bendy x angel demon hybrid reader

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(requested by; monoflops.

Thanks for the request!!)

Bendy pov

I was sitting on my couch, letting my mind drift into a void of thoughts. Whether it was pure randomness, or some old memories. I thought about them. I began to remember something from when I was younger. I met this girl. She was interesting to say the least. Half angel, half demon. I sort of remember what she looked like, though it's kind of a blur. I just remember that she was beautiful, with a sweet voice to accompany that fact. Of course, I made a move straight away.

"Hey, hot stuff. I see you're an angel, but you're as hot as hell" I say with a wink. She giggles, "that was dumb. But thanks". I chuckle slightly, taking her hand and gently kissing the top of it, "names bendy~". "I'm (y/n)!" She beamed, seemingly unaffected by my flirtatious acts.

I chuckle slightly, "wow, I was such an idiot". Thinking about how I first spoke to her made me laugh. It actually helped us form a friendship.....somehow. She was always there for me. No wonder I liked her. She was polite but could be an ass whole. The perfect kind of girl for me. She was protective over her friends or family, I remember that much. I also remember when I first introduced her to cuphead. Oh how she wrecked him.

"Cuphead! This is (y/n)!" I beam, a small smile on my face. Cuphead stared at (y/n) for a moment, before he began chuckling "how the fuck did you get someone like this to be your friend". I glare at him. "Like seriously, who the fuck wants to hang out with this dork" cups laughs. (y/n) crosses her arms, a smug look on her face as she says "I see you don't have a brain in that cup of yours. 'Cause if you did you'd see that bendy is an amazing and awesome person". Cups looked pissed, which caused me to chuckle.

A smile pulls at my lips. I then remembered when she accidentally confessed to me.

I was having an ink attack at the time. (Y/n) was hovering over me with Boris, tears in both their eyes as they stared down at my pain struck body. I coughed intensely as ink streamed down my face. (Y/n) bit her bottom lip, trying, and failing, to keep her tears in. Boris on the other hand kept calm enough to help me. He was still upset, but managed to help the best he could. Once most of the ink and pain had gone, I mutter "j..just leave it to clean itself, Boris". Boris' ears lowered as he gave me a sad look. I propped myself up with my elbows, ignoring the small pain and sitting with a straight posture. I then got tackled into a hug by (y/n). Her figure shook gently as she began to sob. She buried her head in the crook of my neck, mumbling "I love you". It caught me off guard but I soon began to chuckle. I wrap my arms around her waist and gently pulled her closer to me, softly kissing the top of her head and mumbling "I love you too".

My cheeks heat up as I remembered that. Call me crazy, but I can still remember the feel of her touch. I remember her soft (s/c) skin and her silky (h/c) hair and how I used to tangle it around my fingers. I chuckle, placing a hand on my forehead "am I gonna go through an emotional crisis soon?". Just then, I heard the front door open and Boris say "bendy! I got a surprise for yah!". I sit up, looking at Boris with a visibly confused expression as my head tilted to the side. He chuckles, stepping in and motioning for someone to follow. A women steps in. She looked familiar. It then hit me. "(Y..y/n)" I mutter in disbelief. She giggled, giving me a small wave and saying "hello, bendy". I smile, jumping up to my feet and running to hug her. My grip was tight, way more than I thought it would be, and I kept saying things like "I missed you" or "I still love you". She hugs back, rubbing small circles in my back to calm me down. We soon brake apart, both smiling at each other. She then grabs my chin and connects our lips together. It was an unexpected move, but I soon melted into the kiss and wrapped my arms around her waist.

(Y/n) pov

I've been speaking with bendy. It was great to see him again. Especially after so long. I asked him about his illness and his adventure. Those were the last things I knew until he left. He said that his illness is gone and that the adventure was shit. He's been sliding in some casual flirts every now and then, but I either ignore them, roll my eyes at him or let out a small giggle. One of my personal favorites is "if you were a mind reader, you'd be looking in a mirror. Cause you're the only one I think about". I then remembered some people. "Say, Bendy. How's cups, mugs and Felix?" I ask. Bendy shrugs slightly, "cups and mugs went out to live whatever shit they call a life. While Mr Felix is off adventuring". I smile lightly. Just then, bendy wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into his lap. He kissed my cheek and mumbles "I love you". "As do I" I say, kissing his forehead gently. We sat in silence for a moment. Just enjoyed each other's company and I was enjoying bendy's warmth. I let out a small sigh, saying "I've missed this".

(YEET! Finally got this done! Sorry if this is bad! It's like 10:59pm as I'm writing this and I should get to bed. But nah! Screw that! Hope you enjoyed and see you in the next one. Bye!!)

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