Mickey x animatronic reader

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Requested by; Reapermoon123

Thanks for the request!)

Mickey pov

"You sure this is a good idea?" I question, looking over at Donald and Oswald with fearful eyes. "No that's why I suggested it" Donald rolls his eyes, "course I'm sure! Besides, nothing could go wrong. The place is abandoned". I sigh, looking up at the building. The rusted and run down aesthetic built up fear inside me, causing my body to tremble. Oswald placed a gentle hand on my shoulder, saying in a soothing voice "we can head back if you want. We don't have to go in". I shake my head, composing myself, "no, its fine. Besides, we need spare parts". "Let's just get this over with, already" Donald grumbles, prying off a plank of wood that was covering the broken glass door. I take another glance at the abandoned building. The once colorful, florescent lights were now shattered and barely able to flicker to life. The sign that once had bright, bold letters that read the buildings name were now faded and scarcely visable. A chill trickled down my spine as I shuddered, shaking my head and following Donald in, Oswald entering soon after.

The interior was no better then the exterior. Shelves, tables, chairs and various other items were toppled over on the floor, many shattered and broken, scattered around. The place was dark and it was difficult to see at first, but my eyes soon adjusted. I spin as I take in everything, which only built up my fear even more. I take a shaky breath, "o..okay, see the backroom or w..whatever anywhere?". The two shook their heads, busying themselves with other objects around the room. I huff, annoyed that these two would be zero help. Ignoring that, I began to explore. I approuch a small cabinet that was untouched. Dust blanketed it, evident that it hasn't been touched for years. I open it, but there wasn't much. There were a few demolished hats and outfits, props and a small green button. Curious, I push it. I had to use alot of force for it to actually click down, since it must've been rusted. I waited a moment, nothing happened. I sigh in disappointment, what did you expect, Mick? This place has been untouched for years. The wiring has probably short circuited. I was about to speak up and suggest we just leave, but a light flashed on. It was bright, surprisingly, and scared the hell out of me. I stumble a little as I stared at the now lit stage, which was hidden behind red curtains. "What the fuck? How did you do that?" Donald asks, looking over to me. He was clearly freaked out. "I..I just pushed this button and-" I go quiet once the curtains slowly began to open. Oswald, being the protective brother he is, pulls me behind him, trying to sheild me from any danger. "What the hell is going on? I thought nothing could work!" He grumbles. The curtains soon opened, and the spotlight drifted up, illuminating a figure. I take in the appearance. A dolly looking female with rosy cheeks, painted on eyelashes that gave off a friendly vibe, red lipstick, and faded (f/c) eye shadow. Her eyes were big and (e/c), picturing her as some what cartoony, a porcelain smile on her face, torn clothes and (h/l) (h/c) molded hair. She looked so enticing and beautiful, nothing like the rest of this place. She remained motionless, her pretty eyes staring straight ahead as if she was lifeless. "That's totally not creepy" Donald shuddered, taking a step back and gazing at the figure. "She's an animatronic! Thought they would have took those out once they shut this hellhole down" Oswald perks his ears up, sensing for danger. I take a shaky step closer to the stage, feeling my heart pounding. From either fear or something completely different. Not thinking straight, I heave myself up onto the stage. "Mick! What are you doing?!" Oswald hisses. "I..I'm just looking" I mutter, approuching the motionless female. "Get back here before you get hurt!" Oswald orders, a hint of worry in his voice. "Ossy, I'll be fine. This place was designed for kids, anyway. Not likely I'll get hurt" I smile reassuringly at my panicked brother. I then circled the female, noticing a small switch on her back. Being the curious fellow I am, I flicked it. The once motionless female sprung to life, making quite vivid and animated movements. That mainly consisted of her swaying side to side, her arms swinging in a bouncy motion as her eyes blinked and her smile became even brighter. I back up in surprise, but smile as I see how lively she is now. "H..how does it still work?!" Donald questions, flabbergasted. "I don't know; but this is amazing!" I beam. The figure then turned to face me, which startled me and caused me to back up into the wall. Her head tilted to the side, "h..hello?". I yelp in surprise, but clasp a hand over my mouth to stop myself from screaming. Her eyes scanned mine, "don't be scared. I am (y/n)! Let's be friends!!". I stared at her cheery self. "I...is this programmed....o..or am I insane?" I mutter, feeling sweat drip down from my forehead. "A..are you scared of me?" She questions, her smile fading and her eyes dimming. "N..no!" I yelp. She manages to take a step closer to me, "I won't hurt you, sir". I shake my head, gulping down my fear and trying to stop myself from shaking "I..I'm M...mickey". "Nice to meet you Mr Mickey!! We will be the best of friends!" She cheers, clasping her hands together. I scuttle around her, backing away, "y..yeah, o..of course we will". "Then why are you still scared?" She asks, stepping closer to me. I climb down from the stage, walking into Oswald, who hugged me protectively. "Look, miss, I don't know how you're active or even have a mind of your own, but if you hurt my brother I will destroy you" Oswal growls. (Y/n) stopped in her tracks, a sad expression growing on her face. That made my heart wretch. Even though I was terrified, she seemed so sweet and harmless. She just wants human contact, something she's clearly not had for years. I manage to pull myself out from Oswald's grasp, and climbed back on the stage. I hesitantly take her cold, matalic hands into my own, smiling softly at her. She gazes into my eyes, seemingly confused by my sudden action. "Ignore Ossy. He doesn't mean it. You'd never hurt someone, right?" I tilt my head. She nods sheepishly, her sad (e/c) eyes looking down to her feet. "Have you been stuck here?" I question, gently rubbing her hands. She seemed to shudder, but nodded anyway. "Well....m..maybe you should come with us....?" I suggest, a little fearful that I had made a wrong choice of words. Her head flicks up to me, her eyes sparkling "y...you'd really want that?". I nod, smiling brightly, "you seem so nice!! Its a shame to leave you in here!!". "Mick-" Donald cut himself off as I gave him a serious glare. (Y/n) then tackled me in a bear hug, exclaiming "thank you so much, Mr Mickey!! You don't understand how much this means to me!!!". I tense, a blush growing on my face. My heart was racing as my cheeks heat up emensly. I chuckle nervously, patting her back and ignoring the wild thumping of my heart, "its nothing, really. Anything for a friend". I can tell it was going to take a lot of adjusting to get her used to things, but it'll be worth it to make her happy. I am going to love this experience.

(Sorry if its bad!! But I hoped you enjoyed! And thank you so much for 68K reads!! I'm glad people are enjoying my stories! See y'all next chapter, ba'bye!!)

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