Fanny x reader

915 19 3

(Requested by; Fire-Stick-Chan

Thanks for the request!)

Fanny pov

I sat in the employees lounge, waiting for Dovil while being bored out of my mind. She was taking unusually long....she'd usually be here by now. I'm starting to worry.

That was until I saw her, with another girl. She had (h/l) (h/c), (s/c) skin and deep (e/c) eyes. I was kind of jealous that Dovil was with her. She's my bestfriend. Whoever this is better have a valid explanation for being with her. Dovil and the female then walked up to me, Dovil saying "(y/n), this is my bestie, Fanny". The so called '(y/n)' sheepushly waves at me. I look her up and down, "nice to meet you...I guess". The two then sat down with me, Dovil saying "(y/n)'s new here, I thought maybe she could hang with us?". I lean back in the chair, mumbling "whatever".

I've been helping (y/n) with her work. She's a little clumsy, which is adorable at times, and very apologetic. But I can tell she's extremely determined to do her job correctly, which I really do respect. She's very sweet and helpful, willinging to do everything to the best of her ability. Which is very cute.

3rd pov

As soon as (y/n) layed eyes on Fanny, she knew she was in love. She was ecstatic when Fanny always offered her assistance to her, but always manger to keep her cool. Somehow. One day, though, (y/n) saw Fanny with her husband. It shattered (y/n)'s to know that her crush was already taken.

Fanny hesitantly opened the door to her house, slowly walking in and gently closing the door. It was silent. She lets out a small sigh, relief washing over her. That was until someone grabbed her ears and forcefully dragged her into the living room. "How many times have I fucking told you to get home as soon as you get off work!!" Her husband yells, throwing her against the wall, causing her to yelp. "I..I'm sorry, b..but there's someone new at work. A..and I was helping her adjust" Fanny says, trying to compose herself. Brute snarls, "that's not an excuse! Your main priority should be me!". He grabs her arm, clutching onto it as hard as he can causing her to cry in pain. "Oh shut up! You help people who have been through worst than this!" Brute growls, throwing Fanny against a table which caught her arm. Fanny fell to the floor, grasping her injured arm and holding back her sobs. Brute shakes his head, walking away from the distressed female. Fanny shakily lifted her hand up, seeing a deep cut on her arm, blood slowly oozing out of it, trickling down her arm. She sat there for a moment, questioning what she had done to deserve a husband like Brute.

(Y/n) pov

Fanny and I were in a cafe. We had both just gotten off of work and she asked if she could stay with me for a little while. Of course I agreed. I'll take any opportunity to hang out with Fanny. But she seems a little off. Her usually sassy attitude is now replaced by a shy demenour, and she'd normally wear a beautiful dress or any clothes that showed off her perfect figure, but she was wearing a slightly large sweater.

"Uh, Fanny. Is everything ok?" I ask, catching her off guard. "Of course" she smiles, but it didn't meet her eyes. Her eyes seemed to be a signal for help. "Are you sure? You seem very off" I say, leaning forward slightly. Fanny looked away from me, focusing on the floor. Her figure gently began to shake as tears developed in her eyes. That worried me. "I..I can't lie about this anymore....I..I'm not ok" she took a deep breath, wiping her eyes, "my husband....a...absues me". I felt rage boil inside of me once I heard that, "and you're still with him?". She nods sheepishly, fiddling with her fingers. I sigh loudly, "you need to leave him". She shakes her head, "I..I can't...". I stand, walking to the side of her, and cupped her face in my hands, gently tilting her head up so we made eye contact. "You can't stay with him if he hurts you...." I say, wiping away her tears with my thumbs. She looks at me for a moment, her eyes scanning mine. She then tackled me in a hug, saying "I love you, I really do". I blush slightly, not sure if she's being serious or not. Female friendships confuse me.... Anyway, I hug back, enjoying having her in my embrace. "So...when you say you love that friendship...or?" I mumble. Fanny tenses up, then she gently pulls away from me, her face a bright red, stammering "w..well, uh, y..yeah". I smile, pecking a kiss on her forehead with a smirk, "let's get you outta this marriage of yours".

"Are you sure you wanna help me with this?" Fanny asks, grasping my hand. "I'm sure....I want to help you" I smile. She takes a deep breath, preparing herself. She then opened the door. We both walk in, me taking in the surroundings. The house was nicely decorated considering that abuse goes on within these walls. I then heard talking in another room, then glass shatering. I dart in the direction of the noise, seeing a bulk wolf towering over Fanny's shaking figure. I gasp quietly, running infront of Fanny and pushing the male away from her. "Back off!" I yell. The male glares at me, "who the fuck do you think you are?". "I'm (y/n), and your wife wants to end this 'happy' marriage of yours" I growl. The male glares at Fanny, who was cowering behind me. "Expect the police, asshole" I say before gently grabbing Fanny's hand and taking her out of the house, the male yelling at us the entire way.

~time skip~

A few months later, Fanny's ex husband was in jail, the divorce was settled and Fanny and I are together. We couldn't be happier together, and we know we both love each other very much.

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