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Bendy: guys come here, but make sure Freya doesn't hear.

Borris: yeah bro?

Mugs, cup and Felix: yes?

Bendy: okay, so. I was messing with Freya's phone and I saw something about our story.

Borris, cup and mugs: WHAT!!

Felix: did we get demonitized?

Bendy: Mr.felix, you're thinking about YouTube.

Felix: oooohhh!

Bendy: anyway, we have 257 readers/views.

Borris, mugs, cup and Felix: COOL!!!!

Cup: why can't we tell Freya?

Bendy: cause she'll go crazy. Trust me, she's had sugar today as well.

Freya (author): I HEARD SOMEONE SAY SUGAR!!!!

Cup: where the fuck did you come from?

Mugs: I've learned, not to question things that she does.

Freya (author): what's going on?

Bendy: NOTHING!!

Freya (author): give me my phone back then, bends.

Bendy: no! This is my phone!

Freya (author): -_- that's my phone, it even has MY phone case and my background.

Bendy: um. Yeah, shit

Freya takes the phone and reads it. She then starts twitching wildly.

Borris: I think we broke her.

Cup: possibly.


Mugs and cup: yep, we've broke her.

Borris pokes Freya, no reaction.

Borris: yep she's broken. When I normally do that she goes super Saiyan on me.

Bendy: then let's get you away from her then, just in case.

Bendy drags borris away from Freya. Soon Freya freezes, her eyes blank.

Mugs: I'm scared.

Mugs hides behind cups.

Freya (author): HOW THE FUCK DID THAT HAPPEN!!!???

Felix: finally, something other than jibbirish.

Bendy: idk, they probably like us.

Freya (author): people like my story writing.

Freya had hope in her eyes.

Bendy: no, I said that they like us. A.k.a me, borris, cup, mugs and mr.felix.

Freya (author): oh, thanks for making my life better bendy.

Bendy: your welcome.

Freya punches bendy.

Borris: you do deserve that bendy.

Felix: we're getting beyond the point of this chapter.

Freya smacks Felix.

Freya (author): I TOLD YOU TO STOP BRAKING THE FOURTH WALL!! That's my thing. Anyway, thank you so much guys for reading my stuff. I really enjoy writing them and knowing I'm making people happy. It makes me happy, and keeps me sane.

Mugs: it's true, when she's not being an author, shes an insane phycotic person.

Bendy: why is she talking to a wall.

Felix: the fourth wall bendy, the fourth wall.

Freya (author): I also love hanging out with these guys.

Freya pulls bendy, cup, mugs, borris and Felix into a group hug.

Cup: can you let me go.

Bendy: yeah, it's hard to breathe.

Freya (author): you guys should consider yourselves lucky. I don't hug much people.

Borris and mugs: I don't mind.

A few hours of hugging later, Freya let's go of them.

Freya (author): I know people aren't going to do this but, if you'd like, tell us who your favorite character is.

Cup: yeah, I can finally tell bendy that no one likes him.

Bendy: no one likes YOU cup.

Cup: Freya likes me.

Freya (author): y...yeah, no. He.he.he.

Freya shifts uncomfortably.

Borris: you guys tell us who you like.

Freya (author): yes and one more thing.

Everyone: THANK YOU FOR 257 READS!!!! BYE!!!

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