Stripper Mickey x Reader

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(Requested by; 000-OwO-000

Thanks for the request!!).

Mickey pov

I grunt quietly as I see my brother flirting with the cat, Felix, who seemed to be enjoying his company. His tail swayed lovingly as a blush crept across his face, my brother no better. They were acting like children in a playground after they had watched a romantic film and wanted to live in a fantasy such as that. Out of everyone in this club, the least expected to be a flirt is my brother. Yet here he is, trying to get into the pants of Felix.
Next thing I know, the two are making out. I gag and look away, my face red from embarresment, eyes bulging as I bit my lip, holding my hand up to block them from my view. Like I wanted to see that!!

I shake my head and try to focus on something else. Drunk banter, dancers, music, customers, workers, cute girl, spilt drinks- wait, cute girl!?
My gaze emediatly goes back to the female, who looked uncomfortable as she tapped her fingers anxiously on the bar, trying to keep her eyes on the floor to avoid the.....indecency of this place.
I take in her appearance; glossy (e/c) eyes that sparkled beautifully under the LED lights, illuminating under the bright colors, her (h/l) (h/c) hair shimmered as a few strands hung loosely infront of her face, her whole ordeal shouted innocence at me.
Subconsciously, I began to shuffle closer to her. I didn't know why I wanted to approuch her, but she sort of drawed me in with some sort of charm like a siren.
Once close to her, I greet her with a "hey". She squeaks in surprise, swiftly looking at me with a small amount of fear. Her gaze softens as she looked me up and down, but remained tense and on guard, "h..hi". "What's a sweetheart like you doing in a place like this?" I ask, genuinely curious. She looks away, face tinted with a soft shade of pink, "I, uh, I..I needed to use the phone real quick....but its taking longer than I thought". I shake my head, knowing that it was Cuphead she had more than likely asked, and he sure as hell enjoys slacking off. The only reason he isn't fired is because he's charming to the customers, well that's what they think anyway.

"Yeah, he ain't coming back" I shake my head, hurdling over the bar stand, "I'll get it for you, doll". She gives me a shy smile, sending my heart skipping and palpitating at a million beats per second, a bright red hue spreading across my face. I grunt quietly, quickly heading to the back, silently cursing at myself. I'm not usually the type of person to fall so easily for another, other than a small flattering from time to time, but this (h/c) haired girl swooned me in a way I've never been swooned before....which is never.
I shake my head, ridding of my fantasies and grabbing the phone, making my way back to the girl. She was still avoiding everything around her, fiddling with her fingers to keep her occupied. I smile softly, holding out the phone for her;

"Here you go, toots". She looks up at me, a grin plastered on her face as she gently retrieved the object "thank you..." "Mickey. No problem..." "(y/n)". I smile genuinely, resting my elbow on the table and leaning my head in my hand, "I like that name, (n/n)". Her face flushes red, looking away from me in embarresment, letting a small giggle escape passed her lips, dialing in the number she needed. I stared lovingly at her, a dopey smile on my face as a love struck expression swooped across me, my cheeks bright pink as I could practically hear my heart beating. I wasn't listening to her conversation, I'm not that rude, but instead was too etranced by her beauty. It was as if the whole world around me had faded and she was all I needed.
"Thank you!" She chirps, hanging up the phone and sliding it towards me, "and thank you, Mickey for helping me out". "No problem, Missy! I enjoyed seeing you around~" I coo. She rolls her eyes, blushing softly with an adorable smile. She then pulls out a smale notebook and pen, quickly scribbling something down before folding it and placing it firmly in my hand. I was about to look at it, but am caught off guard when she pecks a quick kiss on my nose.
She giggles at my red face and surprised expression, waving slightly, "see you around, Mick". With that, she disapears outside, the door swinging closed behind her, shutting her away from me.

I regain myself, looking down at the neatly folded paper I had unknowingly been holding in a tight grip, as if afraid to lose it. I unravel it, seeing a set of numbers and some writing;

'You seemed nice, call me sometime!'

My smile spread wider as I carefully shoved the paper in my pocket, my heart fluttering gleefully, the only thought running through my head being 'I can't wait until my shift is over'.

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