Kid Mugman x Kid Reader

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(Requested by; ZaodiZaxi

Thanks for the request!)

(Y/n) pov

"Golly, it sure is storming out there" Mugman says, staring intently at the pouring rain outside the window, watching as the droplets plummeted into the ground and rippled into puddles. He looks over to me, a small smile on his face, "looks like we'll be stuck together for awhile". "Fine by me" I giggle, motioning for him to join me on the couch. He does so, pulling a blanket over our quivering bodies. I smile and nuzzle against him, enjoying the warmth radiating from him, wishing to never leave his side, not even if the world was ending. He wraps an arm around my shoulders, gently tracing circles into my back with his finger, "so what shall we do to pass the time?". I shrug, wrapping my arms around his waist. He furrows his brow in thought, pondering on any activity that could entertain us for awhile.
His eyes soon lit up, looking down at me with a goofy smile, "remember when we were kids?". I blush brightly, "Mugs no". He giggles, "Mugs yes. Remember when we first met?". "Oh god, I wish I didn't" I remark, shaking my head in embarresment, remembering just how horrendous our first meeting was.

"Alright class!" The teacher claps to get the rowdy kids' attention, "we have a new student! Treat him with respect and kindness!". Cowering behind her legs was a small, mug headed, shy boy, who was clearly not enjoying being here. The teacher gently nudges him to join the other kids, who had no problem in ignoring him. The quiet boy hung his head in disappointment, slowly walking away and sitting in a corner, sulking on his own and hugging his legs as if they were all he had.
Feeling bad for the cute boy, I decided to approuch him.
"Hi!" I beam, startling him. "GAH!" He yelps, quivering behind his arms he had used as a shield. I giggle, enthused by how jumpy he was. He shakily peeks behind his arms, his ocean blue eyes meeting my (e/c) ones. A soft red hue dusts over his cheeks and nose, slowly lowering his arms to his side, gazing at me in awe. I stick my hand out, a wide grin on my face, "I'm (y/n)!". His eyes go to my hand, then sheepishly to the floor as he reaches a shaking hand to mine, hesitantly taking it, "I..I'm Mugman....". "That's a cute name!" I compliment, sitting next to him with a tooth filled smile. "C..cute?" He mumbles, his blush brightening as he looks to me in surprise. I hum enthusiastically, giving him a closed eye smile, "of course!". He rubs the back of his neck sheepishly, " one has ever called me cute before...". "Really!?" I gasp over dramatically, "people should more often! Its true, blue!". "Blue?" He tilts his head like a confused puppy, the random nickname I had sprung up with baffling him. "You know....'cause blue" I remark, tapping his bright blue nose. He covers it quickly, turning his head away, embarresed and self conscious. I frown, "hey, don't feel bad about yourself. You're adorable". He covers his face, hiding the ever growing bluch seeping onto his face, "t..thank you...I..I guess...". I giggle, wrapping an arm around his shoulders, gently pulling him closer as a sign of friendliness. A soft smile cracks at the side of his lips, accepting my friendship.
"Oh god! Oh go!" I panic, running around in a frantic mess, searching around my home desperately. Mugman watched from the distance, staring blankly as I rushed around, my heart beating in panic. "Ummmm.....(y/n)...?" He speaks up, causing me to stop running around. I look over to him, calming down as I looked into his vibrant blue eyes. "What's wrong, (n/n)?" He questions, concern in his voice. I sigh, brushing a hand through my hair, "I can't find the homework anywhere! Sir is gonna kill me!". He furrows his brow in thought, then went through his bag, pulling out a sheet of paper and a pencil. The paper was his own homework, completed to perfection. Almost perfection.
He erases his name from the top of the paper, scribbling down mine. He held out the paper to me, an innocent smile on his face. "M..mugs! I couldn't take credit for your work!" I refuse, shaking my head. "And I can't see you upset" he protests, persiting on me taking the paper. I cross my arms, "Mugs, I don't want you to get into trouble. I'll just have to take the punishment". He pouts, looking down to the paper. After a moment, he shrugs and tears it up, throwing the remains of his hard work into his bag. "Mugs!" I gasp, surprised, "why did you do that!?". He slings his bag onto his shoulder, smiling at me, "if you're getting in trouble, I'll get in trouble with you". He then wraps his arm around mine, "now lets go before we're late!!". I blush brightly, but a dorky grin spreads across my face as my heart flutters lovingly. The start of my brutal crush for the goofy and clumsy mug headed male.

"We were so generic" Mugs chuckles, resting his head ontop of mine. "We still kinda are, Muggy" I remark, intertwining our fingers as I let out a love filled sigh. He runs his fingers through my hair, kissing my forehead, "generic love is the best kind of love. Not too complicated and not too cold. Just filled with love and passion for each other" he pauses, gently pulling you onto his lap, kissing the top of your head, "but I most definitly love you more". "That's what you think" I giggle, kissing his nose before cuddling up into his chest, feeling safe in his arms and all out enjoying his presence. He rests his forehead ontop of my head, kissing it as I slowly drifted off in his loving embrace, remembering everything from our past and smiling.

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