Chapter Thirteen | Girl Talk

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---Katherine P.o.V.---

   We sat in a circle on a soft rug in the center of the room. I'm not looking forward to all the gossiping that's will undoubtedly commence.

   "Okay, we need to talk about your love life. If we have time, we can give you a makeover!" Stephanie planned.

   "Another one? I thought you refusing me hair dye was bad enough," I groaned. 

   "Nope, once you get one makeover, they never stop coming. So, how was your hour with Damian? What did you do?" Barbra asked first. Half truths never hurt...they're better than lies.

   "Well, we talked about ourselves and each other, and we also talked about the weather," I said simply. Barbra faked a yawn while Stephanie shook her head.

   "Please don't tell me you actually did that for an hour. Did anything interesting happen? Anything at all?" she begged for information. 

   "Well kind of. When our time was up, Dick walked into the room and thought we were gonna kiss-" I said, but Barbra interrupted me.

   "Wait, what?! You were going to kiss Damian?! And he let you?!" Barbra practically yelled. I put my index finger to my lips to shush her. 

   "I wasn't going to. But it looked like we were about to," I explained. Barbra calmed down, but Stephanie still had a mouthful.

    "So do you like him? I'm not gonna judge the fact that your eighteen and he's fifteen because it's not the biggest age gap I've seen. In fact, one of my elementary school teachers first met her husband when she was in kindergarten and he was in his senior year of high school. True story," she rambled. I rolled my eyes.

   "I definitely enjoy hanging out with him, that's a fact. I'm not sure if I like him like that though." I elaborated. 

   "So what about Tim? What happened?" Barbra pressed. 

   "You know, we played video games, he almost blacked out and then I reminded him that he didn't drink coffee today. Usual Tim stuff," I said bluntly.

   "Bo-ring! And Jason?" Stephanie asked, hopefully for the last time. 

   "That one's a little more complicated. So we watched Never Land, and we ended up huddled together in the theater room. I think he tried to confess to me and all that jazz, but I had to friend-zone him. I really see him like a brother and I know I can't be with him. If I ever tell him why, he'll be glad he didn't get to say he liked me," I said, while Steph and Barbra looked at me wide-eyed.

   "He confessed?" Barbra whisper-asked.

   "Tried to. I cut him off so I wouldn't feel bad about turning him down," I said. Stephanie crawled over to me and pinched my arm.

   "Ow! What was that for?" I exclaimed, irritated that she was so spontaneous. 

   "One: revenge from the gala. Two: You cut the guy off in the middle of his confession of love for you? That's rude and mean. Three: Why on earth would you turn him down? The guy hasn't said 'I love you' to anyone since......a long time ago." She said, returning to his original spot. At this point I felt really bad for turning him down. He's a sweet guy, but if he wants a relationship, then there shouldn't be any secrets. And I know we both have some of our own.

   "Enough with the guilt tripping Steph. Let's talk about those arrows! How the hell did you do that Alice?" Barbra asked excitedly. I shook my head and laid on my back. Wow. This carpet is more comfortable than my bed in the orphanage.

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