Mickey x broken doll reader

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(requested by; Fluffycatgueen

Thanks for the request!)

Mickey pov

"Is everyone ready?" I ask, tugging on my shirt slightly. "As I'll ever be" Donald groans. I roll my eyes, shaking my head as a small smile grew on my lips. "Come on, bro! You're going to miss your cue!" Oswald chuckles, pushing me gently. "I'm going, ossy!" I laugh slightly, playfully shoving him.

As I was preforming, I noticed someone in the corner of my eye. They were wearing a hood....as if to conceal their identity. It was interesting, but I couldn't focus on that at the moment. Maybe later.

"Hey, mick! You did a great job today!" Oswald beams, resting his hand on my shoulder. "Thanks bro" I smile slightly. "You ok? Got something on your mind?" He asks. "Well, yeah. Did you see that hooded person?" I ask, looking up at him. He shakes his head, "no, maybe you're just seeing things. You haven't slept properly in awhile". "I know they were real" I say. "Sure, mick. Now I've got to get going. Feel is waiting for me" Oswald says with a small smile. Then, as if on cue, Felix approuched us. He gently pecks Oswald's cheek, asking "you ready, ossy?". "Yep! See yah mick" Oswald smiles, taking Felix's hand and intertwining their fingers before leaving me. (Osix moment X3). I let out a small and quiet sigh, smiling softly. I'm happy my brother has moved on and is in a stable relationship. But it makes me kind of jealous. It makes me wish I had asked Minnie out before she left town. I stood up, walking outside and into the wind. I need to clear my mind. As I was walking, I walked into someone. "Gosh! I'm sorry!" I yelp, offering a hand to who I had just knocked over. It was that hooded figure. "Oh, it's you!" I beam. They quickly stood up and bolted the opposite direction. For reasons I don't understand, I ran after them.

(Y/n) pov

I skidded around the corner, my hood falling down but I ignored it. I came to a stop once I realized there was a wall. I was trapped. I turned around, seeing Mickey panting for his breath. "Oh boy....you run fast" he gasps out. I snicker a little. He then looked up at me, his eyes widening. I gulp, men2tally swearing for not hiding myself. "Wow, you're pretty" he quickly slapped a hand over his mouth, probaly by what he said. "Pretty? Me? Funny....look, I know what I look like. I look like the doll from child's play! You don't have to patronize me" I sigh, curling my (h/l) (h/c) hair around my finger. "N..no. I mean it. I don't know why you'd hide your face" he says, his cheeks dusting with a shade of pink. I blush slightly, "t..thanks I guess.....it's different to what I normally hear". "What do you normally hear?" He asks. "Screams" I shrug. "Oh..." Mickey trailed off. We then fell into a moment of silence. "Golly, we didn't even introduce ourselves! I'm-" I cut him off with "Mickey. Yeah, I know. I'm a big fan! I'm (y/n)". Mickey smiled at me, "i'd like to get to know you. You seem extremely interesting!". "Oh...sure" I squeal eternily.

~time skip~

I'd been with Mickey for a year now, I think we've grown to be great friends. And my fangirlish crush has increased for him. He's such a nice and pure person. He even let me join his circus! He has encouraged me to show my identity instead of conceal it. I have a lot more self confidence thanks to him.

"Mickey!" I yelp as he tackles me in a hug. He chuckles, "can I tell you something?". "Oh...go ahead" I say. He sits next to me, "well....whenever we spend time together, I feel as if we have a special connection, yah know? A..and I wanna just....ask if you feel the same?". I freeze, processing what he just said. A small smile spread across my lips as I hug him, gently pecking a kiss on his cheek. "I love you" I mutter. "Oh, uh, I love you too" he chuckles, hugging back.

(Done! Gosh, I haven't done a Mickey x reader in awhile. Hope you liked it and sorry if it seemed rushed or shit, I don't have a good sleep schedule. :p. Well, see yah in tge next one, bye!).

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