Yandere stripper Oswald x reader

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(Requested by; pengeo

Thanks for the request!).

Oswald pov

My heart has been stolen. By none other than the sweet and sensitive (y/n). She's a waitress here. Kinda funny as most would think I would've fallen for one of the strippers, and to be honest I did too, but she came into my life and swept me head over heels! I don't regret it at all. She's smart, funny, adorable, and, at times, a little clumsy. Which makes her all the more precious. She's perfect for me, and I can't imagine her with anyone other than I.
But recently, I've noticed other workers taking an interest in her. She seems uninterested, but I can't take that chance. She has to be mine, and I can't ler her get into the lives of someone else.
That bartender, Cuphead, for instance. He never usually spoke to her, but the past few weeks he's been chatting with her as if they were life long friends. And I always notice the difference in attitude for him. He always smiles near her, or even at the mention of her. That boils my blood. I know he likes her, and I can't let that happen. I have to stop him, no matter what it takes.

It was after hours, I was grabbing my stuff in the backroom to head home, and to my luck Cuphead was cleaning the bar. My sadistic mind was ready for the step to my life with (y/n). I don't care what I have to do to get her.
I approuch the cup, saying "hey Cups". He hums, lifting his head up to look at me with a confused expression. I smile innocently, "would you mind helping me find something in the back, real quick?". "Sure....?" He mutters, placing his cloth down ontop of the bar and wiping his hands dry on his jeans. I smile more, my dark intentions prominent in my mind as I lead him into the back. "What am I looking for, exactly?" He asks, taking a glance around the room for anything out of the ordinary. "Oh just a little trinket!" I wave a hand at him, dismissing any sort of confusion or questions from him. He shakes his head and helps me 'look' for the nonexistent item I had 'lost'. While he was distracted, I silently dig my hand into my pocket, pulling out my pocket knife I use for defense. This is defending, though, so I can use it in this situation. I'm defending (y/n) from a life with him.
Anyways, I pull out the weapon, slowly approuching behind him. I waited a moment, then grabbed him by the handle and threw him against the wall, causing him to grunt in pain. "What the fuck, dude!?" He snaps, rubbing his now cracked head. I push my arm against his neck, forcefully pushing down so he struggled to breath, swiveling my knife in between my fingers, my cold, dark blue eyes staring into his frightened red ones. "W..what's wrong with you...?" He manages to utter out, attempting to pull my arm off him. I pierce my knife into his arm, causing him to yell out in pain and pull his arm away. I chuckle quietly, "I wouldn't try and stuggle. Unless you want to make this slower". His breathing starts to shake as he began to tremble, "w..what do you want from me...?". "You like (y/n), right?" I question. "Why do you care-" I cut him off in an irritated tone "answer the question!". He winces at my volume, "o..okay! I..I do! But I don't see why you're doing this!". "You see, Cuphead" I start, my tone dark as I take a step back from him, fiddling with the knife, "I like her too. She shouldn't be with you, ever. You don't deserve her. She is mine, got it?". "She wouldn't like a maniac like you" he sneers. I snap my head to look him in the eyes, mine burning deep into his soul, fear evident on his face as he began to sweat nervously. "L..look, I'll stay away from her, o..okay?" He offers, trying to back away, but he was already against the wall. I shake my head in a teasing manor, "oh Cuphead, that isn't good enough. I want you out of her life....forever". "S..so what? You're going to kill me?" He questions in a frightful tone, not wanting the answer. "Yep! She surely won't miss you! And if she does, I'll be there for her!" I pause, piercing the knife against his neck, "you ready, tough guy?". He winces, tightly shutting his eyes and squeakimg out "n..no". "Eh, too bad" I laugh and push the knife in deeper into his throat, watching the blood drain out from him. I continued inflicting harm on him in anyway I could think of, until every inch of his life force had left. And now he layed motionless on the ground, dead in his own pool of blood.
"Good riddance!" I declare, putting my weapon away. I clear up any evidence that this was my doing and then headed off for home.

The next day, there were cop cars outside the club. I approuch (y/n), who looked terrified and heartbroken. I gently place a hand on her shoulder, catching her attention. She looks to me, tears in her eyes. "What happened here?" I ask, already knowing the answer. "T..they fount Cuphead dead" she sniffles, wiping her eyes with her sleeve, "I..I can't believe someone would do something so vile to him!". My heart did ache seeing so sad, but I comforted her nontheless. I wrap an arm around her waist, "how close were you two?". "W..we had started to become such good friends.....N..now he's gone..." she sobs silently. I gently wipe away her tears, "don't cry, (n/n). I know someone you cared so much about is now gone, but I'm sure he wouldn't want you to he so sad. He's probably watching over us right now!". She looks up to me, "y..you really think so?". "I know so" I smile comfortingly. A weak smile pulls at her lips as she rests her head on my chest, "t..thank you, Ossy. You really mean so much to me...". I smile in satisfaction, "anything to make you happy. Anything".

(We reached 100 chapters! Thank you for staying with me on this journey, and there is still more to come! I hope you enjoy the rest of my book. Have a good day/night. Goodbye!).

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