Chapter One | The Job

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First off, woohoo! My second attempt at a story! I was so sad to leave Timmy boi hanging in the last one, so I decided to show him a little love too. He doesn't get enough, he deserves it.

~Lz :3


I'm sure that my engineering professor didn't quite expect me to become a hacker when she said I was good with computers. Yes, it's illegal. Yes, it's dangerous, but a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do to survive. My parent's left me after a divorce when I was ten, leaving me to a care home, not even bothering for custody. I started hacking when I was thirteen. I was doing a few simple things at first; getting through my school's system to change my project grade, making trackers, and putting them on my stuff in case they got lost. It was all fun and games until I received an email.

'To Katherine Hope.

We've noticed your skill with computers and believe you could be of service. We have a proposition. Find the entrance code to room 237 in the Pentagon, undercover of course. If you accept the job, we shall send you $7,000 dollars in cash once you deliver the code. Consider it.

-Anonymous '

When I read it I couldn't believe my eyes. $7,000. Dear God. There were so many possibilities. Just this one deal could pay for food and rent for at least five months. I was only fourteen. I saw the future and it meant no more living on the streets. No more struggle. So I accepted.

Getting into the Pentagon's system was a piece of cake. There were a few more advanced firewalls and encrypted files, but nothing I couldn't get through in an hour at max. Looking through code after code I found the one for room 237. However, I also found the contents of that room. Weapon blueprints. I knew the risks. I could go to jail. I could start a war. But I was young and selfish. So I took the code and sent it back through a very secure email. A few days later I received the money in an envelope at the orphanage. And with the money came a news break.

'Villains Break Into Pentagon, Steals Newest
Weapon Tech'

And just like that, I became a mercenary. A black hat hacker.

After a few more jobs I was out of the care home, just after my fifteenth birthday. I continued doing 'errands' for others because I never had the guts to commit a solo crime. Sure I could do it, but I didn't like the feeling of being the one held responsible. I made a fake identity for myself, even a birth certificate. Alice Jacobs, 18. Parents died at age 17. Yes, it was generic, but it made things easier. I could "legally" drive, pay rent and live alone, and go to school. I even managed my own bank account. I'm a freshman in college, since being an eighteen year old as a ninth grader was a little suspicious. Despite my real age, I fit in just fine. To be truthful, I'm beyond smart, so I didn't need to adjust the curriculum. My so-called job payed so well, I found a nice one-bedroom apartment in Gotham, and paid for my own tuition. Life was going well at this point, I had a job, roof over my head, and food to eat. Everything was running smoothly until I received another anonymous request.

To steal information from Wayne Enterprises.


OK I really like the idea of a 15 yr old girl pretending to be eighteen and is just really bad at adulting. Anyone out there relate?

~Lz :3

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