ink monster bendy x reader (2)

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(Requested by; Yolomikuchan

Thanks for the request!)

Bendy sighs slightly, fiddling with his gloves, breathing heavily. He had just had an ink attack and felt weak, but didn't want to wake the others. He'd feel bad.
Rustling of leafs caught his attention, so he turned his head, seeing (y/n). She gives him a small smile, sitting beside him, wiping ink from his forehead, "why didn't you wake me?".
"I'd hate to do that. Makes me feel bad".
"Your health is more important, Bendy" (y/n) sighs, moving her hand away from Bendy's face, much to his dismay, "you could get seriously hurt if you keep going through those attacks by yourself".
"I'll be fine" Bendy assures, frowning when (y/n)'s expression didn't change from the gloominess it held.
"But what if you can't handle it, Bendy? What if you turn into that weird demonic form again!?".
"Why do you guys keep saying that? I don't have another form!".
"You do, Bendy! We all saw! You seriously don't remember anything? Not one thing?" (Y/n) tears up, looking into the pale red eyes of Bendy.
Bendy sighed, "(y/n)....I'm sorry if I did anything that hurt you. I didn't mean it".
(Y/n) shakes her head, looking away from the demon, tears rolling down her cheeks, it meant nothing to him?
"(Y-y/n)....?" Bendy mumbles cautiously, heart aching at the sight of the crying female.
She didn't respond, only sniffled, wiping her eyes with her sleeve.
Bendy bites his bottom lip, thinking of the right words, not wanting to hurt the (h/c) haired girl more. He already hated seeing her cry now, he'd hate to worsen it. He lets out a heavy sigh, not realizing he was even holding his breath, hesitantly placing a hand on her shoulder, "can you look at me? Please....?".
(Y/n) thought for a moment before turning back to Bendy, her (e/c) eyes glossed over with tears.
The demon placed a gentle hand on her cheek, using his thumb to wipe away her tears, "do you want to tell me what happened?".
(Y/n)'s breath caught in her throat, heart pounding in her ears as she gazed in awe at the male infront of her, managing out "you- you won't like what you hear...".
Bendy smiles comfortingly, "you can tell me anything. I want to know if I did anything bad to you...".
(Y/n) sighs, rubbing her arm shyly, " kissed me...".
Bendy blushed, "shit, I am so sorry!! That must have been awful for you!!".
"No! Not at all. I....actually liked it..." (y/n) admits, avoiding Bendy's eyes as a red hue dusted over her cheeks, mentally cursing herself out for saying that.
"You did?".
Bendy smiles slightly, grabbing her hand, giving it a gentle squeeze, letting the scared female know it was okay.
She looked at him, surprised by the love filled expression on the other's face, bringing a smile to her own.
Bendy leaned in, clashing their foreheads together gently, "if that's all I did to you....then I meant it. I'm sad I can't remember it".
(Y/n)'s giggles slightly, her blush worsening, heart practically pounding out of her chest, thoughts rattling like crazy.
"Maybe we can do it again? You know, so I remember this time" Bendy smirks, amused by the stammering coming from (y/n). He chuckles, lightly pecking her lips, pushing a few strands of her (h/c) hair behind her ear, "I hope that meets to your expectations~".
Not really thinking, (y/n) grabs Bendy by the shoulders, pulling him into a rough kiss. He was initially caught off guard but melted against her lips rather quickly, hugging her protectively, wanting her to stay close, making a mental note to keep her safe from harms way, no matter what.

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