw on as many layers as I could given my short time limit

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I ran down the hallway and quickly descended to the lobby. When the elevator doors parted, I quickly spotted the familiar face of Alfred.

"Miss Alice, pleased to see you again." he said with a grin, as we both made our way to the black limousine parked in the front. I didn't live far from the manor, so the peace and quiet of the car ride was short lived.

"Your relationship with Master Damian is appreciated, Miss Alice. It's been far too long since he's had a friend." Alfred said as he opened the door.

"Uh... thanks?" I replied, though it sounded much more like a question. As I walked into the living room, I was met by two girls chatting on the couch. When they spotted me, they both jolted out of their seats.

"Hi! You must be Alice Jacobs! I'm Barbra Gordon and this", she said motioning to the blonde by her side. "is Stephanie Brown!" the red head said excitedly.

"But you can call me Steph! And we're here to give you your makeover!" the second girl squealed, obviously much more excited about the prospect of being "glammed up" than I was. She started circling around me while looking at me up and down, somewhat like a vulture.

"Tim has told me so much about you. Wow, you're really pretty. No wonder they both asked you out. I'm surprised you said yes to Damian though. He's kinda young dont'cha think?" Barbra asked innocently. I was quick to correct her.

"No, no. We're just childhood friends really. That would be really weird. Plus he asked first." I said, trying to be nonchalant about the situation, when in reality I was freaking out.

"Ah...I see. Well anyways, let's get to work! Follow us," Stephanie directed, going upstairs with a bounce in her step. Damian came down the stairs at the same time and we met in the middle.

"Hello....Alice." he said hesitantly. To be honest, it also felt weird for him to call me anything other that Snow Rabbit or Hope. Barbra and Stephanie gasped from both sides. I turned to them and sent the two confused glances.

"You're on a first name basis with Damian?" Barbra asked, shocked. Actually I'm on a fake name basis with him, thank you very much. Damian answered for me,

"Yes Gordon, she is. Also, please don't make her look like a clown with all the makeup you'll undoubtedly slap on her, Brown. She looks fine as is." Damian said quickly and continued down the stairs. Us three were left standing, Stephanie and Barbra staring at me in awe, lips slightly parted. They were probably amazed that Damian Wayne just complimented me.

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