bendy x reader

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Bendy pov

Me and borris were walking along the beach, because borris wanted to, many people were there so it was very loud. Especially with all the kids screaming and screeching. I had my hands in my pockets, this was so boring. But if it made borris happy, it made me happy. Soon I saw a beautiful girl. She had long/short (h/c) hair, and a (f/c) bikini/bathing suit on. (A bikini is this 👙). I froze and stared at her. "No" borris says. "What?" I ask. "I know what you're thinking, don't go flirt with that girl" he says. "Flirt with that girl, ok, whatever you say bro" I say completely ignoring what he just said. He sighed and rolled his eyes at me. "You flirtatious sack of potatoes" he says as I walk up to her. I leaned against her (f/c) umbrella. I noticed she was reading a book, and that she had a pile of books next to her. She was reading I think something called (f/b) (favorite book). I looked at the pile of books she had and saw all of mr.felix's books. "So, you like felix's books to?" I say to her, playing it cool while on the inside I was fangirling. She looked at me. "Yeah, I would really like to meet him one day" she says. "Well I know him, and I'm adventuring with him" I mumbled so she couldn't hear. She placed her book down, and twisted her body so she was facing me. "I'm (y/n), and you are?" She ask putting her hand out for a hand shake. I grabbed her hand and kissed it gently and said "I'm bendy, and might I say it's a beautiful name for an extra beautiful girl~" I flirted. She blushed. "T..thank you, I g.. guess" she says. She patted the ground next to her telling me to sit, so I did so. Borris ran up to me and said "the others are coming" he pointed to them. I smiled "who's this?" He asked. "I'm (y/n)" (y/n) says plainly. "I'm borris, bendys brother" borris explains. "Anyway (y/n), do you know how you said you wanted to meet Felix" I say standing up. She nodded. I leant her my hand and she got up. "Come with us then" I say holding her hand. I dragged her to the group, borris was next to me. "Hey bendy, who yah got there?" Cups asked. "This is (y/n)" I say as I shove (y/n) infront of me.

(Y/n) pov

Bendy put me in front of him, showing me two men with cups for heads. "This is cups and mugs" bendy says. I wave sheepishly. "And this is mr.felix" bendy says pushing cups and mugs out of the way, revealing Felix. My eyes lit up and I started fangirling. "Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! OH MY GOSH!" I yell, jumping up and down. "It's nice to meet you, (y/n) was it?" Me.felix says putting his hand out for a hand shake. I took his hand. "I..I don't know what to say. YOU'RE MY IDOL AND YOU'RE RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME!" I yell as I let go of his hand. "You remind me of someone, hmm let's think *cough* bendy *cough*" borris, I think it was, says. I look at bendy with the biggest grin on my face. "I may have over reacted when i first met mr.felix" bendy says. "Well, it was a pleasure meeting you all. I better get back to my stuff, or someone might steal them" I say. "We could stay for a bit" I hear Felix say. "I wouldn't mind" bendy says. I grin and made my way back to my area. Mugs and borris went to the sea, cups went under a tree for some shade. Felix was admiring his surroundings and bendy sat with me. I threw my arms around bendy and pulled him into a hug. "Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!" I yell as he hugs me back. We release each other and I grinned. "BENDY! COME IN THE SEA!!" I hear borris yell. "FINE! Wanna come?" Bendys says. I nod. We made our way to the sea. Bendy took his shirt off to go in and for some reason I blushed. "Like what you see (y/n)?~" bendy asked. I didn't even realize I was staring at him. I blushed even more "s..sorry" I say as I look away. We made our way to borris and mugs. As soon as I got to them, borris slashed water in my face. I just stood there as the others just laughed. I splashed all of them, getting their top half's soaked. "Ha!" I yell. Then I gigantic wave came and swallowed us. When the wave went we were all on the floor. We sat up and started laughing. Mine and bendys hands accidentally touched. I quickly moved my hand away and blushed, same with bendy. "Sorry" we say in sync. I stood up and went back to land. The others did as well. I sat down. Bendy sat next to me as soon as the others left. We didn't realize we were so close together until me and bendy looked at each other at the same time, causing our lips to touch. We pull away from each other and blush. "GET A ROOM!" I hear, cup? Shout. "SHUT IT!! Bendy yells. I turned bendys head towards me. "Well, bendy, I've got to go. Hopefully we'll see each other again" I say as I give him a kiss on the cheek. I gathered my things and stood. Before I got the chance to go anywhere I felt someone grab my arm. I turn and see bendys got me. He pulled me into a kiss and then lets go of me. "I'll miss you" he says. I smile and walk away.

MY HAND HURTS LIKE HELL!! Anyway, I know I haven't updated this in a while. I'm trying to write as much as I can, anyway, right now I'm in Spain. That's why I put a beach thing in cause I was at the beach yesterday. Also the thing about the wave, happened to me and my brother. I was laughing my ass off. Anyway see ya.

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