A/N (part 2!)

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Freya (author): *sitting quietly and then starts screaming*

Everyone except Freya: *runs into the room* FREYA, ARE YOU OK!!!???

Freya (author): *stops screaming* SOMETHING CRAZY JUST HAPPENED!!

Bendy: what?!

Freya (author): *smiles* we got 693 reads/views!

Felix: *sighs* we thought you were hurt. But that is something to get excited about.

Bendy: yeah! Oh and, why is (y/n) never in these a/n?

Boris: yeah, where is she?

Freya (author): oh, she's here. *Looks through your phone screen, making eye contact with you* she's always watching.

Mugs: cup, she's scaring me.

Cup: I think she scares everyone in this studio.

Freya (author): *looks at cup* maybe. I scare myself sometimes.

Bendy: *chuckles* how do you manage to do that? *Chuckles*

Freya (author): maybe because I hardly look in mirrors or have any pictures of me on my phone. So when I'm about to take a photo and the camera is facing me, I scream on the inside. Cause I'm too socially awkward to scream on the outside.

Felix: ok. Before I begin to question you more, Freya. What're you going to do for a special.

Freya (author): *shrugs*

Boris: you seriously don't know what to do! Normally you have an idea.

Freya (author): well my brain isn't functional.

Mugs: ok, guys. We need to think of an idea this time.

~after a while of thinking~

Cup and bendy: I HAVE AN IDEA!! *Stare at each other awkwardly*

Felix: what are we gonna do?

Freya (author): maybe we could do both. Tell us your ideas boys!

Bendy and cup: I think I should go first. No me. Me. ME!!! ME!!

Boris: let's do a random name picker.

Mugs: yeah.

~after using the random name picker~

Felix: AAAAANNNNNNDDDD!!!! Cup, you go first.

Cup: *sticks tounge out to bendy* so, my idea is that we do a request page. On here.

Mugs: yeah, can we Freya? Can we.

Freya (author): ummmmmmmmmmmm

Mugs: *does puppy dog eyes*

Freya (author): fine. Anyway, bendy what's your idea?

Bendy: we do a q&a?

Freya (author): sure, why not.

Everyone except Freya: YAY!!

Freya (author): ok, so we are doing the request page AND the q&a. I mean, I doubt we'll get any requests, or questions. But hey, I'll give it a try.

Mugs: come on Freya! Try and think positive.

Freya (author): nu.

Boris: come on, at least smile.

Freya (author): nu!

Boris and mugs: Please!

Freya (author): NU!

Boris and mugs: fine *smirks* I guess we'll have to go to plan b.

Freya (author): shit, I know what plan be is.

Boris and mugs: *begin to tickle freya*

Freya (author): *laughing like a mad man* hahah guys sthahahp!!

Boris and mugs: SMILE THEN!!

Freya (author): fine I...I'll smile *laughs hysterically* please stahahahap and I'll smile hahahah!

Boris and mugs: *stops tickling Freya*

Freya (author): *smiles faintly* ok that's enough *stops smiling*

Cup: well that's something you don't see every day.

Freya (author): *smacks the back of cups' head* shut up.

Cup: *rubs the back of head* ok, that hurt.

Bendy: *laughing at cup*

Cup: *prepares to shoot bendy* I recommend you run, bitch.

Bendy: shit *runs to his room and locks the door*

Freya (author): cup, don't shoot him! We need him!

Cup: you need all of us, missing one isn't going to change anything.

Freya (author): then how about we get rid of you. *Eyes turn pure blood red*

Cup: fine, I'll leave him alone.

Felix: well, I haven't spoken in a while. So, if you'd like, leave a request and we'll. And, if you'd like, leave a question and we'll answer it.

Everyone: BYE BYE!!!

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