felix x fox reader

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Reading a story until a bling noise is heard from her phone. Picks up the phone and clicks the notification. Reads what it's about. Head explodes. "WE GOT OUR FIRST SUGGESTION!!" Starts to party.

Suggested by: Carla-Artic-Gamez thanks for suggesting a story ^w^.

(Y/n) pov

I was running away from muggers. (A.k.a robbers). I wasn't looking where I was going, so I tripped over a tree root. I stumbled and, to my luck, fell down a canyon. I hit, pretty much, all my body parts on rocks. But before I was even a third of the way at the bottom of the canyon. I blacked out.

Felix pov

"BENDY!! CUPS!! ANYONE!!" I yelled. The last thing I remember was getting sucked into this portal thing the map made. (That actually happened in it). I was isolated with jackpot. (Which is 'cupheads' cat. The reason I say 'cupheads' is because he fount it. So it's not his). I was holding the kitty in my arms. Then I heard a crash, like something fell in the canyon. So i did what anyone would've done. I called out. "HELLO! IS ANYONE THERE!!?" There was no answer so I went to check it out. Then before me was a fox girl. Just lying there. Unconscious. I ran up to her and placed jackpot on the floor. I knelt beside her. Her clothes were soaked. But it didn't seem like water. It was like.........blood. "MR.FELIX!!" I heard someone call. "BENDY!!" I call. "FELIX!!" The voice yelled. It was them, I found them. I picked up the girl and carried her, bridal style, to the group. I found them, and I placed the girl down. My clothes were blood soaked. "M...m..Mr Felix. Is e... everything ok?" Bendy asks. "I'm fine, but I don't think she is" I say pointing at the girl. When they looked at her all their eyes widened. "What happened to her?!" Cuphead asked. "I'm not sure, I found her like this. Borris do you have a health kit?" I say. Borris nodded and handed it to me. I knelt next to the girl and lifted her shirt. (Only just above your belly button you pervs). She had a big gash at the side of her chest. "She must've cut herself on the jagged rocks" borris says. I took out bandages from the Heath kit and wrapped it around the wound. Once I attended to her wound I stood up and picked her back up. "We need to get out of here" I say urgently. "B..but it's getting dark" mugs said pointing at the sky. "Then I guess we'll set up camp here" cuphead says.

~time skip brought to you by my lazieness~

Camp was set, the girl was in my tent cause mugs and borris were sharing one and I don't trust cups and bendy alone with her. I know how they are around girls. Anyway, borris and mugs were asleep. Cups and bendy were around the fire telling stories. And I was checking the girl for more wounds, luckily there were no more. I sighed and layed in the bed (don't worry, you and Felix aren't sharing a bed). Soon I fell asleep.

(Y/n) pov

I woke in a tent. "How the hell did I get here?" I ask. Then someone jolted up next to me. "Jesus fucking Christ!" I screamed. "Oh, sorry for startling you" he said. I sat up but then felt a huge pain in the side of my body. "Oh, be careful" the man said. "W..what happened?" I ask. "I'm not exactly sure. All I do know is you may have cut yourself on some jagged rocks when you might have fallen. But don't worry, I patched it up" the cat man explained. "I lifted my shirt slightly to see a bandage that looked blood soaked. "Why did you just help some random girl you find?" I asked as I pulled my shirt down. "I couldn't have left you, you could've possible died. I've also realized that you're some sort of fox humanoid thing" he says. "Oh, y..you noticed. I don't really like it when people mention it. It makes me feel like a freak" I say. "Hey I'm a humanoid cat, im friends with a humanoid wolf, a demon and two cups" he says. I giggled. "Seriously" he says. That made me laugh more. "I'm Felix. What's your name?" Felix asked. "I'm (y/n)" I say. "Nice to meet you (y/n)" Felix says smiling. "Mr.felix are you ok?" I hear someone ask. "IM FINE!! Come on, I'll introduce you to my friends. But just be careful of your wound" Felix says. I nod. Every step I took was a living nightmare. "I see she's awake" a demon says as Felix assisted me to a chair. "(Y/n), that is bendy, borris, cuphead and mugman" Felix explains, pointing to each person individualy so I know who they are. "It's nice to meet you everyone, I'm (y/n)" I say.

Felix pov

I sat in between bendy and (y/n). For some reason I was blushing when I sat next to (y/n). I think I have feelings for her. Oh Sugar Honey Ice Tea. My face felt like it was on fire. I thought no one noticed until bendy said "Mr.felix, are you blushing". Shit. "N..no" I say covering my face in my jacket. "FELIX HAS A CRUSH!!" Cuphead yelled and it echoed through the canyon. Everyone laughed. I felt like I sank in my chair but in reality I was just sitting still. I moved my coat away and everyone was staring at me. Now my blushing was light. "Sooooooo, who is it?" Bendy asks. "N..no one!" I yell. "I know who it is" borris says. Oh shit. Oh fuck. No no no no. "ITS (Y/N)!!!" He yells. "CRAP!!" I yell. "So it is her?!" Mugs says. I look over at (y/n), she was blushing. HOW COME NO ONE NOTICES HER BLUSHING BUT EVERYONE NOTICES ME BLUSHING!! "Um. Ummmmmmmmmmmm!!!!" I squeek. Then, before anyone could say anything else, (y/n) hugged me. I blushed more. "Awwwwwww~~ I like you too!" She says. My face was burning, I bet everyone could feel the heat. "Omfg, this is priceless" cups says as he records it. Then I hugged (y/n) back as soon as I was comfortable. She then gave me a kiss on the cheek and my head exploded. Not literally of course but, figuratively.

Cuphead pov

Omfg, this is priceless. Everyone was laughing their asses off from Felix's reaction. His goddam face was just so, I don't even know how to describe it. I was recording it and......oh good damit. My phone died. NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! Eh, what ever. At least I get to whit ness it in person.

I think I went crazy on this. My hand hurts, anyway. I just want to give a special thanks to Carla-Artic-Gamez for suggesting this. Anyway bye bye!!
1172 words!

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