cuphead X toon, shy, attractive, gold pheasant reader part 2

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(requested by; Hollywood_Lycan


3rd pov

(Y/n) and cuphead have seen each other for the past few weeks and have became great friends. They see each other more than twice a week. Of course, whenever (y/n) comes round bendy flirts. But she tends to ignore his comments. (Y/n) sees her relationship with cuphead as a regular friendship, but cuphead hopes for it to be more. Though he hates to admit it, he has a crush on her. And whenever bendy flirts with (y/n) it pisses him off. (Y/n) is, somehow, oblivious to cuphead's feelings for her. She just thinks they're really close. Oh boy.....she's wrong.

"So, uh, (y/n)..... Have you, uh, got anything planned.... tomorrow?" Cuphead asks sheepishly. "Nope...I'm free. Why?" (Y/n) responds, the look of confusion on her face. Cuphead nervously rubs the back of his neck, saying "I...I was wondering if, maybe, you'd like to go to the park with me". (Y/n) smiles lightly, "of course, cuppy! See you tommorow!". With that, (y/n) walked to her house, leaving a flustered cuphead behind. "D..did she just call me cuppy?" He questioned. He shook off his thoughts and began to make his way back home. Thoughts scrambled through his head. Most of them being good. But the majority being bad. What if something goes wrong during his confession? What if she doesn't like him back? Cuphead doesn't know what he'd do if (y/n) didn't love him the way he loves her. Soon, cuphead reached his house. He sighed quietly, a small smile on his face as he turned the door knob and entered the house. "Hey, cups. Did you have a fun time with your girlfriend~" bendy teases. "She's not my girlfriend!" Cups yells, anger in his voice as his cheeks go red. Bendy chuckles slightly, "don't know why you're denying it. If I were you, I'd already have a ring on her". Cups rolls his eyes, "this shit ain't as easy as it seems". "Hah, As if you've ever had a relationship" bendy says, snickering slightly. "Oh, and you have?" Cups says, a small smirk on his face. Bendy narrows his eyes at the cup, muttering "shut up". The two began to joke around, which is a rare occurrence.

Cuphead pov

The sun beamed down on me, covering me with warmth. I groan quietly, flipping onto my side and closing my eyes tightly. It was silent for a bit, until my phone buzzed. (I don't give two shits if they don't have phones. Just don't question me!) I complain mentally and open my eyes, sitting up and groggily grabbing my phone. I had gotten a text....from (y/n). I was sort of confused so I read it.

Hey, cuppy! I'm excited to see you today!

Once everything set it, realization hit me and my face goes red. "Right....I'm going to confess" I sigh, pressing the palm of my hand on my forehead. I sat up and grabbed some clothes, taking my shirt off and throwing it on my bed. Once I was changed and my hair was sorted out, I looked in the mirror. I didn't know what I was thinking. Confessing to the one I love. I'm not even sure if she likes me back. Might as well just get it out of the way. If she doesn't like me, I hope we can remain friends. I don't know if I'm ruining what we already have. These thoughts are putting me off of my decision. But I have to go through with it. If I don't get these feeling out, they'll go. I sigh shaking my head and exiting my room. I then walked downstairs, seeing mugs and Boris. "Morning bro! Dressed already?" Mugs greets, a slight tone of confusion in his voice. I nod, humming a slight "hmmhmm". "What's the occasion?" Boris asks, a small smirk on his face. I roll my eyes, shoving my hands in my pockets and muttering "none of your business". "Are yah going out with that friend of yours?" Mugs asks, putting two pieces of bread in the toaster. My face heats up, but I shake it off and say "why are you acting like some shitty sitcom mom?". Mugs chuckles at my comment, leaning against the kitchen counter, "I'm only doing what you'd do". "Whatever" I mumble, sitting at the table. "Bendy said you're gonna confess" Boris says out of the blue. "That short son of a bitch" I mumble under my breath. Before anyone could say anything further, a ding was heard and toast shot through the air. I was the one who caught it, earning a clap from Boris and mugs. "Nice catch" mugs says. I chuckle slightly, "I'm such a hero". I stand up, putting one of the toast slices in my mouth and handing the other to mugs. "Hey. That was mine. You didn't even put anything on it" he complains. I shrug walking out the door and eating on the way.

(Y/n) pov

I finally made it to the park. There, surprisingly, wasn't many people there. I mean, it's not that I really mind. Even though I've been hanging out with cups a lot, I'm still pretty shy. I can still be pretty quiet if there's a bunch of people. I walked up to a bench, sitting done and began to wait for cuphead.

Awhile later, I noticed cuphead. I had to wave for him to notice me. Once he reached me, he greets me with a pleasant "hi!". "Hey!" I smile. He sat next to me and we began to talk about random stuff. Like life, our family, what we hope for in the future and overall just some random shit. I soon began to notice cuphead fiddling around with his clothes or hair. He seemed really nervous for some reason. I tilt my head to the side slightly. He notices this and asks "is everything ok?". "I should be asking you that" I say. "W..why would you?" He asks, his facial expression nervous as his eyes darted from left to right. "You seem a little off" I say. ", I'm always on" he freezes, realising what he had just said. He covers his face with his hands which muffled his screams. I giggle slightly, saying "oh, cuppy. You're so silly". He soon uncovered his face, which was a bright red, and looked into my eyes. "A..anyway. Uh, there's a reason I wanted to s..see you here" he says, his blush increasing. "Oh? What is it?" I ask, curiosity getting the better of me. "Uh.." he mutters, rubbing the back of my neck. I place my hand on his, saying "don't worry, cuppy. Whatever it is, I'm sure we'll still be friends". "Uh..well, the thing is. I..I love you. I..I just had to get it out" he says, a small smile on his face. My heart sunk slightly, I didn't know what to say. "C..cuppy. I'm sorry..." I start. Just by those words, his smile faded. I could tell he was heart broken, but I continued "'re very sweet. But, I'm not ready for that kind of relationship yet. You're a nice guy, I've got nothing against you. I think it's best if we just remain friends". He seemed a little distrought. Like his world had just ended. I felt terrible. He took a deep breath, and said "ok....that's fine". He smiled lightly.

We remained friends. Possibly his confession brought us closer. A year later, we began dating. I think it was a great decision. I love my cuppy.

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