felix x shy reader

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(hey!! Felix hasn't had many stories. Nor has micky, mugs or Boris. If y'all don't mind, please give some Felix x reader, Micky x reader, mugman x reader or Boris x reader ideas. Thanks!!)

(Y/n) pov

I leaned in closer to this cat man. Our lips were so close, my face pink. "I love you dear" the cat man says. "I love you to fe--"

I jolted from my sleep. "Damn, you always wake at the best parts" I sighed. I layed back onto my pillow. "Who was that man?" I've seen him in plenty of different dreams. I sat back up and scanned my room. I had pictures of the cat man, that I drew, hanging on the walls. I've seen him enough times to know his identity. I got out of my bed and did my usual routine. (Because your author is too lazy to write it all down). I stepped out of my house. It was a bright, sunny day. Not a cloud in the sky. Oh, except maybe that one. Hello cloud! Anyway. I walked towards the crowded street. All the chatter and laughter made me uncomfortable. I crossed the road to a less crowded part of the street. I wasn't really paying any attention to my surroundings. I was still thinking of the mysterious cat man from my dreams. The only source of information I got was that his name begins with fe. I then bumped into someone, ending me falling on my butt. "Oh, I'm terribly sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going! Here, let me help you up" a voice said. I look up to see the same exact man from my dreams. He had outstretched his hand (or paw. I don't know anymore!!! Oh hey, that rhymed) to me. I just sat their like an idiot. Admiring him. "Excuse me ma'am" he said, snapping me back to reality. I then grabbed his hand and he pulled me up. "S...sorry about that. I...I just kinda, um, f..felt like I've seen you before" I whisper. He smiled at me. "It's no problem!"

Felix pov

I got a closer look at this (h/c) haired girl. She had beautiful (e/c) eyes that beamed in the sunlight and (S/c) skin. I began to remember something from last night. My dream.

"I love you Felix, and I always will no matter what!" The (h/c) haired girl exclaimed, holding onto my arm for dear life as the cliff was breaking. "I'm sorry, but only one of us can leave" I say, taking my arm out of the girls grip. With that, I fell off the cliff. "I love you too, (y--"

I shook my head. Examine the female one more time. It looks exactly like her. "Sorry, I must be on my way now" I say. She was about to say something, but protested herself. Just giving a heart warming smile and waving. I walked away, holding my head in my hand. "I swear, that was her. But, how can that be true? What's a dream is a dream" I froze. "or maybe, it's my destiny". I shook my head. "N..no. Felix, you're talking nonsense" I continued to walk. "It's probably just a coincidence".

~time skip- a few days later when he's met bendy and the rest-~

I've had that female in many of my dreams. The only thing on my mind is her. I think the others have began to notice something wrong with me. "M..mr.felix?" I heard a faint voice. "Mr. Felix?" My eyes widened as I was snapped out of my trance. "Oh, hey bendy" I say, giving him a smile as if to say 'I'm fine, please leave me alone'. "Is, everything ok..... Mr. Felix?" He asked. I nodded. "I'm fine, I've just.....got alot on my mind" I smile. Bendy cocked an eyebrow. "If you say so" with that, he left me alone with my thoughts. I sigh. It can't be a coincidence if I've seen her more than twice.

(Y/n) pov

I saw him again. I've actually seen him alot of times. Every night when I sleep. I've began to see him if I close my eyes for a period of time. I let out a long sigh as I leave my house. I'm going to take a long walk to fix my mind. Luckily, there is a forest right behind my home. I walk for a while, it was going well. But the sun began to set. I stopped in my tracks. I didn't know which way to go. I was lost. I began to shake with fear. Looks like I'm camping out tonight I hated the thought, but it was true. I had to. I began to walk again, maybe to find a cave or something. I was frustrated at myself. "How did you manage to get yourself lost!! Next thing you know, I'm going to get mauled by a bunch of woooooolllfffssss!!!!!" I fell as I said wolfs. Yep. I fell down a fucking cliff. Well, today is my lucky day, isn't it? I was screaming for dear life. I tried grabbing rocks or something sticking out of the cliff, but I missed everything. I reached for another rock, but missed and it hit my head. I was bleeding. G...great. I thought as my vision blurred. I saw a ledge and tried to reach for it. But I was weak, so it failed. I saw a blurred image on the ledge. It grabbed my arm and pulled me up. As soon as I got pulled up, I passed out.

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