cuphead X toon butterfly reader part 2

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(requested by; SkylarKeeney

:3 thanks for the request!)

3rd pov

The questers find themselves walking through the forest. They were joking around, laughing at each other just so the silence was filled. They were acting as if they weren't on an adventure that can cure so many or even kill them at any moment. Brave souls. Soon, they stumbled across a temple. It looked abandoned as it's stone walls were decorated with moss and cracks. "Please don't tell me we have to go through this" mugman sighs, letting his posture slump. "Sorry mugs, but we have to" Boris says, putting his map back in his bag. Mugs lets out another sigh, but smiles, trying to keep his moral high. The group of five then walked inside the temple. This was when the silence came over them. The only sounds that could be heard were the sounds of their footsteps. Cobwebs hung like Christmas lights and spiders scurried around, watching the new comers. Without even realizing, the group huddled together. Not wanting to, somehow, get separated. Eventually, they stumbled across a giant archway that was guarded by two priestesses. They didn't move or budge, it was almost like they didn't notice their presence. Hesitantly, bendy stepped forward and slowly walked towards the statue-like creatures. Only then did they act. In a swift movement, they moved infront of the archway, therefore blocking any way of entering. Bendy groaned quietly as the rest just stood there. Bendy walked back to the group, muttering swears under his breath. "Do we have to go in that room, Boris?" Felix asked, looking over at the wolf. "I..I think..." Boris says, his ears lowering. "Well how the fuck do we get in there?" Cuphead questions, looking straight past the guard-like things in an attempt to see into the room. "Do we have to fight them or something?" Mugs asks, tilting his head to the side. "Fuck that. I'm still worn out from that mermaid" bendy says, a small shiver trailing up his spine. "So how-" Felix got cut off by footsteps. The crew look around and saw nothing. So someone was approaching. They quickly scramble behind different pillars or pieces of wall/ceiling that had broken off and fell to the ground. Waiting with much anticipation for whatever was to come.

Cuphead pov

This is so stupid. Why am I hiding!? I could easily shoot the thing that's coming if it's dangerous. But then again....I don't want to harm anyone. I sigh slightly, pressing my head against the wall. The footsteps then got louder. I heard something familiar. I could hear a voice. A demonic yet sweet voice. Where have I heard that before? Wait....that butterfly girl. What was her name again? (Y/n)! It's (y/n)!! I quickly look in the direction of the archway, being the closest I could see it clearly, and saw her. But she seemed a little different. Her giant wings were now a rainbow ombre. She still looked cute. I remember when she kissed my lips ever so slightly. Sure it was a small gesture, but I still remember it. I still get the sweet sensation in my heart when I remember her. I let out a loving sigh, looking up at the creature that has stolen my heart. The only thing I could think about was going up to her. I knew it was a shitty idea, but I couldn't think of anything else. My heart took control of me, and I slowly snuck inside the once guarded archway. No one else saw me, so I was in the clear. Hopefully. The place I just entered was no bigger than a hotel bedroom. "Excuse me" a distorted voice says. I froze for a moment, but quickly turned around and came face to face with (y/n). I smile slightly as I stared up at her figure. "Hi, probably don't remember me-" she cut me off with "I remember you. I just don't think I got your name". "Oh, r...right. I'm cuphead!" I say, a red hue dusting over my cheeks. She smiles slightly, "cuphead? It really suits you". I chuckle nervously, feeling my face heating up. She giggles, making my heart skip a beat. That was an adorable sound. I wish I could play it on repeat for the rest of my life. "So where are your friends?" (Y/n) asks, placing her hands on her hips. "Oh, right. Them" I laugh slightly "I sorta left them in the halls". I rub the back of my neck in a slight manner of guilt, when I really didn't feel guilty. I know it sounds harsh that I don't feel bad about leaving my friends and brother in a hall without a single clue of where I am, but I'm just glad I got to see (y/n). I'm glad I got to hear her. I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard (y/n) say "cuphead? Are yah there?" with her hand waving infront of my face. "Huh? Oh! Y..yeah. Sorry, I sorta zoned out. W..what did you say?" I ask, looking up into her glistening (e/c) eyes. "It's fine. What I said was; I'd like to meet your friends" she says, a soft smile on her face as her eyes met with mine.

(Y/n) pov

This cuphead guy is adorable. I like his reactions to literally anything I do. He always blushes. I'm not sure whether it's out of embarrassment or not. Nonetheless, it's adorable. He seemed to come back to his senses for like the third time. "Right. wanna see my friends. C..come with me" he says, softly gripping onto my hand. I felt my face heat up by his touch. A fantastic feeling began to flood my heart. Is this what they call love? Am I in love with this man I've only met twice? If so, I don't mind. His demeanor is enough to make me fall head over heals for him. Before I knew it, he releases my hand. "Cuphead!? Don't you dare leave me again! I thought I'd lost you!" I hear a sweet voice say. I look down at cuphead to see him hugging a blue mug. He had bright blue eyes and a blue straw, with a big blue nose and a blue scarf, along with a white shirt and blue pants. I wonder what his favourite color is. "Wow, cuphead. W..who's your friend" a wolf asks, lowering his ears slightly. "Boris, don't you see!? It's that legendary butterfly toon! At her full potential with those bright rainbow wings! I've been researching her for practically my whole life!" Tha cat exclaims, staring at me with star eyes. I smile nervously, waving slightly. "Wow, cups. You sure know how to pick 'em" the demon chuckles, nudging cuphead with his elbow. Cuphead's face glowed a bright red as he stared at the demon with an angry glare, yelling "shut up, short shit!". "Sorry to intrude on your, uh, argument. But I'd like for you to introduce yourselves. I'd like to meet friends of cuphead's" I say, a soft smile spreading on my face. "Oh! Of course! I'm Felix!" The cat greets, tilting his hat slightly. "I'm Boris" the wolf says, a polite smile on his face. "I'm mugman! But please, call me mugs!" The blue mug beams, a huge, friendly smile spread across his lips. The demon smirks at me, "I'm bendy, I would flirt but I see cuphead's already got the hots for you". "Bendy I swear" cuphead grumbles. I giggle. "You all seem very nice!-" I cut myself off as I caught a glimpse of the sky, "oh shit! It's dark already!?". The others let out a small sigh. "Well, should we look for a place to set up a camp?" Felix asks bendy. "Oh no worries! You guys can stay here for the night, then you can continue with what you are doing!" I say, slightly spreading my wings. "If you would allow us then ok" Boris says, his tail swaying slightly.

Everyone had fallen into a deep sleep. Well, almost everyone. Cuphead was still up. We didn't interact with each other so we sort of built an awkward silence. We didn't make eye contact, or even give each other space. We were so close together that our hands accidentally brushed against each other from time to time. Everytime it happened it caused my cheeks to heat up. Sometimes I noticed cuphead's cheeks tint a bright red. It sort of made me smile. Seeing his adorable face just sparked my heart with the much needed joy. Suddenly, cuphead inched closer, making the gap between us smaller. Before I knew it, his hand firmly grasped mine. That caused my cheeks to explode with different shades of red. I didn't object, of course, infact I held his hand as well. It was still silent, until I couldn't take it anymore. I turn to face him, gently grabbing his chin and forcing eye contact. We just stared into each other eyes for a while. His bright red eyes captivating me and dragging me away from reality. I slowly leaned closer, eventually connecting our lips. He kisses back, pushing himself further into it. Soon, we pulled apart. Gasping slightly for air. "I love you, (y/n)" cups says, a small smile on his face. I rest my head on his chest, mumbling "love you, too".

(Hope you enjoyed! Sorry if it's short, sorry if it's bad, sorry if I didn't add a lot of information! I just needed to get this chapter out so I could work on more shit. Bare with me with the chapters, ok? Ok. See you in the next one!)

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