bendy x cuphead's sister reader

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(y/n) pov

I was walking around town. Reminiscing in the memories of me and my brothers. It's been years since I've seen them. I missed them. As I was walking, I bumped into someone which caused me to fall on my ass. I was disorented. "Hey, watch where you're goin-!" The mysterious person cut themselves off with, "(y..y/n)?". I looked up, seeing a very familiar face. "Cuphead" I mutter. He offers to help me up, which I take. Once I'm up, I tackle him in a hug. "I've missed you" I say. He hugs back, saying "missed you, too". We brake the hug and smile at each other. Then I ask, "where's mugs?". Cups' smile faded, "h..he....h..he's in the hospital". "What!? Why?" I ask. A few tears slipped out of cuphead's crimson red eyes, "I..I accidentally......shot him". "What!?" I yell. Cuphead rubbed his arm and hung his head in guilt, "I...I didn't mean to...". "Why were you shooting in the first place?" I ask, calming down. Cuphead glances up at me for a second, before looking back down, "I..I can't tell you..". "I'm your sister. You can tell me" I say. "I don't want to lose you like I lost him....I can't let it be my fault for both my siblings being harmed" cuphead says, wiping his eyes. I gently take his hands, " why don't we go check up on him?". He looks up at me, giving a small nod. We then made our way to the hospital.

As we entered the room mugman was in, I froze. He layed there, lifeless. Tears formed in my eyes as I slowly aprouched the bed. "M..mugs" I mutter, slowly reaching for his hand. I placed my hand on top of his, staring at him. An arm wrapped around my shoulders. It was cuphead. I look away from mugs and hide my face in cups' chest, my hand still on mugs'. I sobbed slightly. I felt cuphead's figure shake as he cried quietly. Then, something grabbed onto my hand, followed by a weak voice saying "c..cups? (Y..y/n)?". Cuphead and i quickly look over at the bed, seeing mugs with his eyes open and a small smile. "Mugs!" I beam, a few tears falling out of my eyes. Mugs tightened his grip on my hand. "M..mugs. I'm so sorry" cups says. "F..for what?" Mugs asks, looking over at cuphead. "Everything! For being such an asswhole. Barely being their for you. Dragging you into my problems. Shooting you. The list goes on" cups says. Mugs lets out a small chuckle, "cuppy, that doesn't matter. You're my brother. In the end, I'll always love you". Mugs' voice was starting to sound better. "And (y/n). It's great to see you" mugs smiles. "It's great to see you, too, muggy" I smile. "You get rest. Then we can reunite with (y/n)" cups says, gently booping mugman's nose.

Cuphead pov

Mugman was now out of the hospital and we were walking to a hotel. (Y/n) was telling us what's been going on in her life. She mentioned alot of crazy shit. Like something called a fire tiger. It sounds like bullshit but it seems to be real. Right now, we finally reached the hotel. "I'll go and get us a room" mugs smiles, walking up to the front desk. "So, is this fire tiger thing real?" I ask, facing (y/n). She nods, "yup. It got me right on my arm". She then rolled up her sleeve slightly, revealing a scar. I felt bad for her. I wasn't there to help her. "Don't worry, cuppy. I was fine!" She beams, placing a hand on my shoulder. Mugs then walked back up to us, saying "come on!". We then walked up to our room.

I was on the balcony, looking up at the star filled sky. I then got the feeling like I was being watched. I glance at the other balcony, seeing a familiar demon. "You're everywhere. Aren't you?" I chuckle. Bendy rolls his eyes, saying "I could say the same to you". "You're awfully came seeing me. Cause you know. I could pounce at any..." I pause, a smirk crawling onto my face, "moment!". Bendy tensed up in fear, causing me to burst out laughing. This caught the attention of (y/n), so she crept out on the balcony to join me. She then met eyes with bendy. "W..who's this?" Bendy asks. "This is (y/n). Mine and mugs' sister" I say, scruffing up (y/n)'s liquid (h/c) hair. She pushes my hand away, playfully punching my arm. I saw a smirk grow on bendy's face, "well, for someone who's related to cuphead, you're pretty cute". I glare at bendy, saying "you're not gonna start flirting with my sister". (Y/n) giggles slightly, saying "don't worry, cuppy". She then went back inside. I sent another glare bendy's way and then followed (y/n) inside. Mugs, (y/n) and I then slept for the night.

~time skip~

Bendy pov

I was talking to cups and (y/n) in a cafe. Cups had invited me, and I insisted that (y/n) came too. I was going to try and make a move on her. I don't give a fuck if she's related to someone who's trying to kill me. I can't pass on an opportunity. "So, doll, was cuphead much of a dick head growing up or is it just him now" I chuckle slightly. I could feel cuphead's eyes on me, sending a glare full of hatred my way. But I didn't care. (Y/n) giggled, a sound I love, then said "well, he was. But! If I say anymore he may go on a rampage". Cuphead scoffs slightly, saying "yeah, yeah. Sure". (Y/n) winks at me, making me blush. "Sooooooooooo......cups. Why'd you invite me to this cafe?" I ask, changing the subject. "Oh! Right" cups cleared his throat, then said "I think you could use us on your adventure". I froze, " want to join us?". Cups nods, a small smile on his face. "I..I..." I paused, quickly glancing at (y/n). I then continued, "I'll ask Boris about it". Cups smiles brightly, saying "cool!".

~yet another time skip!~

Cups and mugs were joining us. Which means that (y/n) is coming too. Cuphead has been keeping an eye on me, just so I don't try anything. But fuck him, I'm not gonna let him cock block me. Right now, we were all talking about the map. Well, mainly Boris and mugs. (Y/n) noticed her brother's antics about me being a flirt with her. So, just to piss him off more, she says "hey bendy, can I have your help?". "Huh? Oh yeah. What is it?" I say. She then pulls me closer and kisses my lips softly. My face burst with a bright shade of red. "You shit. You did that to piss me off" cups growls. "Yup!" (Y/n) giggles. I smile slightly. The feeling of her soft lips remained. And, to piss cuphead off more, I wrap my arm around her waist and rest my head on her shoulder. Cuphead glared at me, "I swear I will kill you". "Good look" I laugh.

(Yay!! I got this done! Woooooo! I have a request coming out next so be prepared for that! Peace y'all!)

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