Chapter Six | An Invitation

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---Katherine's P.o.V.---





     I groaned as I slammed the reset button on my alarm clock. 10:30 a.m. Damn it. I just found my long-lost best friend, I'm about to lose my only job, and I have to go to a rich-ass gala, and still have a 2 hour lecture to go to for college. (A/n: Yes, her college doesn't let her off for break until the day of Christmas. Don't ask me why, I don't know.)

     I was lazily sliding on a thick, white sweater for the recently dropping temperatures in Gotham when my phone went off. I sighed seeing a text from Damian.

Lucy: Rabbit, I need a favor.

You: Sure, what's up Lucy

Lucy: Would you...

You: Hmm? 

Lucy: be able to attend my father's Christmas Gala this evening?

 My breath hitched in my throat. No, no, no!

Lucy: I am required to bring a plus-one to the event, and you seem like the least insufferable option.

You: Aw, is Little Lucy in love with me? Did it occur to you that I'm publicly 18?

Lucy: Of course not, Hope. Though, I see no problem if we are attending as friends.

Lucy: So will you be able to accompany me?

     I bit my bottom lip from indecisiveness. I can't say no to him, but if I'm his 'date' then I'll never be able to get my work done! His Robin detective skills are probably gonna kick me in the ass if he sees me. Hell, the entire bat family is gonna be there!

You: I don't know..... 

Lucy: Please, Snow Rabbit! I can't stand those imbeciles they call reporters breathing down my back as I sulk in a corner.

You: Damian Al Ghul begging? That's a first.

Lucy: I'm desperate.

Lucy: Also, I prefer Wayne.

You:  Whatever u say Lucy. 

You: But you know I don't like the spotlights

You: 'Damian Wayne's New Mistress' will be all over the front page if I come with you   

You: Plus, I don't have a dress or a ride. 

That wasn't entirely true, since I had asked Charlotte for a gown the night before.   

Lucy: I can have Alfred come bring you to the manor at 5:00 p.m. to get ready, since the gala starts at seven. I know people who can do your hair and whatever else you females do.

Lucy: I shall also have someone find an outfit for you.

Lucy: Do we have a deal?

You: Dammit Lucy, why do you have to be my best friend?   

Lucy: Is that a yes?

You: I hate you    

Lucy: You adore me.

You: Fine.   

Lucy: Thank you.  

I glared at my reflection in the mirror. How the hell am I gonna pull this off?

****TIME SKOOP****

After turning in the writing potion of our project, Tim and I walked out of the professor's office. Tim blocked my path as I was about to exit the main doors.

"Can I help you?" I said suspiciously at his rigid figure. He was obviously uncomfortable.

     "Uh, y-yeah actually." he stuttered out. He rubbed the back of his neck nervously, his gaze refusing to meet my pale gray eyes. Yes it's a strange color, but not nearly as odd as my hair. He continued as he looked at a random spot on his shoes.

     "I know we haven't known each other for a long time, uh, b-but. Oh god." he mumbled as he covered his face with his hands. I gently removed them, seeing an expression I didn't expect. He almost looked... scared?

"Your point?" I said softly.

"Do you want to go to the Wayne Gala with me?" he asked so quietly that I almost missed it.

"Sorry? I can't hear you." I said in genuine confusion.

     "Did you wan't to go to Bruce's Christmas Gala with me tonight?" he inquired slightly louder this time. My eyes widened at his words. Seriously? Another one? One little birdy on my case was bad enough, but two? Now I know I'll never be able to get close enough to that laptop. I chuckled nervously. When he noticed my expression, his quickly changed to one of regret.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have-" I cut him off.

"No, no it's not that! It's just, um, Damian already invited me to go with him." I said. He finally made eye-contact, his face adorned with a look of surprise.

"H-huh? But he's fifteen, and your eighteen...." he trailed off.

     "And your seventeen. Listen, we're just going as friends. Nothing more, nothing less. I'm sorry but I already agreed to go with him, so I guess you'll have to find another girl." I said sympathetically, putting my hand on his shoulder.

     "But I don't think that'll be a problem for you. You have everything. Every girl wants you, and every guy wants to be you. I'll see you tonight though, okay?" I said with a small smile. He looked back up to me with a similar expression, but I could see the hurt in his eyes.

"Yeah. Okay." he said as I walked away. 

Little did I know that when I had my back turned, he mumbled something under his breath,

"I guess I don't have everything after all."


Awwww little Timmy has a crush. It makes my heart melt.

~Lz :3

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