boris x singer reader (2)

550 12 3

(Requested by; CupheadMugmanLover
Don't play song yet.
Boris: bold
(Y/n): italics
Both: both

Thanks for the request!).

(Y/n) sat on her bed, reading over lyrics for her next show. She decided it was time to practice her song, so she began to sing softly.

(Play song)

"This is erosion, grinding up rocks with your molars".

"A big fish swims past your rod, you can't catch it. It's far too fast".

Outside her bedroom door was a curious wolf, who heard the singing. He decided to go in, seeing the (h/c) haired female smiling softly. He smiles back, sitting next to her and gently resting his hand on hers.

"Deep hook marks in rubber lips, I see your eyes in the flowers".

"I'll pick a bunch for your room. Green and blue to match your pictures".

Boris smiles more, deciding to sing along.

"You look so good in green".

"I hope you're well".

"And you look so good with him".

"And I'm proud of you still".

"I miss your perfect teeth".

"I was too blunt".

"I hope you feel happy".

"That's all I want".

Boris gently kisses (y/n)'s cheek, nuzzling close to her and gently grasping her hand.

"That's all I want".

(Y/n) giggles softly, "you didn't tell me you were such a good singer". "Call it a secret talent" Boris remarks, his tail thudding against the bed as he smiled brightly.

"Mess in the kitchen".

"I was so disappointed. I guess I got to my head".

"And I was too young to understand it".

Boris nuzzles his cheek against (y/n)'s as they embraced each other lovingly, coddling each other and muttering sweet nothings.

"I get it now that it's too late. I never stopped feeling guilty".

"I'm over it, I promise that. I just gotta sing it out of me".

"You looked so good in green".

"I hope you're well".

"And you look so good with him".

"And I'm proud of you still. Take care of my shirt. Warm and red".

"I hope you think of me".

"Still as your friend".

"I hope you love yourself. Your body and heart".

"I hope you feel happy".

"That's all I want".

The two stare lovingly into each others eyes, blushes dusting over their cheeks.

"That's all I want".

They lean closer, smiling softly at one another before their lips touched briefly.

"I love you Boris" (y/n) mutters, hiding her face in Boris' chest. Boris gently kisses the top of her head, running his fingers through her (h/l) (h/c) hair, "I love you more, (n/n)".

(Sorry if its short and bad, but I kind of like it? A sweet little chapter during these times is something I think we all need. Anyways, see y'all next chapter :3).

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